Tag: art and science

Policy Versus Crime

Crime took account of the world the policy makes what it can but we cannot make everything at any time we are we give to lose our lives we are not free of the accidents nor of the lost bullet always to one in the esquina hidden with the finger in the prepared trigger to go off a shot without route and destination reaching the first one that to pass without same having goes to have that to pay. Where everything this goes to stop when everything this goes to finish. (Similarly see: Jill Schlesinger). If the population lives in this illusion of that the crime will be banished of this mundo does not go only is not kept one high control between policy and thief and of pra not to know which of the sides is optimum alone knows that our world goes of badly most worse and to each day that passes the crime it is growing is born we where less waits and the ones that more in them had to pass protection it is what more lives in the corruption and in manchetes of periodicals fatal new features followed robbery of death sequestration mortals and to for it does not come the planto there more has a body strained there in the sidewalk with a perforation of bullet it had pulled its fixes does not have it swims not if it knows if it was going pro work or coming back pra house in its finger an alliance a photo of it together with a woman and a child plus a father of family who finishes to lose its life victim of lost bullet Is politics time comes the candidates there abraos false squeeze of hand making promises that never will be fulfilled the population already are tired with as many lies have that to vote it is obligation has that to choose these cambadas of thief to find politician serious it is that nor to proucurar needle in the palheiro nowadays the population votes that nor blind in shoot out this is the truth all has that to hear donates in who to ache dresses carapua in who to serve

Russian Atmosphere

The idea that the primitive Land always had an atmosphere redutura was an underlying basic concept to the research and the theoretical studies on the life origin. However, the geologists come repetidamente demonstrating the lack of evidences in favor of this assumption. The Model of the Ecopoese (1) questions the traditional formularizations of the problem and considers that the presence of free oxygen would have been a necessary previous condition for the first steps of the biological evolution. Continue to learn more with: Gregg Engles. Svante Arrhenius, the great Swedish chemistry, father of the theory of the ionic dissociao, and also of the idea of the Panspermia, was probably the first one to speculate seriously on the evolution of the atmosphere of the Land. It tried to imagine, established in its knowledge on the chemical elements, which would have been its possible components, thus developing the reducing and oxidantes atmosphere concept. Moreover, he considered that the dissociao of the vapor d' water for the light or the heat could allow the generation of oxygen a gradual change in its composition, because the hydrogen produced for the reaction would not be restrained for the gravitational field of the Land.

The study of the Jovianos planets, and the discovery of its reducing atmospheres for spectrometry, had lead to the idea of that the Land could have originally had a similar atmosphere. The fact of that the methane, found in these atmospheres as reduced form of carbon, also is a organic made up, took Russian biochemist Oparin to speculate there that it must have some linking with the life origin. This idea was transposed to its famous book ' ' The origin of Vida' ' was received enthusiasticly by scientists of the entire world. One of its more burning hot partisans was Harold Urey, finder of the deutrio and prize Nobel of 1934 chemistry, that it attracted then young student Stanley Miller for its famous experiment on ' ' origin of vida' '.

State University

According to iG the team of scientists that worked in the project made the sequenciamento and compared the genome of 200 specimens of the bacterium 23F Spain spread by the five continents. The data gotten for them they had shown that cepa used two classic strategies to modify its genome: the exchange of bases (, T, C and G) and the recombination of genes in the hour where the cell if divides. According to researcher ' ' He has evidences of that diverse others cepas of the same species Streptococcus pneumoniae must be adapted to a similar speed however many cepas common if adaptam well more slowly and not yet the antibiotics are resistant. We do not know the reason, for the time being, but he is something that we want descobrir' ' , he affirmed Croucher. Bibliographical references 1.Jornal of Pediatrics. (Rio De Janeiro) vol.83, n1, Porto Alegre Jan.

/Fev. 2007. Had access by means of the Google Vestibule in 30.01.11 to the 11 hs and 20 min. ; 2. Had access for intermediary of the Site of the UOL in 30.01.11, to the 12 hs and 15 min. ; 3.www.copacabanarunners.net? Had access for the Google Vestibule in 30.01.11, to the 13 hs and 10 min.

; 4.Site iG? Heading of the substance? ' ' .causing bacterium of the dumb pneumonia quickly its genoma' ' , published in 27.01.11. Had access in the proper one site to the 14 hs. Note: It would like to inform the readers of the site of articles that I am not doctor nor neither formed in courses of the area of medical and biological sciences. However, as Journalist and researcher I am a perpetual one gotten passionate for the subjects related to this field of knowing human being, in view of, also, for to be public officers of the State University of Sciences of the Health of Alagoas, crowded in the Hospital School Portugal Ramalho, specialized in psychiatric illnesses where I exert my administrative functions. Thus being, accepted any critical one to my work since that it is made with education and respect a time that when publishing the article on superbacterium KPC – Klebsiella Pneumoniae Carbapenemases I received a critical one that I believe I have been made for a doctor in reason to have written a phrase where he said venosa pulso when in truth it would be venosa puno. However, I am feeling itself carried through since this article was read by approximately 16,000 people until today (30.01.11). Thanks a lot to all.


PROJECT OF IMPLANTATION OF AN ORGANIZATION CHART FOR SUPPLIMENT DEPARTMENT OF ONE MANUFACTURES. Organization chart of supplies and suppliments. Attributions of the areas Managing of Supplies and Suppliments? Ernandes Coast Dos Santos? Administration and Management of the organization of the supplies and suppliments. Suppliment elaborates plain of strategy pra manufactures of them. Its subordinate is the areas of Warehouses, expedition, invoicing, controls and pesagens of residues.

In charge Warehouse? Wemerson Paiva? It all manages the process of storage of films and to guarantee the separation of materials for kits of production. Assistant of Warehouse? Carlos Humberto? To organize all the suppliment supplies of manufactures Conversion. Guaranteed the maintenance of the supplies. Assistant of production control? Mario Igor? Update of the production controls. has reported of production of manufactures Conversion. Assistant of control of inks? Marcelo Fields? Update of the controls of inks and reports of production, to organize and to control supplies of inks discusses of entrances and exits of inks in supplies. you supervise loads and discharges of inks. Invoicing? Raphael Amaral? To guarantee the invoicing of manufacture, and to co-ordinate the team of expedition in the executions of the tasks of the company.

Pesagem Shavings? Enrique? To guarantee that all the shavings generated in the production are weighed in the pesagem system. Assistant of Warehouse 1 and 2? Eder/Tarciano? To organize all the suppliment supplies of manufactures Conversion. Guaranteed the maintenance of the supplies. Assistant of production control? Mario Igor? Update of the production controls. has reported of production of manufactures Films. Invoicing? Fagner? To guarantee the invoicing of manufactures, and to co-ordinate the team of expedition in the executions of the tasks manufactures Films. The Too much positions and answer to the manager of supplies and suppliments, that define the attributions of each function.

Conclusion Therefore

With regard to the last question, if the pupils believe that the application of educative games can help in the setting of contents, 99% of the pupils had answered that yes, and the justifications had been sufficiently diverse: ‘ ‘ Yes, because people learn more through figuras’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Yes, therefore conhecimentos’ would help to improve ours; ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Concerteza beyond being amused in the aid to relembrar what already he was visto’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Yes, it can help more in memria’ ‘ ; Yes, why it would be placing in practical what it is seeing in room of aula’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Yes, because people learn more on Biologia’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Yes, she can help the people to improve raciocnio’ ‘.

These justifications corroborate what many scholars of the area of the education affirm, in particular Fields ET AL. (3), that it says that the didactic games for uniting playful aspects to the cognitivos, they are an important strategy for education and learning of complex and abstract concepts, favoring the motivation, the reasoning, the argument and the interaction between professors and pupils internal. 4. Conclusion Therefore, the practical didactics with playful games show that this form of education is not simply a way of ‘ ‘ fugir’ ‘ of the traditional standard of education, but an important tool that it assists the process teach-learning for stimulating diverse potentials of pupils, such as reasoning, logic, memory, association, strategies, decisions, solutions, among others. Ahead, of these facts, the use of the ludicidade in the schools can not be the solution for an education of quality, but with certainty it is a step so that if it obtains to arrive there..