The society is the object of study of geography from the moment where the study of the space each space is also the study of the society therefore is a society with proper traces of a certain landscape (what our eyes can see). The relations of work in the capitalist society also are something that deeply was transformed, many think that the current form of relation man-half is something that always existed, however is implicit that under the capitalism the work subordinates it the capital, thus, the relation man-half if it became a relation of constant production and of commerce, impregnating a thought where the man and the nature alone exist for the capital and its accumulation, has it notion of that development is the accumulation of capital and of that work is the more-value production, these are the causes of the loss of the affection for the space. In such a way, the notion that we have today on the concepts of development and subdesenvolvimento concepts bred to leaving are extremely great powers of the time, mainly European England and other countries leave in search of to discover new lands in the planet and is what really they make, taking until the peoples of Asia, Africa and America moments of death and terror, making solid the space spalling. This relation, in first place, assumes the form of a shock between two worlds, between two social systems, two histories and different moments of organization of the social life. As we can perceive, the maritime expansion also expands the European culture for the world, a dominadora culture, with its proper techniques and an increasing search of expansion in order to search raw materials, markets for its products, enslaved man power, etc the notion of subdesenvolvimento in the truth is something created from the moment where the dominant nations if> development, those that lived well according to its culture extremely pass to if becoming dependents of the European, proper parafernlias of a called system developed and socialized. .