Such as Consultorias, Programs of relationship with customers and suppliers, among others. Therefore, the direction decided to accept the suggestion of the consultants in dividing the Group in Strategical Units. The company started to count formal from January of 2009 with three distinct, bad Fronts business-oriented operationally linked. Being they: Unit Retail: it started to integrate the Sales in the balcony, Estandes of sales and the Sector of telepeas (sales of parts for telephone). Unit Services: It started to add the sectors of Installation and Assembly of parts and accessories and the Sector of after-sales. Add to your understanding with music downloads. Attacked unit: It was remained as the supplier of the Sales in the attacked one, the corporative Relations and the Visits techniques, however more focada in its activity end.
It enters the possible advantages of such changes, would be: the potencializao of each segment without necessarily isolating it of excessively, the profit of competitiveness of each Front business-oriented, specialization and focus in its essential operations, among others. CONSIDERAES ON the RELATIONS WITH SUPPLIERS the Direction passes in accordance with to delegate more powers to the retail for the acquisition of parts and accessories its real demand, either of the proper deliverer and/or other more competitive suppliers. On the other hand, all time that the cost of the external acquisitions to exceed the projected goal, the same passes only to be incorporated the structure of costs of the pertaining Unit, and not more than the Group. The same rule starts to be valid in well articulated negotiations that for happiness guarantee competitiveness better. These profits will have with priority to be incorporated the pertaining Unit, thus having to be responsible for generating a reduction of costs in the vendida merchandise or the given service. Salient that, the external acquisitions had continued respecting the criterion of priority for foreseen exclusive suppliers in contract, beyond the order of the productive chain.