Month: November 2013

Geography and Science

Geography is the science that studies the space, also describes its formation and its transformations. In this way, it searchs to tell to the geographic space and the relation man-nature, relating society and nature. Thus being, it describes landscapes, relives, hidrografias, populations and cultures, that is, it works with natural and human phenomena. The area of performance of geography in the contemporaneidade was extended sufficiently, therefore at other times the gegrafos were limited to especially act it come back to the studies of physical phenomena of the surface of the Land, with passing of the years Geography extended its field of performance, developing research that had as object a great number subjects that said respect to the man and the space, as will see in elapsing of this article. Today, the gegrafo has each time more options in the work market, either it professor, bachelor, researcher or acts more than in one or these fields, since that is perfectly cabvel. The technological advances that had propitiated the modern equipment development to be used for the gegrafos, the example of: software sophisticated for elaboration of maps, that count on the aid of satellites and radars to facilitate and to perfect the collection of data, much collaborated so that the market if still more opened the geography professionals.

Moab Noah

So, the vines began to produce abundant grapes, and Noah came up with the idea of producing a good wine, remembering the old days when he enjoyed drinking in abundance, with its now drowned, friends and neighbors. As usually happens when you abuse the drink, Noah caught a terrible drunk, that was the drunkenness that was seized, which was made to dance naked in his tent, when it comes to dancing, we talk about noise, chants of actions that inevitably would have to draw the attention of others who lived with him, we mean, his wife, his children, his daughters, grandchildren, etc.etc. When I mention this episode, I can not remember what happened to my cousin Lot, son of my uncle Haran, which was of such poor drink that was drunk, his daughters abused him, passed some nights together, alternately clear and original designed for this procedure to Moab and Ben-ammi, not my cousin give cognizance, as is clear from the documents that you have. It is clear that things have not happened that way, I just mentioned, so they can watch informativoa style used by scribes, when tries to minimize the true extent of these actions undoubtedly make very poor showing our relatives, who do not add much in terms of reputation, and seem worthy of justification, even my father's family they were. For far less than what they have done, my cousin Lot and his daughters, many innocent people were cruelly murdered, and their families, literally massacred. But back to the subject of drunkenness of Noah, the drunk to the point of losing the sense of responsibility and decency is something that does not warrant any justification, may have more importance than the character in question, the consequences of their actions can not be attributed to any other person, much less when the scapegoat chosen is none other than his own son.

April Region

Kucheryavyy April 7, 1940 after his death. In Cherikov city a street is named after VD Curly, and at home in Surazh bust in the Alley of Heroes. Potbelly George Ivanovich was born in the village of the village council Fedorovka Nivnyanskogo Surazh district in 1907. For finishing the seven Classes Nivnyanskoy school, he worked at a local farm, served in the Red Army and then worked in the NKVD. Egg pod to the front, GI came in 1941 as commander of a platoon of the 85th separate pontoon bridge battalion of the 61st Army Central Front.

Military rank – lieutenant. From the western border with parts of our army retreated in continuous battles and military unit commanded by our compatriot, George Ivanovitch Egg pod. Special personal courage and heroism displayed by Georgy break defense in the village Ljubech Repkinskogo region Chernigov region, where on the night of October 6, 1943 under enemy fire provided the crossing of our troops in the vanguard Dnieper. And, being wounded, made three more flights on the pontoons, which were ferried across the river further 350 soldiers with weapons. For this brave and courageous act by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on January 15, 1944 Georgy Egg pod was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Despite the wounds received in fights, GI Potbelly continued to fight valiantly against the enemy. For his leadership during the war subordinate military unit, our countryman was awarded the Order of Lenin, World War II degree, the Red Star and many medals.

Space, Work And The Creation Of The Underdeveloped World

The society is the object of study of geography from the moment where the study of the space each space is also the study of the society therefore is a society with proper traces of a certain landscape (what our eyes can see). The relations of work in the capitalist society also are something that deeply was transformed, many think that the current form of relation man-half is something that always existed, however is implicit that under the capitalism the work subordinates it the capital, thus, the relation man-half if it became a relation of constant production and of commerce, impregnating a thought where the man and the nature alone exist for the capital and its accumulation, has it notion of that development is the accumulation of capital and of that work is the more-value production, these are the causes of the loss of the affection for the space. In such a way, the notion that we have today on the concepts of development and subdesenvolvimento concepts bred to leaving are extremely great powers of the time, mainly European England and other countries leave in search of to discover new lands in the planet and is what really they make, taking until the peoples of Asia, Africa and America moments of death and terror, making solid the space spalling. This relation, in first place, assumes the form of a shock between two worlds, between two social systems, two histories and different moments of organization of the social life. As we can perceive, the maritime expansion also expands the European culture for the world, a dominadora culture, with its proper techniques and an increasing search of expansion in order to search raw materials, markets for its products, enslaved man power, etc the notion of subdesenvolvimento in the truth is something created from the moment where the dominant nations if> development, those that lived well according to its culture extremely pass to if becoming dependents of the European, proper parafernlias of a called system developed and socialized. .

Weekly Environmental Newsletters

Topics of issue: The number of forest fires in Russia began to decrease. All Olympic venues Sochi will be a mandatory environmental state examination. Ministry of Natural Resources has named the main problems of Lake Baikal. Dogs protect children from allergies. Consumption of tomatoes – the best prevention of sunburn and wrinkles. Review article The forests on the planet: somewhere stew, cut somewhere, somewhere put … Number of forest fires in Russia began to decrease. All Olympic venues Sochi will Mandatory environmental impact state examination.

Environmentalists Russia favor the creation of new agencies in the field of environmental protection. In Africa, was allowed to shoot elephants, on Sakhalin Island – the bears. The forests on the planet: somewhere cut, somewhere put … In global warming to blame for bugs! The British built an environmentally friendly city of the future and refuse to fly on airplanes. Review of the week from 04.28.2008 to 04.05.2008. —- A short review of the major environmental news for the week. Ministry of Natural Resources has named the main problems of Baikal Natural Resources Minister Yury Trutnev on Tuesday held a second meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Lake Baikal, which discussed the results State environmental monitoring of the Baikal natural territory in 2007.

According to the MEP, the results of monitoring in 2007 showed that the major environmental challenges for the Baikal natural area are to increase the Baikal pulp and paper mill effluents, increased poaching catch omul, as well as building lakeside private homes and recreation departments … —- Dogs protect children from allergies children from birth into contact with domestic dogs, much less likely to have hay fever and other allergies. To such conclusions, the National Center of Environmental Health in Munich as a result of lengthy research involving more than three thousand children … —- Consumption of tomatoes – the best prevention of sunburn and wrinkles on the results of new research, eating a pizza with tomato paste can help prevent burning in the sun and the appearance of premature wrinkles. The study authors found that volunteers who received portions of ordinary tomato paste over 12 weeks, the skin eventually turned out to be less susceptible to sunburn … —- The full texts of these and other news you can get on and mailing in this release: 297 issue a weekly mailing of environmental Subscribe to our mailing list to this page. tags:, environment, news, newsletter

Working with Leaders

At the beginning of the meeting takes the pupils to reflect that the necessary leader to perceive the leadership, that is, must make possible the growth of its group. The leader serves the group, and contrary it and does not put the group looking at for its objectives and if she places in a position to help them to carry through it its goals. The true one to be able comes of the capacity of living its vocation to help the others to grow. The remaining portion is control and position. It is anguish.

It is as a country wanting to dominate the other. It goes to have whenever to increase the pressure, and, when to linger itself, the other is become free. I grow to the measure that I help the people to grow. I am estagnado to the measure that my group is estagnada. The first step somebody to help the others to grow is to revise its concept of being able.

To reflect on as it exerts its power. The detainer of the power manipulates its dependents for the fear. The relations do not flow. It always has a foot behind. The acceptance of a leadership is a feeling that appears spontaneously. The led one needs to be conquered to respect the leader integrally, as its commander and as human being. This is the secret of the real power. Who does not have the capacity to conquer led its, finishes using the force it position to impose and to be obeyed. People influenced for a truth leader act for the collective, of the group.

Popular Mechanics

But if you could not guess – choose the dictionaries and encyclopedias on general subjects. The main thing is do not take anything too much for children and very popular – experts, usually theoretically savvy people, and all sorts of charlatans see through. If the expert – a real bookworm and an incurable bibliophile, and you are very low on money, you can give him an e-book. With this newfangled device it will save a lot of space in the apartment, as well as a lot of money in his own pocket. After all, the book in electronic format fb2 are mere penny than paper counterparts, and the place and does not hold. A special screen of this device – the so-called "Electronic ink" – is specially designed for reading, so that your eyes will suffer far less damage than, for example, when reading from a computer monitor.

If the selection of books put you to a dead end – select subscribe to the magazine. "Around the World," "Popular Mechanics" and other similar publications and experts will be pleased, and their younger children smart. Search for unconventional solutions, and loved by connoisseurs guessing even more than ready-made facts and solutions. So look for a beautiful gift puzzles and quizzes. Classic Pentamino, Tangramom and Rubik's Cube "expert" is hardly surprised (though who knows, maybe he wants to indulge in nostalgia, and just that Cube itself is not enough for happiness). Here catamine, Neokub, various Smart Games have about a novelty, and it is possible that a connoisseur will a lot of pleasant moments, adding yet another puzzle, and remembering who gave it to him a gift.

Mist Nicaragua

Brief History: The first of January we had an invitation from our friend Maria Rizo Nicaragua. It was a much awaited event for us because that day would have the opportunity to learn how to prepare the meat in Mist, a typical dish of Nicaragua. That day we learned the closely guarded secrets of her mother Mrs Rosalpina Rizo who lives in Nicaragua and came to Miami to spend their vacations and take this opportunity to show us this succulent dish. Many thanks to our friend Mary and a million more to his mother Mrs Rosalpina. This is the recipe of the week.

Nicaraguan dish with strong indigenous roots. In Nicaragua, many families celebrate with a delicious whiff meetings as the main course, also Nicaraguans prefer during the holidays. The secret of this dish is marinating the meat the day before, cooking over medium heat for 2-3 hours and careful wrapping of banana leaf into the pan where you cook the meat. Ingredients: 4 pounds of corned beef brisket or 3 ripe bananas 3 green plantains peeled and cut into 3 pieces ea 3 yuca, peeled and cut into large pieces 6 Units chorizo. 1 package of banana leaves or 12 sheets.

2 tomatoes, sliced apple, finely chopped 1 for the sauce for 2 large onions, sliced, 1 finely chopped for the sauce to a large red Pimento, cut into thick julienne, 1 for for the sauce minced 1 large green pepper cut into Julian Thick, minced 1 to 2 for the sauce Juice of one sour orange, one for the sauce. 2 tablespoons vinegar, 4 tablespoons for sauce 1 / 4 cup water for 6 Units Pepper sauce or sweet chili sauce for minced head of garlic and / or 8 cloves peeled and crushed for marinating meat Salt and pepper to the marinade and sauce 1 teaspoon of sugar to the sauce Preparation: Marinate or marinate the meat with garlic, salt, pepper, onion, tomato, vinegar and sour orange juice . Wash banana leaves, dried, then take a large bowl and cover with part of the banana leaves. Then put the meat on them yet the marinade. Form a package and allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 24 hours. The next day, place a rack in a pan. Add water, but within the grid and put banana leaves on it, making what they call a bed or wrapped. Place on banana leaves and on these, the meat package with all the juice from the marinade; Add the yuca previously seasoned with salt, then place the peppers and cover with more banana leaves. Cover the pan tightly so that steam does not escape, and cook for 2 hours. Finally, uncover, place the sausages on the leaves, cover again and cook another hour. To prepare the sauce, take a bowl or small container, put the remaining tomatoes, finely chopped, the remaining onion, peeled and finely chopped, minced remaining peppers, remaining orange juice, vinegar, remaining water, sugar, salt and pepper to taste, pepper to taste if desired or spicy chili. Mix all ingredients well to dissolve sugar and salt. Tips: When serving each dish, cut the meat slices more or fewer partners and serve staggered and sides place a piece of ripe banana, green plantain another, a piece of cassava, a sausage, a strip of each pepper. Place the sauce in a single glass plate and place inside or you can wash the dish with the sauce.

Vichy Thermal Spa

Holiday, sun, vacation, travel – what, if not with the summer associate these magic words. Now rest in certain places in our country has become much more expensive than abroad. In the first place – is inexplicably high prices for housing – Up to 50% higher than in foreign countries. If you like an exotic vacation, Chile you enjoy the most. This country can offer you all the known types of tourism: Ecotourism, skiing, fishing, hiking, recreation on the lakes, many kilometers of beaches, cruises. One of the last wild corners of the earth – the pearl of tourism in Chile – Patagonia tours – in this beautiful place will surprise you with a unique natural topography, beautiful scenery, plenty of unique plants. In addition, the Chilean Patagonia has not been an invasion of people and remains the most environmentally friendly place on the planet.

If you want to spend a holiday not only entertaining but also useful for yourself, you enjoy the health resorts. They can not only relax wonderfully, but also improve their physical condition. Italian spa resort of Abano Terme, located in the Veneto region, is part of one of the world's largest thermal baths. Therapeutic mud spa thoroughly mature in 2 months that they have acquired their own unique healing properties. In the resort of Abano Terme rest every year about 60 thousand tourists from around the world with such indications as: rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, abnormal metabolism, overweight, low immunity, stress and overwork. Another Italian medical Spa – Montecatini Terme.

He is an amazing place in Tuscany. Feature of this resort – its unique water that is saturated with different components and the most similar in composition to human fluids. Therapeutic muds are ripe for even longer – up to 2 years. The main specialization of the resort of Montecatini Terme – renal failure, bowel, stomach, liver failure, digestive disorders. Beautiful Vichy Thermal Spa, located in central France near Paris, is famous healing mineral waters. It was the resort of Vichy is the most qualified in the world for the treatment of hepatitis. It is very well developed infrastructure – the most beautiful parks and the racecourse.

Obesity In Our Pets

Many pet owners think their pet is not overweight have a problem. However, the truth is that obesity in pets pose serious health risks and it is something which vets are seeing more and more. In fact, recent statistics show that obese and overweight pets are more common than those of normal weight. Being obese means that more demands are placed on every organ in the body of your pet, stress is placed on joints and bones, and your pet is in a higher risk for a number of diseases and health concerns such as: * cancer * diabetes * liver disease * lameness * common conditions such as arthritis and hip dysplasia * pancreatitis * surgical and anesthetic risks growing * skin conditions including acne in cats * wheezing and respiratory disease * heart disease * Blood Pressure digestive problems * high * impaired immune function * heat intolerance list of concerns for obesity and health is long. In addition to shortening life, pets are obese generally have a poorer quality of life. They tend to be inactive because even the basic actions are consumers of energy and vigor. They spend lots of time with the uncomfortable feeling that can lead to increased irritability and depressed mood. so you think your pet is obese, now is the time for action! What causes obesity? In nature, there is a natural balance between food intake and energy expenditure. The animals must search for food, energy-consuming task, and the food we eat is low in fat and sugar.