Vichy Thermal Spa

Holiday, sun, vacation, travel – what, if not with the summer associate these magic words. Now rest in certain places in our country has become much more expensive than abroad. In the first place – is inexplicably high prices for housing – Up to 50% higher than in foreign countries. If you like an exotic vacation, Chile you enjoy the most. This country can offer you all the known types of tourism: Ecotourism, skiing, fishing, hiking, recreation on the lakes, many kilometers of beaches, cruises. One of the last wild corners of the earth – the pearl of tourism in Chile – Patagonia tours – in this beautiful place will surprise you with a unique natural topography, beautiful scenery, plenty of unique plants. In addition, the Chilean Patagonia has not been an invasion of people and remains the most environmentally friendly place on the planet.

If you want to spend a holiday not only entertaining but also useful for yourself, you enjoy the health resorts. They can not only relax wonderfully, but also improve their physical condition. Italian spa resort of Abano Terme, located in the Veneto region, is part of one of the world's largest thermal baths. Therapeutic mud spa thoroughly mature in 2 months that they have acquired their own unique healing properties. In the resort of Abano Terme rest every year about 60 thousand tourists from around the world with such indications as: rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, abnormal metabolism, overweight, low immunity, stress and overwork. Another Italian medical Spa – Montecatini Terme.

He is an amazing place in Tuscany. Feature of this resort – its unique water that is saturated with different components and the most similar in composition to human fluids. Therapeutic muds are ripe for even longer – up to 2 years. The main specialization of the resort of Montecatini Terme – renal failure, bowel, stomach, liver failure, digestive disorders. Beautiful Vichy Thermal Spa, located in central France near Paris, is famous healing mineral waters. It was the resort of Vichy is the most qualified in the world for the treatment of hepatitis. It is very well developed infrastructure – the most beautiful parks and the racecourse.