As already it was seen, this revelation can be given of many forms, also not receiving formularization verbal some. But it still involves a creation of what it discloses: the man. The Psychoanalysis well similar to the one After-estruturalismo, or better, I do not say fellow creature, but that they are completed. It says that the language is what it empties the being in the desire, to empty itself by means of the language. This is literature.
If to be here arguing what it is Literature, perhaps let us not arrive the sentiz it and nor the definiz it, if it is that we can arrive at a definition to its height! Umberto Echo comes to confirm this idea when pronouncing that: he is correct to say that the scholars of literature would not have to give themselves to the work to try to understand as literature functions, but must enjoy it or only have it with the hope to find one livcro that it changes its life. (p.142) I believe that true literature is the text in its multiple revelations, when I say text I do not want to only say the written text, but the text that we are. I, you, the human being, the universe, all am literature. As Frei Betto says: Nobody is only the person that we see. It is much more: one to be that it loads a life history and it brings in its subjectivity marks, feelings and emotions, knowledge and yearnings, make that it to exceed any judgment that of it can make. We form ourselves for the language and this finishes for transforming ours I, our being. The life that is literature is made of moments, of many moments. Some glad, happy ones, it seems to be floating of as much slightness and happiness. It has some moments where a volcanic force takes account of our being, and as the larva that leaves the volcano, the tears sprout of my eyes and fall.