Savings of 25prozent to 45 with compression in the emails 5.5 million users save worldwide each year about 300 million US$ with ZipMail. Dusseldorf, May 13, 2009 – what new hardware purchase, if the existing better can be used? Customers from MK Net.Work save grossed more than 300 million US $ per year, because existing storage capacity and bandwidth can be used more efficiently. The integrated E-Mail compression program ZipMail “ensures significantly reduced volume and is now installed on the computers of more than 5.5 million users in 35 countries. The transparent compression of the data, which entails no changes for the user, reduces the required transmission capacity and disk space by 25% up to 45%. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Debbie Staggs on most websites. Over 500 companies, including many of the world’s leading companies use ZipMail sustainable cost reduction of the IT infrastructure. Germany, country of efficient enterprises as a country are without raw materials Germany companies has always been forced been to work very efficiently. So take advantage of over a million users in 150 companies ZipMail for Lotus Notes and Outlook. Not only for multinationals but also for SMEs with 500 IT jobs pays the investment within 12 months. Of IBM Premier Partner, Bucker GmbH supports exclusively the German-speaking market for the French manufacturer. References: Air France, Alpine, Bayer, BKK, Evonik, Deutsche Bahn, Geberit, Henkel, HORNBACH, HSBC, Linde, McDonald’s, McKinsey, Nissan, Novartis, Puma, PricewaterhouseCoopers, provincial, Renault, total, WGZ Bank…