Month: February 2013

Buenos Aires

Exactly understanding the polygamy as consequence of the reactionary and prejudiced familiar representation, Pagu suffered. Its suffering is rational, leaves clearly that &#039 preferred this the mercy; ' It felt my affection attacked violently, but it had the immense gratitude for the brutality of the franqueza. Still today my gratefulness goes for the man who offended never me by piedade.' ' (p 63). It wanted love, Oswald had admiration to it. To the speech of the Rud son the text assumes something poetical/philosophical. At the same time where it demonstrates the maternal love that overflows, shows to all the fears of a unsafe woman, tortured in a marriage without love and a life of appearances. It has a insatisfao with its life without real, intense intentions. She is in this context of personal misfortune that its necessity of fight appears.

Through its contacts with the intellectuality, part for Montevidu, later for Buenos Aires where it has programmed a meeting with You give, leaving Oswald and the son. It had little knowledge on the marxist doctrine, but it looks for in You give some answers for its searches. Its impressions in relation to the select group of intellectuals in which she is inserted in Argentina are well unexpected, therefore it says that, although to live between them, she considered them srdidos, alleges that waited much more of ' ' more alive sector of the South America ' ' (p 73). Its meeting with You give does not happen, comes back on account to Brazil of health problems of the son, but it retakes its interest for the communism, having Oswald as accompanying. Exactly without much knowledge and certainty, they had created the periodical Common man who on account did not survive of processes and retaliation. They make an auto-exile and they follow together for Montevidu where Pagu, finally, if finds with Luis Carlos Gives.

Great Interest

Not with the intention to investigate nor to criticize them, but to know clearly in what we can help them, like we can take them to the Word of God and that knows that wonderful God more and more. He remembers that he says us to the Bible that the Shepherd knows his ewes. But in addition having a knowledge of our public, helps us to put us in its place, imagining to us same seated in one of the seats listening to us themselves preaching the message. 2. It wakes up A Great Interest By Your Message.

It is in the introduction of the message where we notify good to him to our listener that the Subject that we are going to develop with complete certainty presents/displays the solution to him for its problem. And we must know that the majority of the problems of the people if not all, begin with a spiritual necessity. In addition, also you can read this if you wish to know about ” Conclusion of the Mensaje” 3. It reads the Biblical passage of an Expressive way. It thinks about this, for example, if you are going to read the bible in San Juan 3:16 which is the Complete expression of the Love of God. Imagnate reading this passage as if you were reading a newspaper, with monotony, without emotion some, varying the tone, neither the force nor the rate, seems to you boring. We must remember whenever the Word of God is Alive and as Real as to change the life of the people! Taking very into account these advice, turning them into habits that are going to help to you in your preaching, I can asegurarte the enormous satisfaction that you are going to feel each time that you read that one passage that says our work in the Gentleman is not in vain. Also I recommend to you that you read: ” How To preach ” For the first time; That God Ahead continues to you blessing and in your ministry!


As already it was seen, this revelation can be given of many forms, also not receiving formularization verbal some. But it still involves a creation of what it discloses: the man. The Psychoanalysis well similar to the one After-estruturalismo, or better, I do not say fellow creature, but that they are completed. It says that the language is what it empties the being in the desire, to empty itself by means of the language. This is literature.

If to be here arguing what it is Literature, perhaps let us not arrive the sentiz it and nor the definiz it, if it is that we can arrive at a definition to its height! Umberto Echo comes to confirm this idea when pronouncing that: he is correct to say that the scholars of literature would not have to give themselves to the work to try to understand as literature functions, but must enjoy it or only have it with the hope to find one livcro that it changes its life. (p.142) I believe that true literature is the text in its multiple revelations, when I say text I do not want to only say the written text, but the text that we are. I, you, the human being, the universe, all am literature. As Frei Betto says: Nobody is only the person that we see. It is much more: one to be that it loads a life history and it brings in its subjectivity marks, feelings and emotions, knowledge and yearnings, make that it to exceed any judgment that of it can make. We form ourselves for the language and this finishes for transforming ours I, our being. The life that is literature is made of moments, of many moments. Some glad, happy ones, it seems to be floating of as much slightness and happiness. It has some moments where a volcanic force takes account of our being, and as the larva that leaves the volcano, the tears sprout of my eyes and fall.