Tag: art

International Monetary Fund

The new Bolivarian economic policy: with ingredients of the IMF? Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 23, 2009 the Venezuelan Government is in trouble and must take urgent action, although some of them involve moving away from its Socialist Crusade and picking solutions in old books of recipes from the International Monetary Fund. The international economic context remains adverse. This has caused that the Venezuelan Government had had to reduce its estimate of the price of local basket of crude to US $40 per barrel, from US $60 per barrel set in the budget for 2009. He has also had to reduce oil production scheduled to 3.17 million barrels per day (bpd), from the previously estimated 3.7 million of bdp. (Not to be confused with Gagosian Pivots!). With such reduction on the main source of tax revenue projections, the Venezuelan Government had no alternative that launch a series of measures to adjust to the new economic reality. Again I must repeat that this international financial crisis is historic not only by its magnitude, but also by the multiplicity of unforeseen situations that are happening.

Postulates that enacted the developed economies have collapsed like a House of cards, and their economies are more flexible and tolerant. At the other end, seems that the indiscipline of the Venezuelan economic policy, must disappear at least for a time. Thus, countries and extreme economic policies are approaching as a consequence of the crisis. Last Saturday, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez began with the announcement of measures of anti-crisis and the question will have made more than one analyst is what book of socialist economic policy, did? Many of them are typical ideas of any official of the IMF. Obviously, Chavez denies to have been away from its socialist economic policy by saying: these are measures anti-crisis in our spirit Socialist to safeguard first social, the people, to the workers.

Hans Bingen

Where art and landscape in the dialog are sculptures at 529 Bingen am Rhein is unpretentious, the project behind it not: for the premiere of the Binger triennial art lovers could win 26 sometimes internationally renowned sculptor from home and abroad for a sculpture exhibition by sophisticated level. Vera Rohm, Robert Schad, Kubach & Kropp, Werner Pokorny etc. To read more click here: Greener Acres Canada Inc.. the names of the participating artists are varied so illuster like sculptures in the style. The artworks, all of which are loans, abstract, figurative, created out of various materials, and direct views of the peculiarities of the landscape. A context of works of art and landscape that invites the Viewer to deal with him joins each in their own way with the environment. Responsible for sculptures at 529 Bingen on the Rhine a private initiative group to the two lady artists Susan Geel and Gisela Klippel and the Binger entrepreneur couple Gerda and Kuno Pieroth, which Gerda & Kuno Pieroth Foundation as established institutional framework of the project. Fellow emanating from this initiative group have engaged in volunteer work and enables more than 100 individual donations, what opens the visitors of sculptures at 529 Bingen am Rhein: an exhibition of great artistic diversity in the midst of the charming landscape on the Middle Rhine. Sculptures at 529 Bingen on the Rhine is based on the concepts of space, landscape and dialogue: the exhibition is laid out so that the plants and their environment directly on – and with each other are a completely different experience of art as in closed, neutral exhibition areas.

Art gives the opportunity all people in public space coming into contact with Art Museum without the threshold. The combination of nature and art gives a coherent synthesis of the arts, which draws attention to the particularly powerful landscape at this point of the Rhine and allows new areas and perspectives through the careful placement of sculptures. As the exhibition makes a great cultural contribution to the State garden show. Long-term objectives of the Foundation about the exhibition, is to realize such projects as exhibition of sculpture to inspire as many people of all ages the art regularly in Bingen. The first plans for 2011 are already made. The sculptures can be seen up to October 19, 2008 on the grounds of the State Garden Show and in downtown Bingen. These artists are represented in sculptures at 529 Bingen am Rhein: Doris Buhler (FL), Hans Michael Franke (D), Petra Goldmann (D), Rinaldo Greco (D), Volkmar Haase (D), Robert Indermaur (CH), Hans-Michael Kissel (D), Jo Kley (D), Kubach & Kropp (D), Eberhard Linke (D), Hans-Otto Lohrbach Edwards (D), Johannes Metten (D), Liesel Metten (D), Gernot Meyer Gronhof (D), Werner Pokorny (D), Achim Ribbeck (D), Vera Rohm (D), Robert Schad (F), Walter Schembs (D), Jan Schroder (D), Ivo Soldini (CH), Joan Thimmel (D), Hubertus von der Goltz (D), (D), Jurgen Waxweiler Christina Wendt (CH) more information at. Judith Jacoby

Ancient Writings In The New Time – Prologue

Prologue – the ancient writings of the fathers a first buttons used on the basic questions could be may be more important for the individual, is capable of than you can as a single after nearly 162 years sober numbers worldview to imagine? What do we know about it at all? Or do we believe to know that knowledge of the 36 passages entitles us to have only an approximate opinion about the ancient scriptures? Prolog “Our current knowledge is fully in line with the statement that there is a being that is responsible for the laws of physics.” Stephen Hawking tech and enlightened (especially Western) society provides us with much of what provides us with apparent relief in the constant monotony of life. We have what to eat, fast cars, beautiful women, PlayStation, DVD’s, TV and of course money. With the latter everything seems to be possible to arrange a hassle-free and fulfilling life. Except of course, luck and health – because these things you can also using the welcome means of payment do not rise. Here are other standards. So far – so good, then we’re doing well you’d think. We eat food, which as you like us and can throw away without regret this – because there are always new at the discounter. And although the majority of people on Earth through our oppressive, self-centered way of life so inadequate that is supplied.

After all, blessed because is giving. We drive fast and thirsty cars that are equipped with all kinds of luxury, so that we can impress the beautiful women and all other citizens thus. Because we have not too much that you could recommend to people as dignified and desirable contact persons otherwise in our lives. So we have to consider this fact not too long, we have also DVD’s, TV and PlayStation, which let us Yes as quickly forget this fact for the useful life of media.

10 Tips For Looking And Feeling Well

The beauty has to start on the inside and by this we mean to our body, how we really feel is what we pass on to others, that is why look good, has a close relationship with eating well. Below we provide some recommended foods to show off their beauty. Antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals, which are one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease, cancer and aging. Free radicals are produced by oxidative stress at the cellular level causing damage in the cell and tissues. Foods rich in antioxidants 1. Vitamin C: we found in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially in citrus (Orange, grapefruit, lemon, mango, peach, apples, strawberries, grapes, etc.) 2. Vitamin E: it is considered one of the most important antioxidants.

We find it in vegetable oils, especially olive and sunflower, dried fruit and cereals like wheat and corn. 3 Vitamin A: is provided by animal and vegetable products (fish, milk and its) derivatives, carrot, pumpkin, tomato, melon, maize, etc.). Its main action is on the skin. It is restorative skin and tissues in addition to serving as a healing. 4 Selenium: is a mineral that is associated with vitamin E.

Found in meat, liver, fish, dairy and cereals integrals. 5 Polyphenols: found especially in green tea, which also contains vitamins A, C and E. It is a complete antioxidant and anti-carcinogen. Foods rich in fibres try to have a diet rich in fiber, particularly soluble fibre, these foods you will increase your fecal bolus and his bowel movements (intestine peristalsis), which will help you to have a good habit bowel thus favouring the detoxification of your body to eliminate toxins from your body through feces. Foods rich in fiber include: fruits: banana, Apple, Plum, Orange, mango, tomato, among others. Vegetables and leafy greens: spinach, the celery, pumpkin, carrot, potatoes with bark, asparagus, etc. Grains and cereals: beans, wheat, granola, corn, oats, etc. 10 Recommendations to look good. 1. Not overeating and perform five meals a day. It is important to also monitor the feed, which should be balanced, in vegetables, fruits and cereals which must prevail. Prefer fish and chicken against the meat. 2 Exercise moderate daily or at least three or four days per week. 3 Rest physically and psychologically. You should sleep about eight hours, two hours after dinner, and in a dark and quiet room. It is also very good to perform relaxation exercises during the day. 4 You must dispense with exciting and toxic substances such as tobacco. 5. Maintain a social life centered on family and friends. 6. It is good to enjoy a lively, positive and tolerant attitude. 7 Try frequently interested in intellectual things. Study, learn new things, this would It will keep the mind active. 8. Take plenty of water, between 8-10 glasses of water a day. Do not consume or very sugary soft drinks. 9 Reduce the consumption of sugars, since seems to be that glucose metabolism plays an important role in aging. 10. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, which can damage the DNA of cells.

The Bible

It is not product of the twinkling of an eye. The Bible records a parable of the Lord Jesus we find an excellent illustration for This topic. Large crowds followed Jesus, and he turned and said to them: ‘if anyone comes to me and does not sacrifice the love to his father and to his mother, his wife and their children, his brothers and sisters, and even to his own life, not cannot be my disciple. And which does not carry his cross and follow me, cannot be my disciple. “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower.

Do anything don’t feel first to calculate the cost, to see if it has enough money to finish it? If check out the foundations and I can not finish it, all who see it begin to mock him, and say: this man already could not finish what began to build.(Luke 14: 25-30, new international Version) It is necessary to look at us in time. Determine what we are now, with faults and weaknesses, and what we can become in the fields personal, spiritual and family, with God’s help. On that basis, it is necessary to make a judgment inventory how we are now, honestly determine the changes that must be applied, and advance on this path aided by the beloved Savior. We are United to him in prayer and through meditation and application of his word, the Bible. Think about it: we need planning today, what we will be tomorrow.

It is imperative and inevitable, if we want to give firm steps towards success. The dynamic acierto-error in the long transit towards the construction of a successful future, will generally face the dynamics of acierto-error. What it is? In the tough battle that our carnal nature, will want to bring us back to the old way, putting obstacles to our change and personal and spiritual growth in the dimensions.