Tag: history

Philip Dos Santos

The discovery of abundant regions in gold in the center-south of Brazil took the Portuguese Crown to search the biggest possible profit with the exploration of the mineradora activity, creating measured high taxes extremely and taking drastic that they intended to reduce to the maximum the contraband. Ahead of this reflection we understand that already well the reasons that had taken the Portuguese government to implant separate administrative and judicial structure for the region of the Minas Gerais, at the beginning of century XVIII are known. The maintenance of the public order and the routine management of the concession of rights of cultivate and of the collection of taxes on the extration of the gold they had shown insufficient and inefficacious when centered, first in the jurisdiction of authorities hosted in Rio De Janeiro, later in the one of So Paulo, to the measure that grew the population in the region of the mines and increased the volume of the gold production. Learn more on the subject from medical billing system. The insatisfao of the population in relation to the politics tax of the Crown was very great, what it created a climate of hostility in the region took the Portuguese troops to adopt sufficiently aggressive positions of control. Beyond the people, commercial employees and rich owners of mines also did not agree to such politics tax. The Revolt Philip Dos Santos was a reaction to the economic policy of the metropolis. Click PJ’s Coffee of New Orleans to learn more. The reasons of this raise had been the successive increases of the fiscal and administrative oppression of the Portuguese Crown. The Revolt of Philip Dos Santos, or Revolt of Rich Village, that if registered in 1720, in the region of the Minas Gerais, is considered as a nativista movement for the historiografia in History of Brazil. This raises had beginning in the night of Is Peter 29 of June of 1720. In this region, the raised high prices of life, the tributes charged with severity for the Portuguese Crown and the perspective of the creation of the House of the Casting and the Currency to collect the fifth Real, had caused the indignation of the local population against the authorities metropolitans.

River San Francisco

Ana Lucia Farm of Souza the 1 Coronelismo of this city if in accordance with gave of gradual and periodic form the economic power of each family in its social height and politician. Petrolina, sunny land of half-barren climate and, were known old as ' ' ticket of Juazeiro' ' , had its strategical localization the left edge of the River San Francisco, for where the rich traders and the population had crossed to commercialize and to travel for other cities and capitals of the states of the Bahia and Pernambuco. Petrolina today has 115 years of emancipation politics, its trajectory until becoming city, started in century XIX in 1841 passing for some categories and finally in 1895 being defined as city. In accordance with the legend, the Petrolina name, derived from a great called rock ' ' Linda&#039 rock; ' that it served for the construction of our beautiful cathedral of style Neo Gtico, another version is that when D. Peter II came to visit the region of the San Francisco &#039 was given to the name; ' Petro' ' of Peter and to conclude the name it caught last name of the empress, its wife Teresa Cristina, then was with the Petrolina name. With these information regarding the origin of our city, it is for a reason or purpose information and geopolitical knowledge here. The Coronelismo was a social phenomenon and politician of the Old Republic where the actions politics of the great large estate owners (Colonels) exerted the local, regional and even though federal power in accordance with its particular pretensions, therefore it had the control power. With the extension of National Guarda, the Coronelismo still remained very alive in the Brazilian agricultural scene, mainly here the example in the city of Petrolina where in 1912 this system of coronelismo already started to sprout more with the supplied families economic and politically.

Culture Takes

State University of Gois Word-Key: Man, Modernity, America, Hibridao Meanings and Culture Nestor Garci’a in the ones backwards proposal to rethink our identity from the hibridao. However the spectacular multiplication of the concept during century XX does not facilitate the agreement necessarily about what really is the hibridao; because throughout the time some meanings had been created. In way to the heterogeneous studies it term, we cannot classify such, as a biological dynamics, therefore the direction of the concept of hibridao in them takes to other factors as social, economic and cultural a debate raised for Marx, who if establishes until the present. But to understand the term we must notice the series of operations, elections, elements, different times that are articulated by the hegemonic groups, in a story that it of the coherence, dramaticidade and eloquence.

The author leaves in them> clearly that the hibridao is an inter-American fusing a process of north-americanizao of the Latin American countries, however we do not have to forget them resistncias and the movements existing rejections. Nestor retakes the reflection on modernity and after-modernismo in the countries metropolitans with ends to examine the contradictions, it enters the utopias of independent creation of the culture and of the industrialization of the symbolic markets, a referring process of historical and sociological inquiry to the Latin American cultures, using modern agents to study the strategies and diverse symbols that the understanding of modernity in several takes you discipline. Therefore the study of the heterogeneous and hybrid cultures it takes in them to the study of diverse felt of modernity, not of simple contradictions, but of manifestations and conflicts not decided.

10 Tips For Looking And Feeling Well

The beauty has to start on the inside and by this we mean to our body, how we really feel is what we pass on to others, that is why look good, has a close relationship with eating well. Below we provide some recommended foods to show off their beauty. Antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals, which are one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease, cancer and aging. Free radicals are produced by oxidative stress at the cellular level causing damage in the cell and tissues. Foods rich in antioxidants 1. Vitamin C: we found in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially in citrus (Orange, grapefruit, lemon, mango, peach, apples, strawberries, grapes, etc.) 2. Vitamin E: it is considered one of the most important antioxidants.

We find it in vegetable oils, especially olive and sunflower, dried fruit and cereals like wheat and corn. 3 Vitamin A: is provided by animal and vegetable products (fish, milk and its) derivatives, carrot, pumpkin, tomato, melon, maize, etc.). Its main action is on the skin. It is restorative skin and tissues in addition to serving as a healing. 4 Selenium: is a mineral that is associated with vitamin E.

Found in meat, liver, fish, dairy and cereals integrals. 5 Polyphenols: found especially in green tea, which also contains vitamins A, C and E. It is a complete antioxidant and anti-carcinogen. Foods rich in fibres try to have a diet rich in fiber, particularly soluble fibre, these foods you will increase your fecal bolus and his bowel movements (intestine peristalsis), which will help you to have a good habit bowel thus favouring the detoxification of your body to eliminate toxins from your body through feces. Foods rich in fiber include: fruits: banana, Apple, Plum, Orange, mango, tomato, among others. Vegetables and leafy greens: spinach, the celery, pumpkin, carrot, potatoes with bark, asparagus, etc. Grains and cereals: beans, wheat, granola, corn, oats, etc. 10 Recommendations to look good. 1. Not overeating and perform five meals a day. It is important to also monitor the feed, which should be balanced, in vegetables, fruits and cereals which must prevail. Prefer fish and chicken against the meat. 2 Exercise moderate daily or at least three or four days per week. 3 Rest physically and psychologically. You should sleep about eight hours, two hours after dinner, and in a dark and quiet room. It is also very good to perform relaxation exercises during the day. 4 You must dispense with exciting and toxic substances such as tobacco. 5. Maintain a social life centered on family and friends. 6. It is good to enjoy a lively, positive and tolerant attitude. 7 Try frequently interested in intellectual things. Study, learn new things, this would It will keep the mind active. 8. Take plenty of water, between 8-10 glasses of water a day. Do not consume or very sugary soft drinks. 9 Reduce the consumption of sugars, since seems to be that glucose metabolism plays an important role in aging. 10. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, which can damage the DNA of cells.


We now proceed to answer the second question – how is a change of civilizations, what are the sequence and mechanism of this change on different floors of the pyramid of civilization. Change the source should be sought in the basement pyramid, in person, over time it needs and abilities, knowledge, skills and interests. Changing needs of the individual, the family – both biological and social. Each new generation of people, building on the current level of needs, new demands for food, clothing and footwear, housing, jewelry, etc. For the production of consumable goods and services families need to raise additional natural resources, raw materials, tools, energy sources. Population growth, social conflict and war, expand the range of social needs – needs to management, defense, maintenance of order. Infinitely an increase in the spiritual realm. Development of new territories, often with adverse climatic conditions, entails additional requirements.

Environmental pollution, damage to the biosphere in results of the Company extends the range of concerns about the natural conditions of production and people's lives. The growing volume and complexity of the structure of human needs, family, community, serve as an impetus for change at the all levels of the pyramid of society. General sociological law of elevation of human needs – material and spiritual, personal, industrial and military, current and future – should not be interpreted straightforwardly. Needs do not grow uniformly, they have their own cycle. During the formation of a new civilization there is rapid growth, it is literally an explosion of the needs of all segments of the population due to high economic growth and opportunity to direct a growing body of wealth on consumption needs – although the increase and accumulation, often with a faster pace. All segments of the population getting richer, though not identical rates.

But already at the stage of maturity revealed the fragility of the period falls short of expectations. Growth rates slowed down the consumption fund and the new generations whose needs have been spurred by the previous boom, placing ever increasing demands of that can not be fully satisfied. Intensified the struggle for the redistribution of wealth slow increments between different social strata and classes. Aggravated social tensions and conflicts. The ruling elite, feeling the tremors of approaching storms, social, tends to delay them, throw a "bread and circuses" dissatisfied masses, using external sources, anesthesia militarism, the redistribution of spheres influence and territory. This leads to an increase in the military sector, which further reduces the share of private consumption fund established in the national wealth – the loop is tightened, the company enters into a vicious circle. The futility of this way becomes apparent during the civilizational crisis. Starting a decline in production leads to lower living standards, and then all the more significant impoverishment of the population. The state is trying to help children, the elderly, the poor, but its capabilities are limited because of declining revenues and budget deficits. One has to resort to the issue, an additional release of money in circulation that spur inflation, which leads to even greater impoverishment of large segments of the population and depreciation of investments. Redistribution of wealth is growing, especially in favor of the "shadow economy".

Buenos Aires

Exactly understanding the polygamy as consequence of the reactionary and prejudiced familiar representation, Pagu suffered. Its suffering is rational, leaves clearly that &#039 preferred this the mercy; ' It felt my affection attacked violently, but it had the immense gratitude for the brutality of the franqueza. Still today my gratefulness goes for the man who offended never me by piedade.' ' (p 63). It wanted love, Oswald had admiration to it. To the speech of the Rud son the text assumes something poetical/philosophical. At the same time where it demonstrates the maternal love that overflows, shows to all the fears of a unsafe woman, tortured in a marriage without love and a life of appearances. It has a insatisfao with its life without real, intense intentions. She is in this context of personal misfortune that its necessity of fight appears.

Through its contacts with the intellectuality, part for Montevidu, later for Buenos Aires where it has programmed a meeting with You give, leaving Oswald and the son. It had little knowledge on the marxist doctrine, but it looks for in You give some answers for its searches. Its impressions in relation to the select group of intellectuals in which she is inserted in Argentina are well unexpected, therefore it says that, although to live between them, she considered them srdidos, alleges that waited much more of ' ' more alive sector of the South America ' ' (p 73). Its meeting with You give does not happen, comes back on account to Brazil of health problems of the son, but it retakes its interest for the communism, having Oswald as accompanying. Exactly without much knowledge and certainty, they had created the periodical Common man who on account did not survive of processes and retaliation. They make an auto-exile and they follow together for Montevidu where Pagu, finally, if finds with Luis Carlos Gives.