Guajas Code

Do cansad @ same t-shirts always?. Why not wear t-shirts that have personality?. In the Guajas Code, we think a t-shirt says a lot about who takes her. Therefore we invite you to visit our website, and decide if any se parece a ti: every t-shirt is made entirely by hand in all its processes of transfer of the design; What makes us have much love to each of them. The technique we use is sublimation and vinyl (depending on what the work and design required at each time); t-shirts 100% cotton (Fruit of the loom). Furthermore, all of them are belonging to their corresponding manufacturing serial number.

So you will know which t-shirt you have each limited edition. If any shirt you like, but you would like to change the colors of the design, as well as size or anything else don’t worry!, modify any changes to us sugieras. It is important to identify with you. Remember, each model large chucks, do not therefore almost certainly If you’re someone with your same t-shirt, believe us! IT’S A SIGN!. If you have any questions, send us an email and you will have to answer before two days to: Anim tie and dresses with personality!