‘Bridging cultures’ – intercultural project work in Berlin and Brandenburg schools through the medial development of recent decades are often seemingly just a mouse click away far away countries and continents. In times of increasing globalisation the world closer together economically. But what about the social relationships between people of different cultures? Through the direct examination of specific incidents and specific problems of other cultures can be mined fears and understanding built up. Moreover, their own approaches and project ideas can be developed. Exactly this aim of the intercultural education project in bridging cultures”. From September 5 to October 28, 2011, the project at some Berlin and Brandenburg performed schools. The pupils and students aged 16-20 years, get a direct insight into ways of life, traditions and customs, but also in the through the speakers from Asia, Africa and Latin America, development problems of other countries and cultures.
In group work, students are then challenged on the basis of the information received to discuss causes and effects and to develop their own creative solutions. In addition to the content dispute, is also the language support of young people in the focus of the project. During the workshops, the communication takes place in English. Learn more about this with Emmanuel Faber. So should be given the opportunity the participating pupils and students, to test their acquired language skills outside of teaching. The project was carried out in the last year with great success. From September until November 2010 more than 400 pupils and students attended high schools and senior high schools seven Berlin and Brandenburg in the project. The three speakers from the countries of Brazil, China and Cameroon enthusiastic young people with personal stories from their countries and discussed with them issues such as corruption, crime, human rights, Diseases and food safety. In the following group work phase of the workshops, students developed their own ideas as including the security seal for imports of food from China to Europe or even role play with scenes from the life of young people in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.
Initiator of the project is the Germans and Cameroon hope Foundation Business Association. It was founded in 2001 with the aim to promote the development of society and to alleviate poverty in the rural areas of Cameroon. The Association carries out projects and events in Germany and Cameroon in the areas of education and health, human rights and the water and sanitation. The project Bridging cultures”, bridges to other cultures, overcome language barriers, and raise awareness for the problems of other people about the country’s own borders. The students of today are the decision makers of tomorrow’s our society, so the elucidation of this Age groups are promoted. The hope Foundation e.V. is looking for the implementation of this and other projects still sponsors participating in the financing. If you or your company want to engage, or simply learn more about the work of the Organization, they can inform themselves on the website or directly contact via phone at 030 / 544 60 643. Contact: Hope Foundation e.V. Axel-Springer str. 54b 10117 Berlin 030 / 544 60 643