Zen Buddhism

Here the question do we can write with the? all of the heart or how we can capture the imagination? When we write and think we can involve our whole personality in that activity of writing, that is the tradition of our calligraphy inspired by Zen Buddhism. This part is very interesting as part of my meaningful learning. Little by little knowledge in this sense is to implement it in a better way since he says that Japanese society, increasingly more and more throughout the 20th century has been culturizando, and has considered the idea of formal education as a school system that grows and grows and, on the other hand, have informal education nurtured by the original cultural influence that is disappearing, and then while there is a balance between the two sides that is functional, everything is fine, because the school system works well, but since the 1980s is too charge to one side and then the school system desfaso is causing major problems in a growing school system. So they did a sort of devaluation to its own culture by denying the Holistas aspects their culture with long history, leading them to make more individualistic, more free, linear and critical in their thinking, occidentalizandolo without giving value to their progressive philosophy in such a way that they lost the balance between yin and Yang. It is not something A. F. Chief of Staff would like to discuss. Charging toward the side of individualism, competitiveness, the destruction of the community because their culture developed it in a seasonal way. Mexico also lives a situation similar to the one of Japan, is a traditional culture that is currently passing through an economic, political and technological modernization and are also experiencing tension between the traditional and the new. Also says it is looking for the balance that must exist between these two aspects and believed that holistic vision allows you to find the point of balance between the new and the old, between the spiritual dimension of our being interior and technical instrumental dimension of the human being. .