Tag: sustainability

Chief Executive Officer

Own brands should be the first to lead by example, on the basis of a more comprehensive approach in favour of sustainability, said Victor Mirabet, Chief Executive Officer of Coleman CBX and participant in the tertulia. Thus, it would be very useful society facing brands collaborate with colleges and schools in instilling sustainable behaviour since the early. From the business point of view, it is necessary that sustainable behaviors are applied from own supply chain, permeating throughout the production process with their good practices, which, moreover, have proved to be cost-effective and efficient from the point of view of business and essential to save the planet and our environment, concluded Mirabet since the beginning. Led by Victor Mirabet, the gathering featured the participation of professional experts as Maria Such, Director of reputation of BBVA, Silvia Guzman, Director of sustainability and corporate reputation of Telefonica and Isabel Reija, Director General of Fenie energy. To access the full interview:

Environmental Forum Foundation

SEMATEC has signed an agreement of accession with the Environmental Forum Foundation to the imposed a project that allows defining a methodology for the calculation of the carbon footprint (project Carbonfeel). Interest in the carbon footprint has led a variety of calculation methodologies that are leading to confusion, indecision and uncertainty. This fact is causing that much of the initiatives are facing unexpected obstacles. Therefore, Carbonfeel aims to provide to the society of a work method for the calculation of the carbon footprint based on actual data accessible, transparent and comparable endowed with a credibility that gives confidence to companies play them all in the same conditions at the same time, this prevents the propagation of an infinite number of seals and certifications from carbon footprints made to measure of the contracting company. In this sense, through the Carbonfeel project to which it has acceded SEMATEC, the proposed methodology will be validated through sectoral pilot projects that it be carried out within the framework of the project. The goal to achieve is the standardization of methodology of calculation, in strict compliance with the existing international standards and, accordingly, also achieving the standardization of the carbon footprint labelling. All this is based on the commitment to build a more sustainable society and committed in the fight against climate change.

Management Commit

Waiver of any need for external approval management must always watch the way how it works, plays, fulfills its functions, in order to avoid that the organizational climate of the company under their charge is negative. On other occasions we have referred to the errors that not be managers, more when one is attentive in the way as it performs the functions. Among some of them as we have already mentioned on other occasions, would be: do not blame others. Assume its responsibilities and pay their ridiculous. Do this test: extend your arm and point his index finger. How many fingers point to the guilty?: one.

How many fingers pointing him to you?: three. Think about that. Let the people resolve their problems horizontally. Only Inter-departmental, or Inter-functional problems should reach you only if its people are not able to solve them. Stop calling attention to others in public.

If you have to reprimand or confront someone strongly, do so in private. Do not allow to bring you problems without a proposal for a solution. This makes people be account that there is no free lunch and that they have a responsibility as executives, present options for consideration by his superior and that, eventually, will themselves be who will implement them. Do not tell others what they have to do, if you are not willing to lead by example. Modeling is the most effective form of communication. People do what the leader does, not what you leader says. Do not pretend to know it all. No one is omnipotent or omnipresent. If you don’t know, say: I don’t know! People will respect it more and will help you find the answers. Don’t abuse the need to be informed. Management does not need as much relevant data, but less amount of irrelevant data. Stop making destructive comments.