Consultant Postgraduate

A friend of inquired facebook me in the one of its commentaries following one: everything depends on management? The reply she is positive. It starts for the personal life of each one. If you desire to transform its dreams into reality, start to elaborate its planning and have you discipline. First, he transforms dreams into goals, placing in the paper or a computer what he desires to reach. But he does not forget to define date for beginning and end of each goal. Seno could be only in the dream or the will. Read additional details here: Craig Jelinek.

The reason of this is a research carried through in Harvard, one of the universities more appraised of the world, that evidenced the importance to fix goals and to have them in writing, in order to create mental intention and to facilitate the concretion. Its family with a monthly budget now imagines to be applied. If it will not have quality in the expenses, it goes to enter in the red, it passes to have it credit card and this turns a reaction in difficult chain to arrive at the balance. Whenever possible, it saves some thing, for example, at least 10%. The financial management familiar it needs well to be executed. Another important thing: care with its paradigms or points of view.

They are whom they determine if its results will be more positive or less. Then, everything starts for the vision, that implies in a behavior form and, therefore, what you get. Another example: so that if it learns more, to leave the knowledge for the maturity or wisdom, she is necessary to know to use, simultaneously, the two sides of the mind. This also is management, associated emotional intelligence, essential attribute of the great leaders. It has people that at least they manage proper. But they occupy high positions – complex and strategical, they make ' ' much bem' ' the wrong thing. These people had not learned or they do not want to manage with effectiveness, decisive factor nowadays. One remembers that before the management, it comes the decision politics (from the vision and of the character of the people). The managers who vocs know in the organizations and companies, in the majority of the cases, are pseudomanagers, therefore, in full century XXI, they apply paradigms of century XIX or XX in its decisions. That is common in almost all the public agencies and some private companies, also inside of the universities. Cause increasing desmotivao next to the servers, who start to make only routine things. Many universities and facultieses do not form professionals for the current century, because the academic and administrative management is stuffed of exceeded paradigms. With absence of modern management the results still leave of being better. Either in the personal life, family, bodega, bakery, teams of soccer, condominium, association, union, city, state, country and in the planet land in a general way, everything depends on management. I can guarantee a thing: who makes the difference is the quality of the management, that has as base the character. When the manager, first leads and later he manages, positive examples are absorbed by the collaborators, human values next to principles are ranks in practical, form healthy cultures the results are reached in lesser time and little resources. Edinaldo Marques Civil Eng, Professor and Consultant Postgraduate in Business administration