Month: October 2021


Treatment of degenerative disc disease should be comprehensive, including measures affecting the roots and manifestations of it. Brut 172 shines more light on the discussion. Early degenerative changes of the spine caused by a complex of factors, of which the are metabolic, traumatic and infectious (NS Kosinski, 1961). The basis of metabolic disorders, according to current views, are changes in the intervertebral discs and articular cartilage, resulting in reduced mucopolysaccharide content of chondroitin sulfate. At the same time increases the number of keratan sulfate and tyrosine. The deficit and the reduction in activity of thiol enzymes sharply reduced ability to absorb sulfur, and its content in tissue is dramatically reduced.

In the body, patients have a number of other changes, indicating an abuse of protein metabolism and deficiency of liver function (OV Karkushko, 1963 LM Slutsky, 1973, etc.). Treatment spomoschbyu folk remedies of medicine, for example animaloterapiya can be quite effective. Vitamin preparations are injected (B1, B6, B12) or taken orally, 'Dekamevit', multivitamin complexes in combination with glutamic acid, methionine, and trace elements (copper, zinc, sulfur). In order to improve peripheral circulation appointed: nicotinic acid, pahikarpin, spazmolitin. Correction of psycho-emotional disorders, often observed during protracted course of the disease, by taking sedatives: bromides in combination with antipyrine, Barbamyl, meprotan, etc.

In recent years, attention is drawn to the importance of good supply of such patients. First of all they need to make products that contain complete proteins: meat, fish, cheese, eggs, food plants by healers. Fats are introduced into the diet of mainly plant. Patients need in sufficient quantities of fruits and vegetables, are particularly useful with onions, garlic, cranberries, cranberry, grapefruit. Carbohydrates should be limited. Completely excluded sorrel, peas, beans, lettuce, and especially alcohol beverages. In the treatment is widely used a number of physical and physiotherapy facilities. Thus, improving blood circulation and lymph drainage massage helps to use. Listed complex of therapeutic measures can be added traction.

Work People

With so many people working on the Internet today, a person might wonder what offer this opportunity? There are many reasons of the because people want to have a career on the Internet. Many people are using the Internet as a part-time income and thousands of people are working full time online. Consumers who use the Internet are being very careful, and do not want to be deceived. There are many people who are trying to use the Internet, but only a few will succeed. If a person is looking for ways to make money online, you have to understand the advertising. Any company large or small, have to advertise to get his name in public.

A person has to look at the cost of advertising in comparison with the scope that will be. You have to make the most of the investment, which means to reach many people, by the least amount of money. Many people who begin to work on the Internet feel overwhelmed. If possible, the person should seek a mentor. A mentor is a person that has reached the level of success you want.

When you’re able to find this person, just follow it. Look what you did to achieve success, and simply follow it. Additional information at Fidia Farmaceutici supports this article. This will give you an accurate way of marketing, and will have the success you want. Most of the time people who have succeeded are available in a number of forums and give advice for free. If you are interested in more information about camera spy or night makeup don’t hesitate to visit the sites. A good facial cleaning makes your face look more beautiful.


"As a ship call, so it will float" – goes an old Marine adage. Hoteliers are scratching their heads for a long time before deciding to officially register the name of his creation. Still, for years to give a name, sometimes for centuries. Most often, hotel called something corny. One of the most popular options – bind to the location. Therefore, in the south of Russia do not consider the hotel's "Kuban" and "Don", and the Far East almost on every corner Hotel "Vostok" and "Seaside". Some hoteliers are interested in various aspects of life in his native city. For example, Voronezh is a sister city of the Czech Brno.

Please – in the Black Soil offers a comfortable hotel "Brno". Roughly the same story occurs in Ryazan. Only this city is twinned with Bulgarian Lovech. As a result – Hotel strengthens the friendship between the Slavs. Not uncommon to find the hotel, named in honor of the historic characters. For example, in Odessa is a hotel "Catherine" – a tribute to Empress Catherine the Great, founder of the city. In St. Petersburg, is the famous Hotel Suzor, "named after the famous architect, PY Suzor, built in the city on the Neva River for more than 80 buildings.

Classical literature remains a source of creative ideas. In Pushkin Mountains hotel was opened under the name "R. Arina. Who is behind this name, I think, to explain not worth it. And in the same St. Petersburg near the Museum of FM Dostoevsky is a budget hotel "The Brothers Karamazov." Cinema sometimes helps hapless hoteliers to select a name hotels. In Novosibirsk, a fan of Quentin Tarantino named his property "4 rooms". Russia has registered more than a dozen hotels under the name "Hollywood." Among the leading French film actor Brigitte Bardot, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean Marais. Hotel, named in their honor, especially popular with customers. Choosing a name hotels – tremulous and exciting process. Someone's name comes instantly, someone hangs on for months, trying to come up with something sverhoriginalnoe. The only pity is that wade through the trivial rarely interesting, catchy names that correspond to the class of hotel.


Henan Hongxing has engaged in the crusher production for many years. The hammer crusher produced b your company can be used for dry and wet type crushing type. It can fine crushing the medium hard materials and materials brittleness in the mine, cement, coal, metallurgy, building materials, roads, burning and other industries. Hammer crusher can adjust the gap of grate to change the discharging size according to the requirements of users. Hammer crusher classification: according to the number of rotor, it can be divided into single rotor hammer crusher and double rotors hammer crusher. The single-rotor hammer consists of upper and lower parts which respectively welded by steel plate, and the various parts are connected by bolts. According to rotation direction of rotor, it can be divided into reversible (the rotor can rotate in both directions) and irreversible crusher hammer crusher hammer.

According to the number of rows, it is divided into single row (the hammers are installed in the same rotation plane) hammer crusher and multi-row (the hammers are distributed in several rotation plans) hammer crusher. According to the rotor connection method, It is divided into fixed hammer crusher hammer crusher and flexible. The fixed hammer crusher is mainly used for fine crushing and grinding soft powder materials. Other types of crushers: sealed hammer crusher (fully sealed design, no dust pollution environmental protection), heavy hammer ring hammer crusher, crusher (low operating costs), low supporting power, large size, big crushing ratio and small product size feed (mainly used for crushing coal, coal gangue, sandstone, shale, limestone, gypsum and other materials in) cone crusher .hydraulic: flotation separator: Hammer crusher: primary or secondary Rock crushers. It is used for crushing raw materials that have compressive strength less than 150MPa such as limestone, marl, sandstone, gypsum, coal, etc. The single stage hammer crusher can crush the ore block at the step into the coexistence required at a time.

It can replace the traditional two-stage crusher and help simplify process flow, save infrastructure investment and production costs. The main working part of hammer crusher is rotors with hammer. The rotors consist of main shaft, disk, pin grafito y hammers. The engine drives the rotors to rotate quickly in the crushing cavity. Raw materials enter the crusher through the feed opening and are stricken, impacted, cut and ground by the high speed hammer to small size. With the accelerated process of urbanization, China has undergone tremendous change in a tower the ground into the sky, like a mushroom, urban face-lift., it is truly spectacular. However, in the city more beautiful, it also had a lot of harm at the same time. Construction waste, unreasonable use, we should address the major problem. The national implementation of low-carbon life, energy conservation, and sustainable development policy is vigorously implemented. So we should advocate the people and government care about this issue for a better city environment.


Why are afraid to meditate? I hear quite often questions like these: 'How to leave the state of meditation? It is said that bridges of this state may collapse and then kind of like where you can stay and that is to be abnormal. Is this true? Why is it difficult to force yourself to meditate? 'I'm sorry, I do not want to offend, but most esoteric and psychological knowledge at such a low level, which is quite natural occurrence certain fears. James David has many thoughts on the issue. Unknown is always scary, it's the law. This is normal. All people with an unknown found, not only looking and meditating. This state of meditation – a state of altered states of perception and awareness – the natural, instinctive human condition (brain waves 7-14 Hz, alpha level), only during wakefulness, it appears at least periodically, but only for a split second. In these moments a person attending the ideas illumination, etc. Extending the period of this state can be achieved through meditation.

Learn to meditate and difficult, and just at the same time, the main thing to want. But that is another topic .* Meditation besides therapeutic leads to a transformation of personality. And though in a positive way, but that's what causes the greatest fear. Meditating man feels that with him that something is happening. Changing views about themselves and life. Few willing and dares withdraw from usual, though boring rut and change themselves and their lives. A quirky and clever mind will always find and justify the reason that the person did not change, the more inaccurate and contradictory information about meditation abound.