Month: September 2012

Spanish Sustainability

The Conference, organized by the Institute for the Sustainability of Recursos (ISR) with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Rural Means and Marino (MARM), frames in the new relative European culture the residues that are based on the European society of recycling. Against this background, the PNIR is conceived like an instrument to identify the Spanish route to that European society of recycling. The publication, in Spain, of the new Integral Plan of Residuos Urbanos (PNIR), along with the new Directive frame on the Residues, of 19 of November of 2008, does necessary to review the present practices of management of residues and to evaluate if with them the pre-selected targets will be able to be reached. With both texts of reference like basic curtain, the objective of the Conference is to analyze the key aspects that are to define, in future, the sustainability of the management of residues in our country, as they are; the application of the hierarchy, the prevention, the objectives of reusability and recycling, the biorresiduos, the valuation and the efficiency energetics and towards where the garbage dumps go. The Conference will summon to all the parts interested to a deep and rigorous debate on the different elements that will conform the new practices of management of residues. With the participation of great specialists and experts in the management of urban residues, the Conference becomes the ideal scene and an excellent opportunity, to know the aspects keys the sustainable management of residues, the reduction of the impacts of the use of the resources and the improvement of the effectiveness of this use.

China Economy

Quite the opposite, China thought about itself and has untied the debate. He is correct that economies like the one of China, do not assume their international protagonism? The Chinese government before the impact of the crisis on his economy, was concentrated in its internal market by means of an intense policy of stimulus, destining thousands of million dollars. At the same time, its trade balance saw beneficiary by a strong fall in the imports, to a large extent explained by the collapse of the prices of the commodities, whereas the fall in its exports was of smaller magnitude. Conclusion: in spite of the strong global crisis, the Chinese economy maintains a strong surplus commercial that, according to esteem ING. Group, could reach to US$ 325. 000 million in the present year. While the United States to him continues protesting China that lets appreciate its currency, they yuan has practically stayed invariant in which it goes of the year, and its value in relation to the month of May of 2008 was appraised less than in a 2%. The exchange policy is today more than ever, part of the plan anticrisis of the Chinese government.

China has reasonable reasons to avoid the appreciation of yuan and is that it must obtain that its economy maintains a floor of growth of 8%, an objective for which, it needs to take care of its internal demand and to maintain the external one hard. A growth level inferior to 8% puts in danger to the Chinese economic model since it makes difficult his sustainability by the effect that can generate on the rate of leisure. It is not possible to be forgotten that in the Eastern economy a process of urbanization of the rural population exists that needs generation a great volume of jobs. On the contrary, place to not wished social overflowings could occur.