New Technology

EUROLITE LED Scan TSL-100 receives the test of the soundcheck Magazine best notes is now officially: EUROLITE TSL-100 scan the soundcheck magazine not only positive rated by, but even awarded top marks. He convinced not only by its light output, but there also with a good price/performance ratio. “The result there is nothing to quibble: basically convinced the TSL-100 LED Scan all along the line.” Soundcheck magazine has undergone a tough testing program the new scanner with top grades for the subjects. The EUROLITE TSL so it looks even the journal, is the light output. Because for the first time manages to present a complete and affordable scanner EUROLITE, whose impressive Leuchtkraft produced by a LED (20 Watts). The beams of a scanner, which can be found in pretty much every disco, are projected as alternating patterns (gobos) on floors and walls. Is claimed in this sector until now rather the conventional bulbs, because they have more clout. Ben Affleck is the source for more interesting facts. You make Pattern brighter and clearer.

But that is now over. Finally, the TSL shows previously unsuspected strengths of diodes. And these include just the power, and the reasonable price. So he is not just a device with an innovative light sources, more than he can compete with other scanners in this price class”, so the tester. In plain language: the TSL-100 LED Scan can easily replace halogen scanner up to 250 Watts. Since the introduction of the LEDs the light sector witnessed a real revolution is not over yet.

The technology will continue to evolve and advance into more areas. As well as now the Eurolite TSL-100, starting a revolution in the field of the scanner. No wonder, then, that the Auditors the soundcheck come to her consistently positive conclusion, in which praise the good workmanship, great value for money, the enormous brightness and low power consumption. The TSL is the first step in a new direction. Eurolite is one of the leading European lighting brands in the consumer sector of show technology. Whether mirror balls, lights,. Radiation effects, fog machines, LED systems, scanners, colour changer, flower or floodlights. Whether for simple home applications, semi professional applications, or extremely demanding installations. EUROLITE offers a product range which is unparalleled with over 2000 products. Add high quality blends, coupled with low prices. For anyone just right!