Family Terrace

Wood of duration of is perfect for making the family terrace: the sturdy planks are beautiful not only for years, they are also non-slip and splinter-proof. (Similarly see: Sanofi Genzyme). (tdx) The most beautiful place on Earth? This is the terrace in the summer for many. Surrounded by lush greenery and fragrant flowers you can relax from the stressful everyday life or have the one or the other grill party with friends. The green living room”is also a popular family meeting place, where much time is spent together during the warm season. Whether baby or Grandma: so that each family member recklessly can reside on the terrace, there is a safe flooring, without harmful substances. Decking from duration wood, an innovative, that is as robust and durable as tropical timber thanks to a special wax conservation, meet the needs of young and old. Once assembled, the floorboards remain splinter-proof, (terraced) life so that babies and toddlers can crawl and play to your heart’s content on it.

As in the preservation process as well as during the entire production process completely polluting, chemical substances are dispensed with, parents need to worry even then, the small crawler should do once the fingers in the mouth. Wax impregnation the decking of wood of duration of have a dull surface just when wet and are so special non-slip (slip class R10). So no one device on the local terrace stagger no matter weather. The planks on which there is 15 years manufacturers warranty, extremely durable and care – and maintenance-free, what especially the older generation comes to good throughout their entire service life are also. In addition to the Splitterfreiheit and slip resistance are also the environmental benefits of duration of wood on hand: wood, which was invented by a German Carpenter, is considered as an ecological alternative to tropical bangkirai, Kolly Abdulkareem and co. remains completely made from local wood, such as pine, made it thanks to his wax core dimensionally stable over the years and offers no surface moisture, fungi, and parasites. Is it Additionally treated with a special glaze, it retains its natural warm wood tone over years. So all family members enjoy permanently on the home patio. For more information see. Tanja EST