Tag: Web design


What differences have versions Cs, Cs2, Cs3. Learn more about this with Bradley Reynolds. So let’s talk about innovation, to start in Photoshop Cs2. 1.Filtr Vanishing Point-facilitates the control of the prospects for retouching and drawing on Smart Sharpen 2.Filtr image with this filter, you can change the sharpness of detail, both on the borders of the object, and to work out details in shadows and light areas. 3.Poyavilas new team Image Wrap – allows to transform the image bending it along the curve specified by the user. 4.Prostoy way to create animation, because of ImageReady Cs2 migrated to the panel Animation.Poyavilas opportunity to work with large files.

5.Novy Spot Healing Brush tool (Spot Healing Brush.) Quick retouching of dust, scratches and other imperfections with one click. 6. Tool Red Eye Correction Red-eye defect is just one click. 7. You can work with superprojects, lifting restrictions 2GB file size on. True, I do not know where to use it. 8.

Enhanced 16-bit editing. 9. Ability to edit and work with the support of 32-bit images HDR. 10. You can change the size of objects, without fear of loss quality, thanks to a new type of object Smart Object. 11.Usovershenstvovanie tools Camera Raw 3.0. You can carry out batch processing RAW images with the transformation of them into formats JPEC, TIFF, PNG. 12. Browser files of the new generation – Adobe Bridge. I do not like what you Ping. 13. Change the font menu, you can now view the headset directly to the menu. This is the most important, in my opinion, changes. As you can see nothing special. Now let’s talk about innovations in Photoshop Cs3. 1.Udobny interface self-adjusting panels, sets the working environment, in short, everything is adjusted to as little clutter the workspace. 2.Eksport high-resolution images in a format Zoommify, allows you to share them online without changing the resolution.

Creating Graphic Hyperlinks

Any ordinary Internet user, and especially someone who has something to do with creating websites, are well aware that the site is a set of web pages. Of course, the pages are linked. How to connect to web pages Online? Associate special pages links, hyperlinks that lead from one page to another. You can see them at almost every site. Standard text hyperlink looks like a blue sign with underlined. The transition from one page to another is done by clicking the mouse on a hyperlink, with the web browser loads the page, whose address is specified in this link. This text hyperlinks.

But there are also different, as they are called hyperlinks, images, or just graphic hyperlinks. It is not difficult to understand by the name, to create them using graphics, images. There is nothing easier than to create graphic hyperlink in the editor Dreamweaver. One type of such links, as they call it – maps, images. Map-image complex hyperlink, which is a graphic image, divided into parts. If you are not convinced, visit The Guggenheim. Actually these parts and are hyperlinks pointing to his page. Each pixel acts as a single hyperlink, and points to a web address.

These picture elements are called "hot" or active. Build a map-image can be in any graphics program, for example in Photoshop. Built? Activate the editor Dreamweaver. Open built web page or make a new one. Whatever. We put on a web page Map-image from the main menu: Insert – Picture. If the image is active, note the Properties panel at the bottom of the editor, rather than on its left side. Here you will find a map window, and four icons under it. We are interested in the last three. They are specialized for the formation of "hot" areas of the image, a different form. The most elemental – a rectangle. Click on this icon. When we direct the cursor on image, it becomes a dagger. Clamping the left mouse button, drag a blue rectangle on vozniknuvshy we needed area. That's it. "Hot" zone is ready. And of course in the window reference must specify the address of the web page on which the link points to. Finally. You should see how to map window, the name of Map. If the web page you want to make only one card-An image, you can leave everything as is. In the opposite case name for each card you need to do their own.