Month: May 2014

The Bible

It is not product of the twinkling of an eye. The Bible records a parable of the Lord Jesus we find an excellent illustration for This topic. Large crowds followed Jesus, and he turned and said to them: ‘if anyone comes to me and does not sacrifice the love to his father and to his mother, his wife and their children, his brothers and sisters, and even to his own life, not cannot be my disciple. And which does not carry his cross and follow me, cannot be my disciple. “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower.

Do anything don’t feel first to calculate the cost, to see if it has enough money to finish it? If check out the foundations and I can not finish it, all who see it begin to mock him, and say: this man already could not finish what began to build.(Luke 14: 25-30, new international Version) It is necessary to look at us in time. Determine what we are now, with faults and weaknesses, and what we can become in the fields personal, spiritual and family, with God’s help. On that basis, it is necessary to make a judgment inventory how we are now, honestly determine the changes that must be applied, and advance on this path aided by the beloved Savior. We are United to him in prayer and through meditation and application of his word, the Bible. Think about it: we need planning today, what we will be tomorrow.

It is imperative and inevitable, if we want to give firm steps towards success. The dynamic acierto-error in the long transit towards the construction of a successful future, will generally face the dynamics of acierto-error. What it is? In the tough battle that our carnal nature, will want to bring us back to the old way, putting obstacles to our change and personal and spiritual growth in the dimensions.

Mobile Content

But the fact is that most of these news are superficial, just telling the reader about what where and when to appear (for example, some new mobile application). Difficult to argue – such news, of course, necessary. But after all, often not only want to know which company wrote the software or the next game for the next new models from Nokia, but also to hear feedback on this program or event. The good news portals of the subject is, but in Basically, they are all in English. Competent translation into Russian offer our rare books.

When choosing a permanent source of news of any subject, even if that mobile technology, or cars, an important advantage can be to have RSS feeds, which can greatly simplify the display of news. It is also worth paying attention to whether the publication has its own "laboratory" where she can conduct testing of content, applications or hardware. Testing and research are always more practical information than just a "theoretical" review "of the eye." If the edition published analytical research focuses on foreign developments in mobile the world, offers translations of articles from foreign language and has RSS feed, and even a version for mobile devices, then this information resource you can trust. Mobile content – news, mobile games – News.

Reuters Subject

In declarations of Beltrn picked up by Reuters, one talked about the subject of the proposals received of the following way: have been no more advances (in the negotiations). Nobody still has done us a proposal on the subject of industrialization (y) all know that one is going to be the base so that certain moment we enter more concrete negotiations, neuralgic point for us. Not only the great companies have indicated their interest by Bolivian lithium. Also several governments have expressed the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales. In this sense, the next Saturday, Morals will travel to Russia and soon to France, where, among others questions, lithium will be a negotiation subject.

Although the main lithium reserve in Bolivia is in the Salar de Uyuni, according to affirmed site Bolivian Opinion, in a note published the past Tuesday, president Evo Morales indicated his intention to look for financing so that lithium also is industrialized in the Salar de Coipasa of the department of Oruro. Lithium appears like a great opportunity so that Bolivia improves his economic situation and can surpass its present level of poverty and under-development. It is for that reason that is the intention of the government of Morals the one to operate to the maximum the generation of value added of the same. In a note published in site the Times Step, the past Monday, the Bolivian president, Evo Morales said: lithium is a hope not only for Bolivia but for all the inhabitants of the planet earth I received many governments, ministers and to transnational companies that want to invest in the subject of lithium, (for the past Sunday) in the cabinet I asked yesterday that we accelerate in the investment subject. The intention of Morals is not to yield the operation of lithium to the private sector but to generate a society with the same. On the matter, Morals said: the investment that we always obtain will be taken like partners, state companies or deprived the government has the obligation to have the absolute control of those resources.

While Bolivian lithium is gaining the interest of companies and countries of the different ones continents, the American automotive sector is reframing a radical change facing the future where the new power plants will be gotten up in the American automobiles. The automotive sector of the EE.UU will look for to lead this new development of nonpolluting technologies and that use an alternative source to petroleum. In this way, the American automotive industry will be able to be able to compete at world-wide level and to transform themselves into a solid and profitable sector. It is for that reason that also EE.UU was pronounced interested in the lithium wealth of Bolivia although has obtained great advances on the matter. EE.UU knows that this possibility can be helpful for one from the most important sectors of the economy. The bet already is in march: It will give a Bolivia hand him to the EE.UU with lithium? So far, Bolivia thinks about helping itself to itself and transforming to lithium into the door of exit of the present situation of poverty in which it is immersed.