To remember whenever we receive what we speak. Former: I do not go to obtain to pay my accounts I do not obtain to save my marriage My wage valley nothing Does not know why we speak thus? Because in they lack to wisdom and revelation to them. Necessary that my eyes are opened. Everything what I hear, I can forget Everything what I feel I can forget But never I go to forget what I see. Everything is ready, this has that to be mine it speaks. Fp. 4:19.
My God, according to its wealth, will supply all your necessities in glory, for Christ Jesus. What we speak is what it represents in them. If I speak what it is in the word, then I enter in agreement with God and I announce who I I am. The word is expression of a person. Changing our word of defeat for the victory.
This is to believe in the promises of the Father, is if to possess of everything that already he was determined, is to enter in the history that God wrote pra each of one of us before he had world. To take the word and to become it alive in us, more as one not accumulated of letters or information, but alive, source of life, receiving and liberating life, overflowing. Rm. 4:21. being most certain of that what it had also promised was powerful to make it. II Color 1:20 Because all how many promises have of God, is in it yes, and for it Amen, for glory of God for us. II Foot 1:4 For which it in has given greatest and precious promises to them, so that for them you are participant of the divine nature, having escaped of the corruption, that for the concupiscncia has in the world. I Jo 2:25 and this is the promise that it made in them: the perpetual life.