Gynecological Consultation

The unit also counts on a picture of 60 (sixty) employee distributed in three general physicians, one obstetra, one pediatra, a gynecologist, a dentist, two nurses, a digitizer, a person who carry through the general services, two recepcionistas, an assistant of dental doctor’s office, two nursing technician, one to assist administrative, a person in charge of the rank and forty and five communitarian agents of health. In the unit some atendimentos are carried through as consultation of Prenatal, familiar Planning with the delivery of contraceptive methods, Consultation in Medical Clinic, Odontolgica Consultation, Peditrica Consultation, Gynecological Consultation, Consultation of Hiperdia, Collection of Preventive, Consultation of Nursing, Consultation of Puericultura, Dressing, Withdrawal of Points, Gauging of Par, glicmico Control, Nebulizao, Immunization, Distribution of Medicines, Basic Pharmacy and among others atendimentos given by the unit. Through the diverse developed activities the multiprofessional team that there it gives its service looks for to each day to perfect its to make professional being searched to cure the existing problems and taking care of to all the users of igualitria form. 3. JUSTIFICATION: This project if justifies for the importance of the maternal aleitamento in the life of a child, the complications that can appear in case that the mother does not suckle, being the orientaes of nursing during the prenatal a base for prevention of complications that will be able to intervene with this process. Breast-feeding is the way most efficient to supply the adjusted food the development of a child in the first year of life. It is basic that the gestante understands that breast-feeding does not bring benefits alone for the child, but in a similar way it and for the family. Of this form, if it makes important the performance of the professional of the health in showing of the benefits of the maternal aleitamento since the prenatal one until the purperio.