Month: January 2014

Economic Commission

On one occasion the Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL) and the Regional Office of UNESCO for Latin America and the Caribbean said through published documents, something that we must not forget, as it is the importance of education in the context of productivity and the needs of economic growth in the region, as a condition for reconciling the goals of social equity with international integrationin situations of democracy resumed. The truth, that the institutes, schools and since then the universities and graduate programs Areas, cannot passed by unnoticed in their educational programmes the reality of the current scenarios that require best demands international and national, best products, efficiency of services, more information, more participation, all this given the progressive globalization opening, the conquest of new markets, technological revolution, organizational culture, competitiveness based on technical progress, horizontal use of the technologies of information, social networks, reducing the technological cycle and tendency to protectionism in this field, erosion, comparative of the cheap labor and natural resourcesall this in the context of a growing recognition of the need for environmental sustainability and efforts to neutralize the negative effects of technological development. It is required according to the published report, a review of the educational development in the region and since then in every country, on the basis of recognizing the need to link to the training of human resources and economic growth needs, today, consider the contribution of endogenous factors as a function of the level of investment in human capital, since they are the people with their behaviors and their level of knowledge those who affect the production process – aspect that we have stressed much in other opportunities in other writings and in the same chairs, as well as in the consultants we teach-. There are models that emphasize capital human in all its aspects and others, which make it particularly on the relevance and importance of the level of development of scientific and technological research which we must recognize have neglected, precisely with input from the Areas of postgraduate courses and even our faculties that is very poor, by the low priority, attention in this regard.

Sustainable Enterprise

In to order you break paradigms marketing and promoting innovation a strategy is necessary you have the political conscience, economic and social necessity of harmonizing the marketing problems of the would criteria governing the principles of sustainability by making uses of to their to greater ability, appearance literacy, you support it lives conscious and democratic. To designer, an instrument of communication, must always reflect the impacts of to their actions, to their social rolls in to order you promote an awareness of business, and society, about the sustainability and quality of life. Keywords: Sustainability, Social Responsibility, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Enterprise. Graphical Design and Social Responsibility: Strategical vision for Enterprise Support and Ambient Introduction Is very said on this recent profession in Brazil, design graphical, but what it means to be to designer? Which implications and responsibilities in its area of performance and the society as a whole? For such it is necessary to understand that not yet it has a definitive consensus on its definitions, however Niemeyer (2007, p.23) explana that has three basic forms in which we can fit design: as being an artistic activity, where if it becomes pertinent the aesthetic valuation of its creation; acting as technologist integrated to the processes and stages of manufacture, projects and technological innovations; finally assumeing the role of manager, where it will go to co-ordinate and to interact of form to interdisciplinar everything that to say respect to the project, since used natural resources until consequent destination of the finished products. Niemeyer (2007, p.14) still affirms of the fragility in which designer if presents front to the interests corporative politicians and in view of its lack of partner-ambient conscience as well as ethics in the profession. When we speak in such conscience, sends to think it to us about social responsibility, even so its conceptualization is still diffuse and with distinct interpretations.


“The cars generate most pollution On the one hand, I have heard that many people, including the authorities say that up to 80 of all air pollution in a city is caused by emissions from cars burning petrol (gas or diesel) in their engines. This is definitely false, especially if this argument is used to reassure the industrial unit on its share of responsibility. A good depth analysis would not give very different information, not only in terms of proportions, if not the severity of different types of contaminants and toxicity. What pollutants generated by cars Lead emissions were usually high and hurt many people, especially children. Fortunately, I keep adding to gasoline and significantly lower its environmental presence. The low sulfur dioxide at the expense of reducing the sulfur content of gasoline faces, through variations in the procedure refinaci n.Sin But this process has a high monetary and environmental consists, so only remove the pollution from one place to place it in another. Carbon dioxide is a natural component of air, but its excess is primarily responsible for global warming. Nitrogen oxides, highly polluting, were significantly reduced with catalytic converters, to dissociate into nitrogen and oxygen, which are natural components of air.Any attempt to improve the quality of fuel or reduce emissions with catalytic converter, resulting in turn increases the cost and environmental pollution, to the extent that we generally only reduce emissions in the streets and roads to increase further but in the total cycle of the transport system and its suppliers. The natural or LP gas can be used emergently in some cases and you should now be using more because they pollute less, but do not solve the problem of environmental pollution and the sustainability of fossil fuel-based system.