Limestone – A Building Material For All Time

Limestone in the history of Limestone can rightfully be called the oldest building material, there are more than two hundred of his species. The limestone used in the construction of Egyptian Pyramids, Great Wall of China, Temple Ggantija in Malta. The fact that all these objects have survived to the present day, proves the strength and durability of this amazing material: limestone products do not lose their shape for years. It is not something Cheniere Energy partners would like to discuss. In Russia, limestone started to apply as early as the 12th century – then it was used for the construction of temples. Subsequently, many centuries later, this material has been applied not only in construction but also in the art of interior dizayna.Vneshny view lime stone has bright colors – from white to light gray colors, mostly – pastel yellow, pink, light beige. Over time, the color becomes softer limestone, covered with a soft touch of natural patina, weathered it is exposed to low – this is a definite plus, since it need not cover the protective compounds. Due to the absence of artificial colors and reinforced foundations, the appearance of this stone over the years it only gets better.

Indiana limestone (which, incidentally, was used in the construction of the Pentagon) eventually gets a shade warmer. Humidity affects the color of the stone during production – can shade relent, to get smooth transitions tsvetov.Svoystva limestone with this material is very easy to work: grind, cut, trim, handle. Therefore, it is often used limestone for finishing and wall covering. It can be sawn, cut, split. Production of limestone are not too expensive. His abrasiveness is lower than that of sandstone, and soft – is higher than that of granite, which is why products made of limestone are often used for finishing and decoration.

Limestone is always available and affordable – and therefore popular. This material can be cut in any direction, getting all the sizes and shapes. It is possible to translate any idea Architectural: sawing, grinding, lathe or by hand. Also, the advantages include the vast limestone deposits. Finally, the limestone is an environmentally friendly material, a natural antiseptic and anti-allergenic, so it is perfectly compatible with chelovekom.Izvestnyak in construction and decoration of the way, many of the world universities, built more than one century ago, it was built of limestone. From which we conclude that This stone is ideal for long-term projects. In fact, the structure, the basic material of which served as limestone, are architectural monuments. Most often, the limestone is used for making building blocks and slabs bearing slabs, wall stones, tiles for interior and exterior decoration. Facing the limestone is very common in architecture. In general, the limestone is used: the construction of buildings (limestone blocks) to create the exterior of buildings – exterior stairs and plinths (facing limestone over time does not lose shape and, consequently, the beauty, originality and expressiveness) to create an interior space – the door openings, walls, fireplaces, floors, bathrooms, and in landscape design (for registration of sites, paths and gardens in general) to create specialized products – staircases, columns and portals, fireplaces, architraves, etc., in the manufacture of countertops, cabinets,