Month: July 2019

Bridges Between

‘Bridging cultures’ – intercultural project work in Berlin and Brandenburg schools through the medial development of recent decades are often seemingly just a mouse click away far away countries and continents. In times of increasing globalisation the world closer together economically. But what about the social relationships between people of different cultures? Through the direct examination of specific incidents and specific problems of other cultures can be mined fears and understanding built up. Moreover, their own approaches and project ideas can be developed. Exactly this aim of the intercultural education project in bridging cultures”. From September 5 to October 28, 2011, the project at some Berlin and Brandenburg performed schools. The pupils and students aged 16-20 years, get a direct insight into ways of life, traditions and customs, but also in the through the speakers from Asia, Africa and Latin America, development problems of other countries and cultures.

In group work, students are then challenged on the basis of the information received to discuss causes and effects and to develop their own creative solutions. In addition to the content dispute, is also the language support of young people in the focus of the project. During the workshops, the communication takes place in English. Learn more about this with Emmanuel Faber. So should be given the opportunity the participating pupils and students, to test their acquired language skills outside of teaching. The project was carried out in the last year with great success. From September until November 2010 more than 400 pupils and students attended high schools and senior high schools seven Berlin and Brandenburg in the project. The three speakers from the countries of Brazil, China and Cameroon enthusiastic young people with personal stories from their countries and discussed with them issues such as corruption, crime, human rights, Diseases and food safety. In the following group work phase of the workshops, students developed their own ideas as including the security seal for imports of food from China to Europe or even role play with scenes from the life of young people in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

Initiator of the project is the Germans and Cameroon hope Foundation Business Association. It was founded in 2001 with the aim to promote the development of society and to alleviate poverty in the rural areas of Cameroon. The Association carries out projects and events in Germany and Cameroon in the areas of education and health, human rights and the water and sanitation. The project Bridging cultures”, bridges to other cultures, overcome language barriers, and raise awareness for the problems of other people about the country’s own borders. The students of today are the decision makers of tomorrow’s our society, so the elucidation of this Age groups are promoted. The hope Foundation e.V. is looking for the implementation of this and other projects still sponsors participating in the financing. If you or your company want to engage, or simply learn more about the work of the Organization, they can inform themselves on the website or directly contact via phone at 030 / 544 60 643. Contact: Hope Foundation e.V. Axel-Springer str. 54b 10117 Berlin 030 / 544 60 643

Menu Planning

We are closer as they spend a special day as a family cooking these meals. This is an excellent lesson in home economics for their children. Mother always has the most girls plan the menu, shopping list, and the strategy for the day of cooking. We often do grocery shopping, too. Planning Proper planning is essential for a successful cooking day. Usually start to plan at least one week in advance. Sonny Perdue understood the implications. First, choose which day is the day of cooking.

Clear your daily program. You want to focus their energies entirely on cooking. Menu Planning: After you have chosen the day to cook, start planning the menu. Go through your cookbooks and find recipes suitable for freezing. Strive for variety. My list usually includes: dinner plate, meatloaf, meatballs, layered casseroles, soups, chili, hamburgers, meatless dishes, and so on.

Make sure you include a number of family favorites, plus new recipes that you can try. You do not want to fill the freezer with meals for her family will not find appetizing! When you enter the menu and be sure to write the cookbook and page number the recipe came from. Also, check if you are planning to double or triple the recipe. Make your shopping list: Using the menu list, enter the quantities of the ingredients for each recipe. I like to categorize as an ingredient in five to seven different lists (meats, vegetables, cheese, pasta, spices, etc.). Take these lists and combine all ingredients in a final list. For example, if there are fifteen recipes calling for a pound of ground beef, write "15 pounds of ground beef" in their final shopping list.

Learning For Life

Certain time, a man who liked to help the people started to teach everything what it had learned during its life. But, nor all the people heard who it to speak believed its teachings. One day, a boy who listened to always it asked: – Why he loses you time with people who do not want to learn? the wise man said to it: – Why the young does not listen to its parents? Same that its children do not listen, why the parents continue to teach? Mine filhinho, God also in says the all moment to them, but we have difficulty of listening and we ignore even though it. It says in them with the wind, the nature, with the sun, the moon and the stars. Then, the boy said: Ah! I also want to understand the language of God! On this day the man was hours teaching some things on as God had created everything and as it communicated itself with the men. The boy was so made an impression with what he was learning that invited in the following day its amiguinhos. thus every day the teachings of that wise man had many children listening.

He passed some time and that man perceived that now the children not only were to also listen to it with its parents. Then it spoke to all: when one wants something of truth, God in its infinite wisdom and goodness in the aid to reach what we want since that our objective is noble. The love of God is infinite, us we were made its image and similarity and It want that let us be happy. The more we are happy more easily we obtain what we want, therefore the God pleases that it is that let us have abundance, prosperity and happiness. When this man finished all was astonished and already they had plain of as to change the route of its lives. After some time this wise man who already was with advanced age died, but that one cidadezinha already was not same therefore the conscience of that all we can have a better life with abundance, health and prosperity made with that the city grew and if became the one metropolis and all had become happyer for the ticket of that wise man on the land. All in that city that one day listened to its wise words can pass it others and thus the people had knowledge of that man who at the beginning did not have nobody that had given importance to it until the child gave importance to it. The man who if leans over in its problems: he multiplies it, the ones that foca in its happiness wins all the obstacles.

Orient Express

Station interesting, not a modern one, the station is a small museum 'Orient Express'. We went to Topkapi Palace Park, but decided it still did not have time to work around it to walk on the boat, put off the next day. We got to the Aya Sophia – the former patriarch of the Orthodox Cathedral, which was then rebuilt in the mosque. Now it has long been a museum. The cathedral is striking in size and mosaics.

We sat in the square between the cathedral and the Blue Mosque. Danone wanted to know more. Very nice, all in color. Walked around the Blue Mosque, looked at the schedule. Not at any time it can just enter. Hike into the postponed later.

It was already time for the boat. Swam for about two hours. Very sincerely, look at the bridges over the Bosphorus. At first worried that not time to take a seat at the boards, but then they were freed because the weather was not hot, but blown away by boat, so all moved closer to the center, so that pofotkat still failed. In the summer, probably in some places is more complicated. After boat ride back to the Blue Mosque. I did not expect that it will impress me so much. Inside, everything is very beautiful. And as far as I am far from Islam and religion in general, but inside the mosque are able to complete appeasement. So there is light and easy. People sit on the floor (carpet on the floor, be sure to take off one's shoes at the entrance), think, read books. To me there was good, too, wanted to sit and think. Even a book has read in educational purposes. In the evening still had time to go to the Basilica Cistern. It seems that the time has already been closed, but it turned out that tickets are still selling. There is unusual. Cool and damp, but as a fairy. We got to the room, fell to sleep. I wanted to sit on the balcony, view of the Bosphorus, it was cold. They say, next to Taksim Square, live bad, very noisy, impossible to sleep. Nothing that I can not remember, the truth may be here just a window overlooking the Bosphorus, helped. That is such a rich day turned out. Myself wondering how so much time to. Although not quiet the next day would call …

Working From Home: Quality Of Life

Work from home online, jobs at home, work half time, positioning, paid surveys, affiliate programs. Who knows how many times have heard you these words, and I think that in the future the escuchara always more often. Let me explain to you the because. The world is changing. In recent years thanks to the expansion of the internet millions of people have improved their lifestyle.

These people have achieved their dreams and are today working from the comfort of their homes become entrepreneurs themselves. This situation brings rigged enormous advantages for these people. And what are these advantages? Think a little in the following. If you work at home, it would no longer have to spend money and waste time on transport to their work, their working hours would be that you decide, you could choose that niche market or sector undertake their activity. The main advantage is that you could choose a very productive and profitable market niche and this would translate into sales and cash in your pocket, and this without counting the high earnings you could achieve. Of course much more than a simple salary. But how can you benefit personally from work from home? and above all, what are the steps you must take to make money online? Discover all about here original author and source of the article online business