Month: June 2012


This leads to the formation of low self-esteem and, consequently, to a low level of claims, withdrawal from social activity, a habit to be in a situation of failure. In other words, the child would experience the joy of discovery, but received negative emotions. The child seems to be saying to himself: "Next time I will not climb and help. Again, be denounced. " He puts the pen and quiet. This behavior can parents, in turn, may regarded as very positive, for example, as a sign of good behavior. If a passive, inactive position the child earns praise, then this behavior quickly entrenched.

The child may be in some kind of security under control, and it was good. But the really bad thing is that a child growing up will subconsciously avoid anything that is outside of the cocoon, at risk and unpredictability. A foreign area and are just all the pleasures of life. It's love, acceptance, friendship, personal and professional growth, material well-being and all that gives meaning of human life. But to achieve this total, to disregard the cocoon and jump into the abyss of the dangers inherent in the external environment. Despite all the difficulties, but rather because of them, develop educational, research, creativity, children, and all this! Yet the illusion of internal security and stability would not let many people outside of the shell cocoon. Yes, out there, they like something and they want it, but uncertainty still scary. And parents are Hamlet's choice: "Put up better with a familiar evil hour, eating a strange flight to seek!" So the problem is formulated.

We proceed to answer the question: "What?" But rather "How do" to avoid such deplorable In order to deploy this strategy, it is necessary to act in three ways: 1. Preventive. 2. The development of an understanding with the child.

Amass Education

The dough must be elastic, to capture the gases created by the yeast, stretch as bubbles form in the dough, expand and grow. Without that elasticity, bread would not have the open texture we enjoy or that the bread is chewy. But what creates that elasticity? The endosperm of wheat contains two important proteins, glutenin and gliadin. When wheat flour is mixed with water, these two proteins are linked to molecules of water and intertwine with each other as they are physically manipulated by kneading. It takes a certain amount of physical manipulation to achieve these molecules into contact and create strong ties. In the kneading continues and these molecules create stronger bonds, gluten is formed.

It is gluten that gives dough elasticity. Should you notice that the dough is mixed with the hook of bread in your mixer fixed, you will see the changes occur in the dough as the kneading takes place. First the dough from sticking to the walls of the container. As the bonds become stronger and elastic dough, away from the sides in a dry ball. The parties must be clean.

Within four or five minutes at medium speed, the mass will change even more and become elastic as the gluten is completely formed. Having watched this process a few times, you will be able to recognize changes in the dough as the gluten forms. If you pinch a portion of the dough and stretch it, you should pull to a thin layer before it breaks. Without that elasticity, bread is the bread is not good. For more articles like this visit the pantry and 2004 preparation