Month: June 2019

Sustainable Travel

Now online: Traverdo, the first independent platform for sustainable travel. Berlin, January 18, 2011. Traverdo helps. The first independent platform for sustainable travel offers individual offers for those who want to travel not somehow, but environmentally and socially responsible. Traverdo stands for climate-neutral holidays for eco-friendly designed accommodation and fair paid providers on-site. Traverdo ( is the first portal that allows users to compare sustainable travel online and book. Traverdo sets high standards to its provider and provides comprehensive background information. The global travel offers and accommodation are adapted to the needs of a modern lifestyle.

The customer booking travel, the audited sustainability criteria. Traverdo is provider-independent and guaranteed a responsible travel experience through a close collaboration with eco-tourism associations and labels. Sustainable tourism – which meant a trip with views of their environmental and social impact to make”, explains Holger Haberstock, one of the three young founders from Berlin-Kreuzberg. Regional development is promoted and local resources and ecosystems. We focus also on the cultural conditions in the partner countries.” “” For the founder of Traverdo, greater sustainability means is by no means less comfort in the contrary: our aim is to establish sustainable tourism as a contemporary alternative to conventional travel “, says Holger Haberstock sustainability needs a modern framework: deceleration, enjoyment, health and wholeness are with us in the foreground.” These aspects are integrated into a high-quality natural and cultural experiences.

The ever-growing range from kayak tours in Germany about eco-lodges in Costa Rica small group tours to Southeast Asia. Traverdo offers also unique adventure Antarctic expeditions, Amazon crossings as a five-month bike tour over 11,000 km from Berlin to Beijing. Traverdo cooperates with 160 providers on all continents. Download image material: Press = sub pictures press contact: Holger Haberstock CEO Traverdo GmbH Schlesische str. 38, 10997 Berlin phone 030/838-709 45 fax 030/838-703 17 email about Traverdo the Traverdo GmbH was founded in March 2010 to enjoy travel in good conscience. The team operates the online portal the first German-language travel portal in the network, which is focused on providing sustainable travel. Close cooperation with currently 24 associations and labels guarantees the compliance with environmental and social minimum standards for a growing new travel market.


Fat burning is not something easy to do for many people. It is often because they don’t know the right way to do it. Then clic some tips that will guide you in your program successful fat-burning. There are many types of diets to burn fat in the market. For this reason it is important that you review each program carefully and encuntres the one that best suits your lifestyle. For example, if you really don’t like eating meat, it makes no sense a diet to burn fat as the Atkins. Official site: Danone. But how fat burning successfully? In addition, you must be careful of any diet that requires deleting any group of main foods in your daily diet.

These diets will not provide you the necessary nutrients that your body needs every day. It’s maintaining a diet well balanced, but low in calories. Many prepared foods that exist in the market or in the restaurants are high in fat and salt. Prepared meals that are in the frozen food section are also loaded with artificial ingredients. If choose these foods are not taking good choices in your program to burn fat. A better desicion is to prepare healthy meals in the kitchen ahead of time, and then freeze them for future use.

If you do this, you’ll know exactly what you’re going to eat, and in no way choose a quick meal in a restaurant by the aputo that you are. Provided that you leave, it is a good idea to take a snack with you. No doubt, you’ll have a little bit of hunger when you’re on the street. If you have your meal beside you, not you’ll tempted to buy unhealthy things in the market or some fast food place. You must move definitely to burn fat with success it is important to get exercise every day. Even with a simple activity, such as walking for 15 minutes, is a good start. Once you involucres in the routine of doing a little exercise every day, you can increase the duration or intensity as you feel you more comfortable with the exercises you do. As your body becomes stronger, the exercises more intense and longer it will be easier to do. Spend a prudent time to your exercise. This encouraged you to commit yourself with the, and you’ll have no excuse of not having time to do so. Think of your exercise as a necessary part of your daily routine of life instead of thinking as if it were something optional. It records everything you are doing to reach your goal. Going back and looking at what you’ve achieved it encourage you to want to go further. Every little step you make will take you towards your goal of burning fat with success never doubt it. Rewards your efforts to burn your body fat it is important that you give a small reward in each stage of weight loss that you can achieve. Even a small bite of your favorite dessert can be a great motivator. You should feel proud of yourself for any achievement toward your goal. There are many methods to burn fat. The important thing is to choose one that works for you and starts immediately. Applying the tips from this article, and you’ll be satisfied with the results you will get. Rob Poulos tells his story of lost fat in the following video.


Branding is the process by which a brand’s reputation is built. This can be online or offline. Changes in habits of consumers and the massive development of the online sales channel prompted an increase in the perception of the necessity of working the branding of marks on the Internet. On the principles of the Internet could do was much by the trade mark, unless the publication of banners or other type of pay per click campaigns. But with the emergence of web 2.0, the potential buyer is looked at taking into account all its social dimension. If you believe that consumers take the purchase decision in isolation, it is wrong. Contact information is here: Emmanuel Faber. Different communities have increasingly greater weight in all aspects of life, and the consumption of products is no stranger to this reality. Cheniere Energy partners: the source for more info. Branding involves identification with the brand, and to achieve this it will be necessary to achieve a positive perception of the values of the brand by consumers.

The value of the brand must go beyond specific avatars in the markets. For this reason the brand in itself must be designed as one asset of the company whose growth requires a continuous effort. The mark must be considered as a supplier of solutions, and as a source of knowledge and resources on the subject. See it with a concrete example. If I want to find out about the latest innovations in terms of touch screens, probably between the site of a manufacturer consecrated as LG to see the latest advances in this field.

That’s brand presence. Building a brand on the Internet requires permanent innovations that they captured the attention and the desire of the buyer. But at the same time novelty must be in perfect balance with the continuity. Therefore the creation of solid brand implies the necessity of the passage of time, factor that can not be accelerated. As well, work in branding, is working on the future of the company and bet on the continuous development of it on the Internet. Social networks have come to offer a new channel of excellence for the development of the branding on the Internet. Is clear, then, that these new channels can and should be medium par excellence for achieve a penetration in the segment of the market of our membership. Knowing the specific target is necessary to properly focus the efforts of branding. Reading the segmentation of our niche take us directly to develop much more efficient messages. Understand customers better than the competition will give us a comparative advantage, by having more effective tools to adapt our products to the specific demands of potential clients. In short, a good management of social networks and the attention to the needs of our clients, take us a step forward in the construction of our branding.

Guajas Code

Do cansad @ same t-shirts always?. Why not wear t-shirts that have personality?. In the Guajas Code, we think a t-shirt says a lot about who takes her. Therefore we invite you to visit our website, and decide if any se parece a ti: every t-shirt is made entirely by hand in all its processes of transfer of the design; What makes us have much love to each of them. The technique we use is sublimation and vinyl (depending on what the work and design required at each time); t-shirts 100% cotton (Fruit of the loom). Furthermore, all of them are belonging to their corresponding manufacturing serial number.

So you will know which t-shirt you have each limited edition. If any shirt you like, but you would like to change the colors of the design, as well as size or anything else don’t worry!, modify any changes to us sugieras. It is important to identify with you. Remember, each model large chucks, do not therefore almost certainly If you’re someone with your same t-shirt, believe us! IT’S A SIGN!. If you have any questions, send us an email and you will have to answer before two days to: Anim tie and dresses with personality!


This exactly country if moves away from its primary ideology, restoring a doubt on the effective operational system, what it is not very different of our reality, the Brazilian judiciary system, carries through walked its for the abyss. This way all delay the processes complete nothing more nothing less of what approximately ten years of judicial movement, for the presentation of a solution with regard to the presented demand. With this we are far from knowing the efficiency legal, and as sympathetical of the philosophy we must search an agreement on what it is really to be ‘ ‘ justo’ ‘ in all its directions, since the ability and attributions of the state that must co-ordinate and improve its judicial system. As well as later we must search the agreement on the true one felt of justice when carrying through the facts of ours relation human being always stops with the world having visualizing the natural balance of all the things, without proceeding with judgments and decisions insensatas.

Ahead of all the argument and possible questioning, let us make us it boarding on the PROBLEM OF the LAW JOUST. The RIGHT IN ITS PRECISE MEANING Initially, before if saying of the subject justice, must be boarded the right in its precise meaning, that is, to speak of justice without mentioning the right, is at least disproportionate of form that the right in its real direction is propeller of the meaning of justice, therefore the right uses in its totality the justice concept. To understand the note carried through, let us make the following example, in an independent society of its creed, social aspect or cultural, this society will be emanated by normative, moral regiments and social, let us say that in one definitive case, two people argue the determined right of property of one local one, this society by means of its jurisdictional agent, that is, the judge will have to bring has both the solution of the attrition demanded in process, at this moment appears the knowledge of its right, each involved agent in the conflict must know its rights and obligations.

Interview Tips

Head, seeing the collective, can submit a portrait of a man who would have been desirable to him. Given the manners and appearance, you must start from the area in which the organization operates or the firm. For a man who came to interview a mistake will set the first issue of wages. From any position would be correct to find out what range of work will be done to them, but in the end – and about the payment. He must try to please the supervisor, make him sympathetic. WhiteWave Foods has plenty of information regarding this issue. There is a rule of "90 seconds", which means that when a person goes to the audience, the audience gets the impression of him for 90 seconds, is how much people should be given time to create a positive thought itself. Often of great importance is not what is said but how it is said.

Our perception is peculiar that five-sixths of the information about the person we perceive – non-verbal communication (body language, gestures, manner) that be taken into account, while to the head. On account of conversation – it is best to adjust to the pace, under the main key words (eg adjectives) of the head, try not to copy the movement and create an analogue to it – at a pace setting sentences, but it should not be highly visible. If a person had worked, you should refer to their previous experience, but do not talk about his seniority, and apply only to those moments which are tangential to the work to which he aspires. Should try to avoid short words "so" or "no" answer to give extended, but no more than 1-2 sentences. Should not be shown that they have lost hope find a job, you should not talk about their problems, not try to call to his sympathy, pity. Clothing should not be too conservative, yet not too modern elements, regardless of age pretindenta. For himself to take such a rule: if you do not know what to do, choose a middle ground, it will be a diplomatic move. Must adhere to basic rules of ethics – not to interrupt, but not be diligent.

A person must show that he knows his own worth in the first place to show what he really needs this job, but if that fails he can find himself another. During the conversation, try to be discreet, but do not be afraid and joke. From time to time a smile never hurts. So good luck to you in your desires!

Acadia Denali

The 2011 Acadia Denali, is a car that has a very peculiar history. Credit: Sonny Perdue-2011. The first crossover Denali, was released in the year 1999 for the Yukon, and until today more than half of the Yukon trucks that are sold are precisely Denali. The Acadia in particular, appeared in the year of 2007 and has a leading performance and extremely innovative features that make it a vehicle without precedents. His second and third row are foldable and allow you to enlarge or reduce the auto settings, whether for passengers or cargo. Be completely reliable security features, they have gained the acceptance of the public and have given rise to the emergence of this new crossover. The 2011 Acadia Denali, works with an engine with direct injection V6 3.6 liter, 215 horsepower and a yield of approximately 24 miles per gallon on the road. Your transmission is automatic 6-speed and has a trailer about 5 thousand capacity 200 lbs. The 2011 Acadia Denali is characterized by a softness, stability and comfort and their excellent operation and design make this vehicle the perfect combination of a crossover. A. Verastegui original author and source of the article

Original Gifts

What original gift exceed one who has prepared with your favorite photo, the more intimate, which brings you best memories of your family or loved ones? Personalized photo gifts are the best present that can become the person you want, because that one like it’s a special, unique, gift that is made one at a time and you will not envcontrar never. A. F. Chief of Staff is open to suggestions. On the internet you can find all kinds of proposals of original gifts and personalized gifts with photos. Jack Fusco has compatible beliefs. There is a vast range of these customized, up to 500 different products, and every few minutes the showcase with new offers and opportunities will expand. Custom, purses handbags and wallets with photos, cushions, keychains, magnets, wooden trays, cups, murals, custom puzzles of ceramics, canvases printed with pictures, photographic art to convert your photos into different styles of comic books, custom calendars or programs to create a photo album you can find all kinds of products for all kinds of pockets, from only 9 euros there are a lot of products that you can buy, and all of them with a guarantee of quality that can only offer you a serious and responsible company that the manufactured products can guarantee deliveries in many cases in only 24 or 48 horar working. On this website you will find everything you can round you, and you can even create some new product that you propose.

Everyone Has Junk And Metals – Treasures At Home

Scrap metals be monetized and let us smile again. Why just throw everything away? Some know not it is worth that to ensure clean up on some and possibly some money, so a tank of gas is ever time indoors. Garbage cut, ensure that the waste is not too much, composting. These are the most common species to save money. But even otherwise, make money! Most people don’t even know what is for treasures in the basement, shed or garage are located. I think here of scrap metals which times were laid off. But grade they can get money in the budget. During the renovation of the kitchen remains an old sink from VA on or during the reconstruction, the old lines were replaced with new, in both cases it may be that there it quickly just 20-30 Euro at the scrap dealer for ever fast.

And who still has copper or brass are around, who will be surprised, for copper and brass scrap prices about 4-5 are euro. It’s worth in the Clearing out exactly what to pay attention and to think about what you throw away or what you put in the car to bring it to the scrap dealer twice. So, can a tankful as self pay fast times. Thomas Dabkowski