Month: September 2016

World Football

Football in the Czech Republic appeared in the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The first mention of it relates to 1885. As follows from the set of football rules, published in 1890 in a Czech magazine, football in the Czech Republic in those times had a lot to do with rugby. Two of the oldest and most popular clubs in the Czech Republic – Sparta and Slavia – were founded in the first half of the 90-ies of the xix century in Prague. Club ac Sparta was founded in 1893, and sk Slavia was founded a year later. The first Prague derby was held on 29 th March 1895 and ended in victory for Sparta 1:0. A total of 257 meetings between these teams won 118 Sparta, 80 – "Slavia", and 59 meetings ended in a draw. The first international match Czech footballers held in 1899 in Prague. Then Slavia played in zero draw with the team of Berlin and the English team lost 0:3 Oxford University.


Began to emerge by the year 2007 and had fallen the night in Colombia. In a stadium Paraguayan youth national team was recovering from a difficult first half against Argentina and in a day of good football and special category, the boys rallied and turned to the scoreboard. History will show Colombia as winner of that game by two goals to one. In addition to the game a goal was well made, the kind that football fans are ready to celebrate, no matter who has already done so please tell which team. Figure doubt the match: Juan Pablo Pino midfielder whose performance was outstanding. Then the team lost to Uruguay and won with difficulty against Ecuador and Venezuela. In the first round was in first place, but not convinced.

It was a fact: the national team was the weakest of how many had obtained their final round qualifiers. And its fragility was stripped successively by Chileans, Uruguayans and Paraguayans. Finally Colombia would be eliminated almost unnoticed Although the format of the tournament was to classify four of the six teams competing. In the end only two would be eliminated and … Colombia was one of them! Where was our problem? The problem of Colombians, not just in sports but in other areas, is their attitude. Which is why our young people fought to the end to win a ball, hence delivering the ball to an opponent after you have recovered, which is why they give up too soon. The attitude is a favorable or unfavorable reaction to something or someone, which is manifested in our actions.

And, although not sorry to say, sometimes we lose because we believe more than others and others that we see very large obstacles. The day we improve the attitude we will be happy celebrating goals and triumphs. Inside and outside the court.

Best Deal

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The result of the rational use of cosmetics is the assessment of 'work' make-up – visible results. – Noted for yourself whether you are unique Cosmetics 'DeSheli'? – Uniqueness of cosmetics 'DeSheli' is to a large number of medicinal properties of natural ingredients, as well as in the presence of some intelligent crystals that enhance the impact cosmetics. – What are the wishes you want to leave the manufacturers of cosmetic lines 'DeSheli'? – I would like to see the continuation and expansion of production, such as a line of care for problem skin prone to acne. And to you, as representatives of cosmeceutical companies, want to further successful development and prosperity! Lysova Natalia aesthetists cosmetologist beauty "Riviera" – Natalia, say, please, what you value the properties in cosmetics? – Cosmetics should be clean, moisturize and protect. Before you appreciate good makeup or not, I look at the composition. Pay attention to the following components: antioxidants – Vitamin C and E, hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and others.

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