Tag: Attractions

Alexander Alexandrovich Krubera

One of the greatest journeys in our story on Karabi-jajlu, plateau, occupying first place in the Crimea in its area of over 120 square kilometers. The word “Yayla” comes from the Turkic “dzhiylyau” which means mountain pasture. The average height of the plateau-Karabakh – about 1,000 meters. At the bottom of the valleys of its separate, often steep, slopes, and around, stretch for miles Crimean landscapes. When the weather is here clearly visible rock Ak-Kaya. In the southern part of the plateau is a ridge Tau, with the eponymous peak, whose height is 1220 meters. Sometimes get stuck here by floating clouds, this time on Karabi can see fantastic pictures of shocking.

When heavy rain clouds descend below the board, you feel a sort of alpine Robinson, which fell onto the stone island in the middle of the vast sea of clouds. Can a thousand times while on vacation in the Crimea, to visit Karabakh and while not even imagine how awesome is the plateau from the air. This is a must see at least once, what would remember for a lifetime. Here Karabakh, a small, but fairly flat section of the Great Patriotic War was partisan base. Transport planes brought in defenders weapons, food, equipment, and took with him to the “mainland” of wounded soldiers. Almost the entire surface of the plateau dotted with countless sinkholes, large and small, deep and not very smooth and thickly overgrown with shrubs.

Individual craters have continued in the form of caves, mines and wells, some of them go to a depth of several hundred meters, hiding in the depths of Mountain fabulous treasures of the underworld. To date, there are about Karabi two hundred and fifty caverns. The depth of the mine “Soldier” – 500 meters – this is the deepest mine in Ukraine. Cave “Big Guzluk “- record the number of accumulated ice in it, it’s kind of a natural refrigerator, at any time of year the temperature is kept around 0, and inside the ice – not melting for decades (for reference – the weather in Crimea). Krubera Cave – one of the most popular among professional and amateur cavers, it begins a vertical well and sorokametrovym divides into two opposite twisting motion. Named in the cave after the first researcher of the Crimean karst professor geographer Alexander Alexandrovich Krubera. Its unique monograph of the karst area of the mountain area “, released in 1915, was the first scientific work of this kind on the peninsula. Here you will find a full range of exotic cave, well, itself an unforgettable experience: the high halls and narrow tunnels, stone and centuries-old lace sinters, brittle quartzite karollity and blotches, miniature lake and singing stalactites. Magic Kingdom singing of peace and eternal rest. Even here, in complete darkness live creatures, not unlike to any other, it’s tiny, no more than a centimeter, the cave spider and very very petite, with a pinhead, a snail, with a totally transparent house. Many still have interesting things on the plateau, but more on that in the next story, and while you can explore the map of Crimea. Source material “Extreme Travel to Crimea.


Istria – a fascinating blend of east and west, famous for its rocky coast, the stunning hills, pine forests and vines, from which produce excellent wine. Here, a unique combination of pine and deciduous trees, and doctors recommend this place for people suffering from respiratory problems, and unhurried atmosphere and the dimensions of the peninsula you can relax and get rid of 'Big city syndrome. " Istria is the most popular tourist region of Croatia due to its rich history, many monuments, clean sea and excellent opportunities for recreation. The region is 17 706 sq km, population – 666,952 people. The region with the most advanced infrastructure is attractive as his position on the Adriatic coast – on the border with Italy and Slovenia, the richest and Cultural and historical heritage. In 1919. The newspapers mentioned Brut 172 not as a source, but as a related topic. Istria went to Italy to see the Austro-Hungarian Empire and in 1947. Ceded to Yugoslavia. Gain insight and clarity with Sanofi.

Marshal Tito wanted to see and Trieste in Yugoslavia, but in 1954. Anglo-American forces have returned city in Italy to protect him from the communist influence. Today, a small piece of the coast of Koper, Piran belongs to Slovenia, and the rest of Croatia. ource. Due to the fact that Istria has been the subject possession of different states, as well as its proximity to European countries, now the region's cultural traditions are a mixture of styles and at the same time hold a special, characteristic only of Istria flavor. There are both traditional Croatian and Italian cuisine. Medieval cities of the peninsula, more like miniature cherish the history of bygone eras.

Weekend With A Metal Detector

The idea to go look for treasure arose as soon as there is good weather. ures to achieve this success. Get all the facts and insights with Expedia, another great source of information. The first thing I got out of bed a metal detector and checked his ability. Metal behaved cheerfully and I did not even bother to change it batteries. Thursday to find time to work, I carefully studied the southbound suburbs for suspicious items. By checking the names of references, I stopped at the village Gigirevo. I was interested in that earlier settlement called Gireev, or something like that. This led me to think about the roots of the Tatar settlements, well, then it has developed a fantasy until the Mongol invasion, the collection of tribute, and so on. In general, I decided it was worth in moved his metal detector around, and that thread kinda yes syschetsya. On Friday, my partner opened the Google's map of the area and graph paper. They figured about the place we find them, and noted colored markers.

HighSpeed Weekend

The event, namely racing, was born in May 1947 and was called “Around the stone platform.” Even then it was the organizer of the sports club of Nuremberg (MotorSportClub Nurnberg), who spent the war ADAC race on a circular distance. In 1950, the competition track is called “race around the ring Noris.” From late June to early July in Nuremberg there are hot tires and powerful engines. “High-speed weekend” takes over for 50 years and collects more than 100 000 spectators. Over the weekend class pilots demonstrate exciting match in a dozen ponds (Dutsendtayh) on a single track of this kind in Germany. Educate yourself with thoughts from Costco. The track has a length of 2300 meters, the width of ten meters and it should go round 44 times in one race. It held the race in the Cup VW ADAC Touring Cup and BMW ADAC Junior Cup: Championship Supertourenwagen and Deutsche Formel 3 and Porsche Carrera Cup.

All this made the “200 miles of Nuremberg,” the apogee of the German racing scene. Among the spectators, keen follower of grand races often meet celebrities. Everyone is invited to participate in the Framework Programme, from living contact with the riders off the track to participate in the selection of Miss Noris racing around the ring. That is why “High-Speed Weekend” and became everyone’s favorite meeting place for both groups and individual supporters.

Eco And Sports Tourism

Perhaps new to this kind of discussion was the emphasis on the importance of the so-called eco and sports tourism, which involves intensive work on the revision of the old and developing new programs, tours, visits, biking, sports, etc. Guided tours of the road, all admit. Therefore, in conjunction with the airlines will develop a plan to introduce lower-cost group and individual tours, which will greatly increase the flow of travelers with an average dohodom.Primechatelno that adopted at this conference were in the same spirit, and even partially absorbed the ideas and decisions which were announced at the October in Nicosia, the first international conference on religious tourism, it also attracted great interest and have really wide and positive rezonans.Turizm itself has a positive potential, not only in terms of recreation, education, communication, but also as a natural acquaintance with other peoples, cultures, practices, thereby promoting mutual understanding and friendly relations among nations. However, the tourism industry can develop with one important condition, ensuring the safety of people and keeping calm stable environment. Not surprisingly, the question on the forums mentioned stood as one of the most important and linked, given the current international situation, the fight against terrorism. Allow ourselves here to clarify – struggle against those individuals, groups, organizations that resort to violent acts, acts of terrorism to achieve their goals by using excuses and cover, such as: the requirement independence, autonomy, political, economic and other rights (for example in Ireland, the Basques) or under religious slogans, such as do the Islamic extremists.

Holidays In South Bohemia

South Bohemia – a surprisingly comfortable margin, where you can fully feel the spirit of "good old Europe." Ancient castles and fortresses surrounded by great beauty of lakes and forests, cozy restaurants with delicious fish and beer, friendly and smiling people. South Bohemia is popular among outdoor enthusiasts in all its manifestations. The virgin forests of umava, which is called 'Light of Western Europe' – just made for walking and horse riding, as well as for hunters. Abundance of fish in lakes, bike trails, golf courses and tennis courts, all at your disposal in a small area of South Bohemia. One of the most popular forms of recreation – water tourism. Water tourism in the Czech Republic – for those in whom the blood boils noble corsair. On a multitude of reservoirs Czech Republic can do sailing, windsurfing, boating, rafting, water skiing. And you can just swim and sunbathing.

In addition, the Czech Republic – a paradise for those who are attracted to 'action' winding river rafting on the Czech Republic on rafts and canoes. Sports equipment for windsurfing and sailing can be rented from local sports clubs or organizations. Natural ponds and reservoirs in the Czech Republic offer excellent opportunities for water recreation. Here, for the fans of water sports ideal conditions. The largest of the artificial reservoirs of the country is Lake Lipno in South Bohemia.

Here are located along the shores of entertainment centers, hotels, guest houses, holiday villages, which offer visitors a variety of categories accommodation and meals. Here you can rent sports equipment. The lake is located near the Sumava National Park and includes many architectural monuments (Vyi Brod, Czech Krumlov, etc.). On the left coast between the villages of Lipno and Hormah Plan can rent boats, motor boats and catamarans. There is also laid biking trails that are associated with the umava cycling road surrounding the lake Lipno. Traveling by water always titillate. The river winds through the midst of nature and shows the beauty of our land. Travel Czech rivers through beautiful landscapes, unforgettable, richly decorated with historical and cultural monuments, many of which lie directly on the coast. "Czech way" in the summer, take care of the traveler and provide transportation.


– To vacationers can buy anything your heart desires, and souvenirs as well. New modern shopping centers have opened in Divnomorskoe in Kabardinka, in the Gelendzhik – on the streets of Kirov and Maxim Gorky. Buy here and may food and industrial products. The city also offers plenty of cafes and restaurants. All this makes it even more attractive. Back to Top holiday season will work a unique ‘Skate Park’ in the open air, in the same complex from which the pavilions for the sale and rental of sports equipment, gaming halls, recreation areas for parents with children. Fourth reason: security – Securing the citizens and guests of the Gelendzhik – our main concern, – says Sergey Pavlovich. – Several years ago, we built two police checkpoint on the part of Novorossiysk and from Dzhubga.

Now everyone entering the city come under the attention of law enforcement officers, computer records are held in the passport and visa service. Similar information comes from the resorts and summer recreation. With this system, annually can identify dozens of disloyal citizens, including those who are being sought. Safe and secure holiday resort on the troublesome and expensive. But in Gelendzhik to not save. Fifth reason: it is a holiday from May-June until the end of the velvet season becomes a city of Gelendzhik-carnival with endless concerts, festivals and other entertainment.

Not be bored here any minute. Since 1977 holiday season offers a magnificent and colorful spectacle, a carnival. Every year we have festivals ‘Southern Nights’, ‘Azure mask’, Russian review of ballroom dancing. At the concert venues are the pop stars. Free concerts give students of our Institute of Arts. As a true resort town, Gelendzhik is proud of its waterfront, water parks, cable cars, and entertainment centers. – As a walk on the sea is incredibly popular with our guests, decided to build piers over the coast, which is about 100 kilometers, – says Sergey Pavlovich. – Older some marinas have long worn out. Already, investors have for a new project, and even started the construction of piers in Dzhanhot, Kabardinka and Arhipo-Osipovka.

The Highest Towers And Bell Towers Of Italy

Italy a country of towers and steeples. In every city and town, especially in those who had the medieval past, over the rooftops rises the tall beauty. Many of the towers and the towers are well known in around the world, for example, Leaning Tower in Pisa, Giotto’s bell tower in Florence, St. Mark’s bell tower in Venice and the two towers of Bologna. The highest is the bell tower of the Cathedral Mortelyano (area Friuli-Venezia Giulia), her height – 113.2 meters! Age is not as impressive bell tower – it was built in 1957-59 years. Next to the bell tower height Toratstso of Cremona (Lombardy).

Tower was erected in the XIII century, the height of 112 meters, on top are 502 steps. Heavy lifting will be rewarded with stunning views over the city. Third place goes to the bell tower at the Cathedral in the city of Alessandria (Piedmont), yielding a total of 6 meters Toratstso, for a total height of 106 meters, it was attached to the cathedral in 1922. 101 meters – this is the height of the bell tower at the Cathedral of Santa Sofia in Lendinara (Veneto), built the bell tower was in 1797-1857 years. The bell tower of St.

Mark’s in Venice, not the highest – its height “Only” 98.6 meters, but one of the most beautiful. The modern form of the bell tower acquired in 1513 she served as a watchtower and a lighthouse for ships.

Zenkov Cathedral

Kazakhstan is one of the states of Central Asia, and this area is almost twice the territory of the other four Central Asian republics and is about half of the United States. Extensive land divided into several geographical zones, and hence such a varied landscape of Kazakhstan: in the south – semi-deserts, steppes and in the north woods. Most of the territory is steppe plain flanked by mountains to the east and south-east. In eastern Kazakhstan are the mountains of Altai and Saur-Tarbagatai, and among them is Lake Zaisan. The Republic of Kazakhstan – a multinational state inhabited by more than 120 nations.

Almaty – a pleasant town with long, straight streets, bearing a distinct Russian flavor. This rapidly growing city was founded in 1854 as a leading Russian fort in an area inhabited by nomads. In this city people began to arrive from all over Kazakhstan and foreign traders, financiers, diplomats, seeking to put a hand to the rich natural resources of the country. Sudden openness to the outside world has turned this provincial city in a large center with shops, restaurants, hotels, and hotels and casinos, which made him totally unrecognizable. As memorably beautiful and attractive night Almaty! And how many different places to relax! Living in the country love and know how to relax. Kazakhstan has many attractions that will amaze, at first glance may seem quite ordinary, but each one can feel that something, such special and alive. The main attraction is the park to them.

Panfilov, a pleasant rectangle of greenery surrounding the bright Zenkov Cathedral. It is an interesting fact that this church was built of wood without a single nail. Mountains Zailiyskiy Tau wall rising along the southern border city of Almaty and create a magnificent backdrop. There are many green spaces, parks and open spaces, and many of the buildings original look of the Soviet era, when you look at each of separately. A wide selection of hotels, you can choose to suit every taste. Cozy and comfortable hotels located in various parts of the country. They are astonishingly varied, with many of them are close to the malls. Travel to Central Asia, namely Kazakhstan, you will be able to find suitable conditions for an interesting and memorable tourism and recreation.

Winter Garden Ceremony

Romantic Venice Who would not want to celebrate a wedding in the romantic city the world? Venice or the "Pearl of the Adriatic", as it is called tourists, always happy in love with the guests. Sailing in a gondola decorated with flowers by humpback bridges and ancient palaces that are reflected in a sleepy water, groom and bride accompanied by a gondolier close to the Palazzo Dzenobio. In the Winter Garden, the one of the most beautiful palaces of the city, a noble lord in the suit of the Duke conducts the marriage ceremony, after which the newlyweds depart in a romantic trip on canals of Venice with a stop at St. Mark's Square. Weddings in romantic Venice is ideal for those who appreciate the romance and believes in miracles. Bora Bora for two sweet singing birds, beautiful flowers, colorful landscapes and the scarlet sun, which will be every evening to say goodbye to you through the window of your bungalow on the water – is not this heaven? Wildlife Polynesian islands, customs of the people are still not fully understood, but it is not reduce the number of couples who wish to celebrate the important day of their life together in this beautiful corner of the globe. Let the wedding ceremony on the islands of Polynesia, has no legal force in Europe, a wedding in Tahiti or Bora Bora, the largest and mastered the Polynesian islands, make you forget about the "stamp in the passport." Bride in Polynesian attire of exotic flowers on the cake swim to shore, where she met jubilant residents and was escorted to the groom, after which they were raised together on the hill. They love issue a certificate and award Polynesian names, all accompanied by traditional dances and songs.

After ceremony, the newlyweds waiting for a romantic dinner on the terrace of bungalows and flower bath with champagne. Polynesian islands – this is the place where the line between reality and fiction, and if someone wedding – an event that only happens once in a lifetime, it must be celebrated in Polynesia. An amazing mix of Caribbean paradise of exotic and civilization is only possible in the Caribbean: Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua … Local wedding ceremonies and The official registration of marriage, the wedding ceremony on the beach and silver limousine that will take you there, here are perceived as something self-evident. In Jamaica, for example, there are a number of clubs that specialize in recreation for honeymooners and couples. What You Should Know To ofomit marriage in another country, except for visas, passports and airline tickets, it is sometimes necessary in advance to provide such documents: – certificate stating that you are not married (not married) – a passport valid for at least three months after returning from a trip – for previously divorced – divorce papers – for widowed – death certificate spouse (s) – for persons younger than 21 years – permission from a guardian; notarization, translation, apostille these documents – for a wedding in the church need a document from the church in the community, confirming baptism.