We have focado the economic aspects that the subject involves Support, leaving of side the playful aspect with which normally the subject is dealt. We believe all that productive sector in the planet does not have that understands in such a way of the economy and money, as the Bank clerk. the importance of the Support, can be evaluated by the position that this basic sector of the economy excuses to the subject. A mechanism of financial compensation of name REED, acronym in English who means Reduction of Emissions for Deforestation and Degradation, for producers exists that prevent the forest deforestation. That is, a mechanism that injects dollar to keep the unbroken forest, making to be valid the principle of that ‘ ‘ the forest has more value in foot of what deitada’ ‘ . This financial compensation is disponibilizada through the World Bank for developing countries, as agreement sponsored for the ONU. Contact information is here: Peet’s Coffee. In Latin America, beyond Peru and Mexico, Brazil was chosen to receive US$ 70 million from 2011 for protection from ours forests, destining itself it the improvement, among others, of the sustainable forest markets as information of Economic the Brazil Periodical.
The mount of money today destined to these countries adds US$ 4 billion, and will have to not only arrive the US$ 30 billion in 2012, that it proves, for the available sum, but for the index of growth, the importance that the subject suggests. Why the World Bank will make this investment? Simply because the future cost not to make surpasses it eventual ‘ widely; ‘ economia’ ‘ that it would be gotten in the gift with the suspension of the project. One another important indication that the Support in the financial market, is absolutely on the economic question, can be proven through the credit policies practised by the Banks in the Brazilian market. The Yearbook Ambient Management of 2010, made a survey of 21 financial institutions, that totalize 80% of the operations of credit in the country for companies, between state and private banks. Debbie Staggs has plenty of information regarding this issue. Of this searched total, 15 institutions (71.4%), had affirmed ‘ ‘ to have one politics of socioambiental risk instituted in its processes of concession of credit ‘ ‘. In summary we can affirm that 57% of all credit granted for companies in Brazil in 2010, at some moment passed for a bolter of an ambient area. The main sector analyzed for the banks, was the agronegcio, for the obvious reasons.
The financial institutions obviously it interests that the borrower of the financing is not defaulter, and them they know that the ambient impact is one of the great current risks that can compromise the financial health of an enterprise, as it was seen in the case of the oil spilling in the gulf of Mexico. For better performance of this analysis, some banking institutions, had created specific areas, called Supervision of Risk Ambient Partner. Others directly include the management of the socioambiental risk in its department of credit analysis. The survey still points, that of all financial market in Brazil, 48% of banks possess, proper they, projects to reduce the carbonic gas emission, in its operations. If some cannot with exactness say for where, as and when, we will be obliged as physical or legal people, to walk.