Travel Tourism In Madrid

The last vacation I enjoy this trip to the capital of Spain who had long wanted to do, and I can say that my trip to Madrid was one of the most memorable to this day as I say, Madrid is the capital of Spain, quite a cosmopolitan city that manages to seamlessly merge their status as economic and business center, in fact one of the sites with the greatest artistic, cultural and historic Spain. On my trip to Madrid had the opportunity to see amazing sites, attentive and pleasant people as well as I could enjoy an excellent hotel service and the best of cuisines. Check out Stepes for additional information. The city of Madrid preserved between major European cities, one of the most important historical centers. In what forms this old town, the Plaza Mayor is one of the most typical and popular Madrid, although undoubtedly, La Puerta del Sol is more emblematic of the entire city. There is the commercial center of Madrid, comprised of the best places and spaces of fashion. In La Puerta del Sol, especially noted the clock on the Post House, where all the December 31 meeting the people of Madrid will receive a new year, by making the traditional twelve grapes in time with its 12 bells to 12 at night. There were many important sites that I know on my trip to Madrid, the Orient Plaza, the theater a Cathedral assigned as it concentrates more gardens, museums and palaces.

The vast culture and plenty of art in Madrid, stands out in more than 70 museums that the city has. There are three museums that can not miss a trip to Madrid. While on my trip in Madrid could also enjoy a beautiful close to nature and green spaces, as Madrid has large landscaped gardens along the city, Parque Juan Carlos I and the Camp Casa, where I could enjoy the sun, long walks and even a ride boat a “in which to paddle. The nightlife in Madrid is excellent, in my incredible trip to Madrid I spent much time in bars and taverns, pubs, discos and flamenco with shows that can not miss seeing. Like any global city, Madrid also offers concerts, exhibitions, theater performances and the latest film releases. On my trip to Madrid I could taste the most traditional Spanish cuisine, such as the Museum of Ham, which is very close to where I tried the best local dishes, excellent tapas and kebabs served with good beer spin, or as it is called in Spain. My trip to Madrid was amazing, I met wonderful places, enjoy a pleasant stay in good hotels, exquisite local dishes I tried, I toured many of their neighborhoods and landmarks, and I know I still have much to learn. Issue will come back some day, not too far away.