Month: April 2013


Although the own carelessness of pedestrians, especially to cross the street at the wrong time or in improper places, are placed as the cause of a good part of the abuses, it is undeniable that many cases are own negligent actions of drivers that give rise to them in others. They are mostly children and the elderly who are exposed in greater degree to the abuses, which can result in serious injury or even death of the persons involved in 50% of cases. In particular, the main causes of these accidents is possible to point out different events that, with increased incidence, are behind the attacks on pedestrians. -Lack of attention or distractions drivers or themselves. -Circulation to overspeed, exceeding the limits permitted by signage. -The infringement by drivers of crosswalks not regulated by traffic lights. -Bad weather conditions.

-Driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances. The most frequent in these cases an outrage injuries could result in a wide variety of injuries treated differently. Among the most common are fractures of bones, spinal cord injuries, brain and cranial trauma, internal bleeding and, in the worst cases, death. In many cases, as a result of the same person might be forced to leave his job in a definitive manner, and must then apply for invalidity before Social Security. Compensation for these injuries and different type damage caused by these accidents, both physical and emotional or even materials (for example if it was transporting some object of value when it was hit) could be subject to compensation. Therefore it would be necessary to prove that the driver who starred in the outrage acted negligent or severely reckless coverage. This, sometimes, can present great complexity, being essential elements such as the testimony of witnesses or the collaboration of doctors and experts (experts in the field of accident). If you’d suffered a case of this type, there are several things you could do and that might greatly facilitate your subsequent claim process: 1 – go to your doctor so that carry out you a complete report about your injury.

2 Get all the testimonials that you possible people who had witnessed the accident. 3. Requests an official copy of the police report. 4 It hires an attorney specializing in the field of compensation. This last point is crucial, because a professional specialist can help you to gather all documents and items that may serve to back up your arguments, also allowing you to focus on what matters most: your process of recovery from injuries sustained. Don’t think twice and acts. Jose Alberto Andrio Espina original author and source of the article.

Viable Sustainable Scheme Possible

For any citizen, know and appreciate the themes of ecology and environment, is a necessity. Beyond deflora, wildlife and ecosystem, ecology and the environment encompasses a whole devalores natural, social and cultural, that influence the life of man and of generations to come. Themes of conservation and sustainable use of wildlife is of interest for everyone. The responsibility and benefits are shared among Government Federal, State, Municipal, social organizations, companies and agencies. This justifies the importance of the Sectorpublico-private partnerships to support activities relating to the Middle Ambiente.Siendo countries developed or developing development, State, city and municipality; the environmental problems that we face is getting more severe.

For example: trafficking in species of wild flora and fauna, represents a threat that potentiates for biodiversity, animal traffic exceeds limits and borders. The trade of protected plants and animals is the tercernegocio illegal most profitable in the world, after drug trafficking and the sale of weapons. Besides the loss of biodiversity by this issue is worrying. In this way thousands of species are traveling to a destination without return: the extinction. Before this problem, liability as mentioned above is shared.

It is task all to disseminate the relevance that has for society showing interest to protect and save the wildlife. This shared responsibility, must translate into action, as they are programmes that disseminate and act on:–the recovery of species. -Environmental monitoring. -Scientific research. -Education at all levels not as one subject, but as an interdisciplinary education, short and long-term purposes. -Training for students and workers. An example of action, are the environmental management systems of units. (SUM). This system introduced by the then SEMARNAP in 1997, integrates under the UMA concept: management units for the Wildlife conservation; a form of exploitation of wildlife from a legal and viable i. The population is already considering sustainable management of wildlife as a real and necessary option. This model brings with it great impact benefits such as:–decrease of the social pressure of the zone. -Conservation of the environment. -Better knowledge of species, habitats and ecosystems that make up our environment. -Generation of new opportunities ofbusiness compatible with the socio-economic development and production. Under these schemes, relevance is to educate society about sustainable development, priority of any administration that seeks economic, environmental, and social performance. More than a collection of occasional proyectoso supports, this quality must be an integral element of enterprises, the State and agencies, and also a fundamental part of the commitment of all as citizens. It is better to preserve than restore. Ultimately social awareness is a measure preventive to prevent the exploitation of the environment. We seek actions that lead to a better quality of life. Knowing is not enough, we must act, wishing is not enough, we must do. Goethe. Haydee Quijano. Original author and source of the article.