Month: July 2014

Scientific Journals

A man who has devoted himself to science in the 21st century, a matter of respect. After all, such as it depends on the development progress. Every new scientist – this is the completion of the gold reserves of the state and its people. Associate scientist or professor, seems to know a secret which can not know everything. His mind is developing and growing, giving light and clarity of the universe. We do not know what he was doing in his lab, or what thoughts and challenges keeps in his head, but then he is looking for journal scientific publications, and publishes an article that sheds light on his work, his discovery, his investigation. And he did not tell anyone about the problems that arise when entering graduate school for example, how many nights he did not sleeping and not eating because of sociology, or problems with the publication of articles in scientific journals – how many sites need to be reviewed to find the appropriate scientific journal … For him the important opportunity of the experiment, analysis of these facts, the which ordinary people do not even think.

Here's an example: "Skeletonization fingerprint image 'to you about something speaks? This article was published in a scientific journal and the author awarded the President for deep scientific study. Here it is – a scientist, the real, he is interested in the idea of Skeletonization, and not a reward for it. But for a scientist it is also the bread. It's his job – to make new discoveries and to publish articles to educate others. And magazines scientific publications can help scientists to present their research findings. Publish an article in the journal of scientific publications is a prerequisite for dissertation and capacity to new and emerging excavations in science. To publish scientific works must try to find the one magazine that will not leave at the end of the article content, and value it highly. "The World of Arts" – this magazine, which will take into account all wishes of the author-scientist. To publish the article enough to link to the publication of articles and graduate students and postdoctoral article will be published.


But to match this cycle with the solar year to over 160 years (calculated in Alexandria astronomer Eratosthenes of Cyrene (275 – 195 years. BC) to throw one month in 30 days. Improved lunar-solar calendars based on the fact that 19 solar years correspond to 235 lunar months: 365,24219879 x 19 = 6939.6018 days: 29.5305882 '235 = 6939.6882 days. As we see, the difference is only 0.0864 days. This 19-year astronomical cycle, called the "circle of the Moon" or "cycle of melon, was widely used in the construction of lunar and solar calendars.

For twenty years the author attempted to agree on the value of the tropical year with the lunar (synodic) months, to agree among themselves, all three kinds of calendars. After a painstaking study even found a single cycle: 29 years 100 series = 2900 years' 365.242413793 days = 1,059,203 days (for the solar calendar), 49 61 = 2989 years cycle 354,367012378 days = 1,059,203 days 35868 lunar month = 29.5305843648 days (for lunar and lunar-solar calendar), but, in the development of this series revealed that the system eliminates a visokosov days every 100 years (to reach the average length of tropical year in 2900 years), and instability or "shift" tropical year, making all attempts to reunite three kinds of calendars in the "eternal and unchanging one cycle impossible. And here we found a major error! To reunite all three types of calendars in a single cycle – day must be continuous. To this requirement can only answer – the Julian calendar.

Hair Extensions – Not Afraid To Be Beautiful

Beauty – great power, largely independent of the splendor of hair. Beauty can be a different shape and faceting. For example, if a woman's face – this is a picture created by Mother Nature itself, the hair – is a so-called framing of the portrait, which can sometimes vary, giving a picture novelty and freshness. The main decoration of women in all ages were considered beautiful long hair. You ask, what do those who have hair at all short and grow them to the desired length seems a distant dream? Now for this problem was the solution! hair – a real breakthrough in the world of beauty and fashion. Women's beauty – the power, and her hair is an integral component. It's no secret that beauty can have different features and forms.

We can say that the woman's face – the picture, and her hair – a portrait of exquisite frame, which adds some flavor and charm of a masterpiece. It should be note that a win-win element of feminine beauty and charm were considered long and thick hair. You ask, what do those who have hair very short and they grow to the desired length seems a distant dream? Today, there is a great solution to this problem! Hair extensions – a modern unique technology to become even more beautiful, sexy and feminine. Pleasing is the fact that, at present, building more accessible and relatively inexpensive. Virtuoso hairdressing offer all kinds of capacity: the usual natural hair, dredy. gofre, Curley locks, braids, etc. Hair extensions will make your hair thicker and longer, but original and unique hairstyle. Graft of hair has a lot of advantages, some of which are easy to clean and comfortable to wear.

Increase Hair will solve a number of aesthetic problems and dramatically transform your appearance. Where once the service is considered a privilege of the elect, then, to date, hair has become more available and affordable price. Your choice of stylists parekmahery offer many different types of capacity: the common natural hair, gofre, curls Curly, dredy, African braids, etc. Building up the hair, you will find not only the desired length and thickness, but also can change the color or shade of your hair and make hair more creative and extravagant. Another indisputable advantage is the ease of inconsistent speed of hair care and ease of wear. Due to capacity and you decide to transform some of the problems of aesthetic nature.