Tag: home

Family Terrace

Wood of duration of is perfect for making the family terrace: the sturdy planks are beautiful not only for years, they are also non-slip and splinter-proof. (Similarly see: Sanofi Genzyme). (tdx) The most beautiful place on Earth? This is the terrace in the summer for many. Surrounded by lush greenery and fragrant flowers you can relax from the stressful everyday life or have the one or the other grill party with friends. The green living room”is also a popular family meeting place, where much time is spent together during the warm season. Whether baby or Grandma: so that each family member recklessly can reside on the terrace, there is a safe flooring, without harmful substances. Decking from duration wood, an innovative, that is as robust and durable as tropical timber thanks to a special wax conservation, meet the needs of young and old. Once assembled, the floorboards remain splinter-proof, (terraced) life so that babies and toddlers can crawl and play to your heart’s content on it.

As in the preservation process as well as during the entire production process completely polluting, chemical substances are dispensed with, parents need to worry even then, the small crawler should do once the fingers in the mouth. Wax impregnation the decking of wood of duration of have a dull surface just when wet and are so special non-slip (slip class R10). So no one device on the local terrace stagger no matter weather. The planks on which there is 15 years manufacturers warranty, extremely durable and care – and maintenance-free, what especially the older generation comes to good throughout their entire service life are also. In addition to the Splitterfreiheit and slip resistance are also the environmental benefits of duration of wood on hand: wood, which was invented by a German Carpenter, is considered as an ecological alternative to tropical bangkirai, Kolly Abdulkareem and co. remains completely made from local wood, such as pine, made it thanks to his wax core dimensionally stable over the years and offers no surface moisture, fungi, and parasites. Is it Additionally treated with a special glaze, it retains its natural warm wood tone over years. So all family members enjoy permanently on the home patio. For more information see. Tanja EST

Professional Devices

Plochingen where will be built or renovated accumulates lots of dirt. It is not only the rough rubble must be removed – especially the cleaning and removal of adhesive -, color -, or mortar residues can be associated with some effort. No longer sufficient shovel and broom to help professional cleaning equipment. The experts at baukreis.de, however warn cheap products at the time of purchase. Who spends more money for a cleaner, benefited not only from longevity and safety, but also a better cleaning result achieved. rena Investors for more clarity on the issue.

Also most of them even after the construction yet prove meaningful budget assistance. A sturdy broom with strong bristles and a shovel to record is sufficient for coarse dirt such as dry stone, sand or mortar residues. When the sweeping care should be taken however, that, for example, the red brick clay dust in the joints of tiles and flooring is rubbed. A vacuum cleaner is best removed dust, sawdust, planer and offcuts of insulating materials and glass wool. Additional benefits of a such sucker for medium-sized soiling. Small color or mortar blobs on tiled or carpeted floors are first soaked with water or detergent dissolved with some pressure and then sucked.

In addition to a large container and a temperature control, high-quality devices also have a high suction power. Experts recommend a steam cleaner to remove the dirt. Almost all surfaces such as Windows, doors, may be clean stone, tile and carpeted floors, laminate, linoleum but also some paintings, paints and wallpapers. Even dried paints, lime, cement, oil and grease can be removed thus. Detergent can be omitted in this large extent. What sounds like a miracle, is based on a simple technique. In a pressure tank, water is brought to the boil and steam through a handpiece to the places polluted blown. The humid hot steam dissolves the dirt, then takes on a cotton cloth. Following applies: the higher the Pressure and the boiler capacity of the device is larger, the easier is the work. A high pressure cleaner is suitable for outdoor use. Ideally equipped with a temperature control, a separate Chamber for cleaning agents, as well as different spray tips. Such devices are particularly suited to rugged areas such as terraces or ways. With him, but also contaminated tools and small appliances can be cleaned. Professional equipment of all kinds are according to construction experts in major building material stores or Internet shops as available. These have set are now also on the needs of private clients.


Summer time is garden time – tips on buying lawn care equipment for the selection of the appropriate mower are some important factors to keep in mind. A beautiful garden requires some care and especially the lawn should be mowed regularly. Reliable and appropriate machines are a prerequisite for efficient work. Size and nature of the lawn area is crucial for the necessary design of the machine. To take into account, including the number of obstacles such as trees and shrubs on the property is next to the tile size. Surfaces up to 2500 m a cheaper ride-on mower is suitable for well. In addition, a lawn tractor should be used.

The use of attachments is also taken into account. Who would like to use an individual device to the plowing, sweeping, collecting or snow blowers must insert a lawn tractor or front-mounted mower with the matching engine performance and possibly all-wheel drive. The motorized products are targeted to the different requirements configured and meet highest demands to the grounds maintenance. Cutting widths: In determining the following guidelines apply: cutting width from 72 cm to 102 cm for lawns up to 4000 m width 102 cm to 117 cm for lawns up to 6000 m width 117 cm and bigger lawns from 7000 m always taking into account the respective local conditions. Motor: As the centerpiece of a motor-driven garden equipment are used depending on the request one or two cylinder engines. Engine performance, easier start (electric start) and first-class product quality, which guarantees the durability and reliability is important. The performance should be chosen better slightly higher for a constant blade speed.

So comes the engine also used sophisticated not at the limit of performance and offers enough reserve. Difficult conditions such as wet, heavy grass can be overcome with a powerful machine. Drive and gear: Hydrostatic speed control without pressing the clutch or gear allows to insert, i.e.


AGO stop of mold and mildew Remover products in liquid form a recurring event which leads to anger and unease is the formation of mildew in the House and garden. Mostly rooms with increased humidity such as kitchens, bathrooms and basement rooms affected but also other rooms, where possibly caused by damage in the wall or external leaks moisture from outside can enter. In all cases, the main cause of mold growth is the increased moisture in rooms or walls. From a humidity of 70%, some mold spores are already active but usually is that all known mold spores multiply from 80% humidity. As the air absorbs more water in warm rooms as the cold air outdoors, a continuous exchange of air is particularly important to an air outlet and thus to counteract the emergence of mold.

This ventilation is not urchgefuhrt, the danger is greater to a mould in the creation accelerate. Room corners, lintels but also on wallpaper and carpets are preferred places for the formation of mold. As to the formation of mould rarely obviously represents to the human eye, the cause of common symptoms is attributable to not always the mold spores absorbed into the air. The mold is there once, he must be combated first effectively and sustainably. This works perfectly with the AGO stop of mold and mildew Remover products in liquid form from Hakeshop. The products can be purchased individually but also in different sets with price advantage. The AGO stop of mold and mildew Remover products can be easy with the brush or the brush on the infested areas to apply and withdraw the existing mold the nutritional basis until the final eliminating of the mold.

Odors caused by mold and other micro-organisms are highly met. The AGO mold stop ensures a working time of 12 to 15 months concentrate for all materials. Hakeshop delivers these products within 2-4 days after receipt of the order. Shipping 4,90 EUR within Germany. The delivery on German islands would have to be obtained. From 50 Euro order value will be shipped free of charge.

Daring Fellow

Buy at least the skin of the bear can be, but if it's not fancy, conventions and game done – a carnival here? Elegant, tastefully executed cap Carrot perfectly fulfills the role of elegant element in the New Year's costume at children's party. And at home, if the idea is unusual to meet holiday, this does not require significant expenditures decorative elementik give your children and your cheerful multicolored appearance. Size Universal, suitable for little children, and adults. Beanie cucumber 'as a cucumber! " – talk about the Daring Fellow. And it is true after all: the most vigorous of the cucumber plants of the earth, the first guy in the garden.

Exists for such a character role on the children's matinee at the school and kindergarten. When faced with the task to buy a carnival costume, but do this a minimum of draperies, complex components and of cash, then the easiest way out – Carnival cap. Cucumber shine head , and other outfits may be just a neat, solemn or funny: looking where to celebrate. Even young people will be glad you like this this way to instantly improve attire befitting the holiday recklessness. One size fits all caps makes it a carnival suitable for malyshni and adults.

Production: Russia. Beanie Senor Tomato Tomato is known to be too good at heart. How not to be Dobryakov this mellow, wholesome handsome! Russian red sun gardens and festive table decoration – tomato – only, perhaps, the vegetable that is beloved by all without exception and regardless of age.

Green House

Environmental protection, healthy living and sustainable building are central issues of the current time. A roof and facade greening contributes to the improvement of the ecological aspects. (tdx) Today, the ecological requirements of a building are characterized by the tasks, to conserve the biological resources and to bequeath to future generations a livable and intact environment. As an intervention in the situation represents any physical action, the combination of a building with natural components is an appropriate measure to protect the environment, to ensure sustainability and to create a healthy climate in the working and living environment. The professional green building Association (FBB) recommends roof and facade greening, as already every single measure locally positive affects on the micro-climate. Due to the population density in the urban space and waste heat from traffic, industry and domestic heating, many centres become heat islands in the summer. Especially the missing night-time cooling charged the health City population.

Green roofs and facades can relieve this excess energy by means of absorption and evaporation of water and make the climate so more bearable. A green roof protects the waterproofing from extreme weather conditions, UV radiation and mechanical stress. Over the years, it comes to less fatigue, cracking and leakage: the life of the seal can easily double, as the FBB has stated. Also the noise is reduced noticeably since is reduces the sound reflection of the roof and facade surface and improves the sound insulation inside the building. In summer, the temperature peaks belong to the past, because an attic apartment reaches the temperature of the ground floor in a Green House. A green roof or a clad facade are mainly in urban areas, additional ecological compensation areas serve as habitats. Birds, wild bees, butterflies, and ground beetles find food and shelter. Improve plant also the air quality sustainably – they filter out dust and pollutant particles from the air.

But also nitrate and other substances contained in air and precipitation are captured and recycled. Depending on the type 50-90% of the precipitation can be held back a building green and returned via evaporation directly in the natural water cycle. The benefits of building green are tangible for the people spur-, and visible. Builders who opt for a building green can combine ecology and economy in the sense of environmental protection, sustainability and health. The entire concept creates numerous positive effects and provides a focal point through its attractive appearance.

Musical Ability Development

Musical ability, their formation and development of one of the most interesting problems, which attracts the attention of researchers for many years. The study of this problem is urgently due to the fact that the development of musical taste emotional responsiveness in childhood creates a foundation of musical culture of rights in the future. Recent decades are characterized by a significant increase in attention to the development of musical abilities the younger generation, more and more attention is paid to early childhood care and early education of children. Open children's aesthetic centers, preparatory groups under normal and music schools, choirs studios. But in fully systematic development of preschool children carried out in conditions of pre-school educational institution. Psychologists have long established that the age of 2-5 years most favorable for intensive development of the child.

Musical education also needs to be addressed at an early age. Music to a greater extent than any other art form, is available to the child. The earlier children are attached to the world of music, the more music they subsequently become, and so happy and desirous to be for them to meet with new music. Musical art, directly and powerful effect on people already in the first years of life occupies a large place in its general cultural development. Music classes in kindergarten contribute to the continuous familiarizing the child to the world of beauty, the formation and development of his musical abilities. However, in early childhood education there is a contradiction between the need for the development of musical abilities of preschool children and the inadequacy of the developed technologies and techniques aimed at raising interest in the music, the accumulation of musical-creative experience. The observed contradiction actualizes the problem of development of musical abilities of preschool children through improvisation as a form of creative activity.

Parenting Tips

If you call the kid to stop resisting and to sit quietly – it is not timeout. During a timeout the child is given complete freedom to resist. Do not expect that the kid will love the time-outs and sit quietly. There is nothing wrong to give your child time to cool down. This is the way forward child and one of the methods of education. Father or mother may tell intractable teenager: "So it will not work. I want you to be a bit sat in my room and cool down.

Then we can talk again. " Perhaps a teenager really need is simply a little cooled down. Although such a possibility to cool down in something like a timeout, but this is not the same thing. In this case, you simply redirect to the other teen activities to weaken it resistance. If a child resists the will of the father or mother, a parent gives a command, but the teenager continues to resist, then it is – a timeout. In the end, teen furious rushes to her room.

At such moments parents should behave very carefully: you do not blame the daughter or son for disobedience, and persistently repeat the order until such time as he will not go into his room. When a teenager come a bit later, he will behave if it replaced. The fourth common mistake parents is that they use time-outs as a punishment. Although the child and may feel that he is punished timeouts, it is important that parents themselves do not used this method as a punishment.