Tag: Travel Tips

Preferred Dough

To not burn crackers in the oven must make a minimum fire open the door, remove the baking time to time and change places, often turning crumbs. When drying the fire pieces of bread strung on rods (at the corner of the lower crust). Bars with the bread is placed on the windward side of the Flyers fire and periodically inverted by 180 . In the intense heat can dry biscuits for 2-2.5 hours. Crackers should be protected from moisture damage and wear. It is best to lay a dense pile of fabric in the bag at first, and then two nested within each other plastic bags. Neck bend, shrink bags grocery bands. Tortillas.

Instead of a roll can, of course, to bring the existing stores in the "white" crackers, cookies or drying. However, much tastier baked their own hands fragrant rosy cakes. Soft, just from the frying pan (as the saying goes – "from the heat, with heat"), they do not go to any comparison with the "prosaic" biscuits, and even with the usual bun. They taste best cakes made of wheat flour (100 g of energ. meal – 334 kcal) for dry yeast or baking soda. The preferred oven bread in small pans, for example, duralumin pans – covers "Regular" tourist pots with a diameter of about 20 cm in a large skillet, flatten the dough and harder to turn the cake.

The basis of all calculations we take 150 grams of flour (250-gram cup) this amount of flour tortilla turns thickness of 2-3 cm and weighing approximately 300 g dry yeast obtained from the ordinary without special baking – chopping and folding them thinly. Of the 100-gram pack will yield approximately 27 g dry yeast. 3 average per cake is half a teaspoon of yeast (3-4 g), while the dough rises in 1.5-2 hours. If the tortillas are needed quickly, we must take a full teaspoon of yeast and put the dough in a bowl of warm water (the dough rises most rapidly in temperature of 32-35 C).

Lost Luggage

According to the Air Code of the carrier must deliver your luggage at the end point of flight, even if you take a few relays. But it happens that the passenger reached the destination, and its baggage – no. That do in this case? At airports around the world have a special service called the Lost & Found. Here there and should be addressed at the lost baggage. There you will be asked coupon baggage tag pasted to the ticket, and offered to fill in a special act of the search of luggage, which will describe all the 'distinctive features' of your loss. After that, all you have left to do – is to wait for good news. On this law is given for 21 days. If during this period baggage is not there, it will be lost.

In this case, the airline company responsible for the loss, shall be paid compensation at the rate you $ 20 for 1 kg of weight (unless, of course, your baggage has not been previously insured a certain amount). If your baggage contains new things and have kept receipts may have to repay the losses in full. But most of all, do not have to, because 99% of lost baggage still is because there is a general search engine, which made all the 'poteryashki'. If, within 5 days, your luggage is not found, you will be asked to describe in detail its contents. This list is passed in a general search engine. The situation is worse, if your luggage by mistake (or intentionally), was carried by another passenger. Often confused just like suitcases at the airport. In this case, is somehow 'mark' your luggage (I, for example, are tied to the handle suitcase bright ribbon).

If your luggage is someone 'stole', we can only hope that own thing this man would be more expensive to him, and he finds the opportunity to go with you on the link. Now, how to deliver it to the owner found the luggage. Air Code requires the carrier to deliver your items to anywhere, where would you go (when an act of loss of luggage, you specify its final destination and phone number). But often at the luggage to travel independently. In this case, the court may require the carrier compensation spent on the road money. Possible compensation for those expenses that you incur as a result had to lost luggage (the necessary purchases to be done on the first day, when you wrote the statement). If you kept checks, the airline owes you a refund. But the cost of clothes purchased are reimbursable only at 50%. If your suitcase not disappeared, but was given to you in the arrival hall of the airport to the mangled form, the claim must be made within 7 days. If the damaged suitcase you brought to your home or office, the claim is filed within 21 days.