United Nations

The 105 million euros that is they would need for this year, an amount to astronomical sight, they assume one figure less than many other questionable investment of State and local governments. The conflict in Libya costs it to us $ 4 million (2.7 million euros) a day, according to recognized the Secretary of the U.S. air force, Michael Donley, the month of April. No need to go so far. For example, the rehabilitation of the building of the Casa de Correos in Madrid, now the Town Hall, cost nothing less than 124 million euros, according to official figures.

Food crisis the Organization of the United Nations for agriculture and food (FAO) provides for an increase in the number of people suffering hunger in the Horn of Africa by the impact of drought and high food and fuel prices. According to the Agency, high levels of chronic malnutrition are widespread throughout the region and more than 8 million people require emergency aid in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia. For years, Unicef comes claiming to local governments and Western economic aid to prevent the deaths of tens of thousands of children (in 2006 were estimated over 40,000) in the Horn of Africa. Last week, the humanitarian coordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden, UN noted the alarming rate of malnutrition, the highest in the Horn of Africa to affect 30% of the child population in acute, and stressed that the humanitarian needs in the country do not have the necessary financial resources. Among the issues that have resulted in the aggravation of the humanitarian situation is, in addition to political instability, the exorbitant rise in prices of food, whose price has increased by 270% in the country since last year, according to Bowden, who pointed out that fact as one of the root causes of the crisis. Drought the population most affected by the drought affecting the region is the nomadic people, whose only wealth are their animals, which sold and used as food.