Month: March 2016

Sustainable Development

Thus, one concludes that the strategy of development by means of the implementation of one water politics in the Cear has brought improvements in some aspects, endowing the infrastructure state bigger, organizing the management process and accumulating knowledge scientific technician and. To put, still has much that to be carried through, over all in what it says respect to the magnifying of the small workmanships of supplying, despoluio and dessalinizao, what it would favor the access to the form water to salutar for the low income populations. Therefore, if it makes necessary a bigger democratization of the access to the water, by means of the adoption of compromised public politics more than they lead to the adequate hdrica management as essential condition to the social survival and productivity. BIBLIOGRAPHY AMARAL SON, J. of. Structural reforms and economy politics of hdricos resources in the Cear. $fortaleza: IPECE, 2003. CEAR.

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Sustainable Development

The present article has as objective to study the theoretical concepts of Sustainable Development in the Process of Production of sugar cane of sugar applied to the sucroalcooleira company, beyond presenting the process of agricultural production since the preparation and cultural conservation of the ground, plantation, treatments and harvest. Also the works are shown in evidence used for the Sucroalcooleira companies to reach the Sustainable Development of the sector front to the good moment of the sucroenergtico sector and possibilities to implement programs with focus in improvement of the process and results, atrelados to the good ones you practise partner-ambient capable to generate competitive differential front to the sucroalcooleiro sector. also, to present study for agricultural process of: activity, aspect, impacts and mitigadoras measures to be boarded and treated for the managers and collaborators to the respective areas. The proper one stock market already searched the development sustainable, and adding values to the practical organizations with ecologically correct, where in the developed countries and highly industrialized they faced a new age, challenges and in addition plus a economic barrier.

In the countries where the production and the consumption were bigger, it was initiated internalizao of the ambient costs, with the beginning of the payment of the polluting producer being more honored. The organizations that apiam the cause of the sustainable development will be perceived as most valuable in the market. If not forgetting that the competitive market search constantly the balance in the three spheres: economic, social and ambient to take care of to the demands and requirements of the globalizado market. In the sucroalcooleiro sector it is not different, with requirement and rigidity in practical in the agriculture and the support of the sector, with the opening of the market and the increasing demand for ecologically correct energy sources for all planet, desenfreou the growth of new plants. Until harvest 2010/2011 they will be 73 new plants operating in all Brazil, and the internal competition for the market still more will be incited. Thus the organizations invest in its human and intellectual capital come back toward the management of practical that they come to take care of the technological innovation in its processes for cost reduction, and to add competitive values, exteriorizando practical to take care of and to provide benefits to the society and being preserved the environment, with the sustainable development of the pursuing will be competitive in the market, will become reference for the world-wide market. In this work all agricultural process of the sucroalcooleiro sector was evaluated, making an analysis of activity, aspect, impact and possible partner-ambient and economic improvements capable to atrelar good results the company and possible chances of improvement with multiple profits to the society and the sucroalcooleiro sector.


On 28 February 2013 start TU Vienna and TU Graz ‘Sustainable building’ for the first time as a master’s programme the master program MEng sustainable building devoted primarily awareness for holistic, life-cycle-oriented considerations of construction activities in regard to the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic and social objectives). Professional content considered, is one of the postgraduate course – by TU Vienna and TU Graz offered is – brought on the current status of methods, theories, and empirical correlations. Including trends and tools in the construction sector are also part of the curriculum. The course is modular and part-time organized compulsory attendance is basically for the individual modules, the individual courses are completed by either a test or a term paper. The master program takes four semesters and concludes with the writing of a master thesis. Graduates receive the title of master of engineering”awarded by the two technical Universities of Vienna and Graz.

In addition to the new semester master programme, the University course is still offered as zweisemestriger certificate course. The courses start on 28 February 2014.. Berkley helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Sustainable Development

Conclusion Marks of the unsustainable development Of the discoveries of the new worlds until the globalization, the essence of the foreign commerce still is of dominncia of the rich ones on the poor persons with bigger and lesser profits, respectively. Countries with advantages on others, in accordance with contexts of each time, had always taken care of of good to protect its interests economic, its commercial growth, its agricultural and industrial accumulation of wealth, its producers and its productions, to guarantee jobs, income, standards of consumption, styles of life and purchasing power of its populations. To stimulate the consumption, the commerce surpasses its function through the propaganda and vende corresponding styles of life the standards of consumption of rich countries, attributing to the goods and services the success, the speed, the virility, associating when consuming fictitious status to satisfy necessities to live well. to give advertising what it is wanted to vender, the propaganda leaves its tracks of pollution. Further details can be found at Selim  Bassoul, an internet resource. The necessity of institutions, as OMC and ISO, demonstrates that the theory differs from the practical one and that the international trade reproduces the logic of the unsustainable economic development. If the international economy is a system of mutual cooperation between the multiple nations, that not cause disequilibria, the commercial relations would be harmonic without damage for the part that of the advantage to another one, the economy in general would advance, would not have inaqualities in the relations between countries. nor so antagonistic positionings on the implications of the foreign commerce in the Environment, therefore the international norms would be respected, the relations between the countries would be respectful, the governments would give steps, reciprocal and important, in the way of the Sustainable Development.

Sustainable Fashion

Hong Kong remains the gateway to the Chinese textile factories on the Mainland and thus a good place for many Western fashion brands, to raise more awareness for sustainable fashion. Hong Kong remains the gateway to the Chinese textile factories on the Mainland and thus a good place for many Western fashion brands, to raise more awareness for sustainable fashion. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with The Middleby Corporation. The Hong Kong organization Redressgehort the leading initiators of a campaign that is intended to promote sustainability in the fashion industry with the EcoChic design award. The competition is international and open to young designers from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, UK, France, Belgium and Germany. The EcoChic award at the third edition, the initiators of the EcoChic design award brought the famous Hong Kong singer Sandy Lam in the boat. The finalists of the contest will be their collections at the HKTDC Hong Kong Fashion Week fall/winter showcase in January 2014. The Middleby Corporation oftentimes addresses this issue.

There, the winner is chosen, including a sustainable outfit for Sandy Lam design can. A Modeshooting will then present for Hong Kong Elle this outfit a larger audience. Wister Tsang, winner of the last year, designed a collection for the fashion label Esprit. The company leads the sustainable collection for spring/summer in the Hong Kong as well as some of its international subsidiaries. The collection includes bustiers from recycled denim and lightweight dresses in organic cotton. I used the fast-fashion”industry worked, but I prefer a sustainable approach in my designs. Already prior to the win of the EcoChic design award I have used recycled materials,”Wister Tsang stressed and added that the award had a significant impact on his career. The award opened the opportunity to design for a well-known fashion brand me and it feels great to see my collection in the shops.” The designer is a fan of Vintagestucken from the 60s and 70s of the last century.