Exactly understanding the polygamy as consequence of the reactionary and prejudiced familiar representation, Pagu suffered. Its suffering is rational, leaves clearly that ' preferred this the mercy; ' It felt my affection attacked violently, but it had the immense gratitude for the brutality of the franqueza. Still today my gratefulness goes for the man who offended never me by piedade.' ' (p 63). It wanted love, Oswald had admiration to it. To the speech of the Rud son the text assumes something poetical/philosophical. At the same time where it demonstrates the maternal love that overflows, shows to all the fears of a unsafe woman, tortured in a marriage without love and a life of appearances. It has a insatisfao with its life without real, intense intentions. She is in this context of personal misfortune that its necessity of fight appears.
Through its contacts with the intellectuality, part for Montevidu, later for Buenos Aires where it has programmed a meeting with You give, leaving Oswald and the son. It had little knowledge on the marxist doctrine, but it looks for in You give some answers for its searches. Its impressions in relation to the select group of intellectuals in which she is inserted in Argentina are well unexpected, therefore it says that, although to live between them, she considered them srdidos, alleges that waited much more of ' ' more alive sector of the South America ' ' (p 73). Its meeting with You give does not happen, comes back on account to Brazil of health problems of the son, but it retakes its interest for the communism, having Oswald as accompanying. Exactly without much knowledge and certainty, they had created the periodical Common man who on account did not survive of processes and retaliation. They make an auto-exile and they follow together for Montevidu where Pagu, finally, if finds with Luis Carlos Gives.