Month: July 2013


Little can be done for prepares children to as devastating news for them such as the breaking of a few parents. The same separation or divorce are unexpected developments for the couple, who despite noted a deterioration in their relationship always hopes that somehow this dynamic change and everything fix, until you come to a point this is evidenced as an impossibility. In many cases focused on their own pain and abatement by the failure of their relationship, parents are not able to warn the sadness of their children before the new life that have started. Although it is inevitable, yes it is possible for parents to try to connect emotionally with their children and facilitate their journey by the pain, so that its impact will be minimal. What is there to try to convey to the children in this dark period? In addition to that children have always present that his parents will be there, come what may, it is precise that they are aware of that loss is a part of life, that it is inevitable and the only alternative is overcome it and face the future with a smile. In any case, if children notice how, despite what happened, both parents are there for them; gradually that pain and that feeling of loss shall be mitigating, and come a time in which accepted quite naturally and without reservations that new situation. But for this you must understand, firstly, multiple losses posed a double break for a small:-firstly, the child is exposed to a minor living with both parents. Already you may not have recourse to both anytime and probably his contacts with some of them reduce the fixed regime of visits (except in cases of shared custody).

-On the other hand, the distancing with respect to certain relatives could take place. In effect, the child might end up throwing less to his uncles, cousins and, especially, his grandparents. -Could even take place a change in the residence of one of the parents, which motivate to your After a change of school, with the consequent need for the child make new friends, precisely at a time of your life special shyness and withdrawal as a result of the breakup of their parents. Minimize and even avoid all these signs of loss will be in your hands and your former partner. Sean which were the reasons that led you to materialize your separation or divorce, try to that not affected more than necessary to your little ones. Keep in mind that they are the weakest and who could therefore largely suffering the effects of your break. Try to understand their feelings and listen to their doubts, their grievances and concerns. It will help them enormously.

Myths Of The Land Market .

Every sphere of activity of human society has its own stereotypes and their mythology. Not escaped this fate and the Russian land market. In this article we highlight some of the deep-rooted misconceptions and beliefs which are often guided by our fellow citizens in solving the pressing land question. Considered cases are based on the actual practice of the client to our company, so we can safely talk about their relevance for today. As the remarks should be noted shortcomings of the Russian land legislation, the possibility of a dual interpretation of many of its provisions, which allows officials to delay the solution of many problems or make ambiguous regulations, not in facilitating clearance of necessary documents. Moreover, often, the citizens themselves, unknowingly, make it difficult for a process described above, based on incomplete or inaccurate information. The purpose of this article – to help readers sort out the opportunities available in the land market and expose some of its myths.

Everyone who has ever engaged in registration of land ownership or the preparation of documents to deal with him, knows that one of the required documents be a seller of land is cadastral passport site (formerly called the cadastral plan). geodesic Hundreds of organizations are ready to offer its services on its production and work on surveying the land. Their prices start at 2000 rubles for a small plot for gardening, to tens of thousands of tracts of agricultural land. Turning to him, you never hear from the staff of these firms no word on what or for titling property, or for subsequent transactions, surveying the site is not a mandatory procedure and get yourself cadastral passport you can own, in Cadastral Chamber of its area in the middle ten days after treatment, having spent a penny and no amount of waiting times at the end of six months surveying.


The icy winds of winter in the French countryside bring out even more the absence of the beautiful colorful flowers year after year flood valleys and mountains with exquisite perfumes, and as she is (or will) the exception, we all await with excitement. When the last tear of ice disappear with the arrival of spring, the entire city will be reborn in a wonderful picture, full of life and joy. Children coming to play in the parks, veterans smiling (with laughter, always filled with so much experience) to see more first birthday so rare in this world, and girls wanting a more sun set accompanied by his ever-loyal fans and lovers; and finally, what does it? If we enjoy the eternal city of love. Plus, not enough to just imagine. I can not wait to realize the many passionate yearnings of the people of Paris. But only if it is winter. And three months, if not more, are needed to start.

As much as you want I can do all the work, although it has army of one thousand and fauns, none would dare to corrupt the perhaps too strict rules imposed on us to be "happy." But try to see the positive of this saddening subject: Can I take a break from the old "routine of fairies and flowers, and perhaps able to travel outside for a while. I've always wanted to know exactly what things exist beyond the dark forest. What people do to be happy? How is it that whenever you come to visit the woods look so happy? I know! That doubt has always accompanied me …