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Today to have your own web site reaches a vast range of possibilities, although all of them should be elaborated by a programming code called HTML. Over time certain programs in which the actions for the development of the content and design, can sort were creating responsible themselves for the work of translation to code specific. A couple of examples of these programs are Dreamweaver and FrontPage; but these programs take some time to learn to use, and if you don’t have much notion of computing can bring us delays reaching certain domain according to our requirements in the design of our site.Then came the blogs, that although they are also web sites, make a difference to what we call web pages. We could say that blogs were the opening of the Internet presence of those people who would like it to have, no more difficulty which involves creating an e-mail account. Depending on ourselves after the development and aspect of it; Since platforms where I turn for the obtaining of the blog, I get all the editing tools, it’s that easy as the tell me where I have to go to the application you want, either write, insert images, links, etc.You can do ecommerce websites and in blogs, or both without their differences influence in doing any of the modes will be more productive, it all depends on our content and administration.

Specific differences will save them for another article to not escape us by the branches of the inexhaustible but fascinating information on the already present dynamic and intercooperativa communication revolution, that we are lucky to live, but to give you another idea you can be you that information on a web page is like a book; more static and specific; and that of a blog as a magazine, more dynamic, renewable and with participation of readers. And in the design, otherwise it tends to be in the pages more dynamic and blogs more static in drafting them and insert them applications.If you don’t have a website and you spare 5 minutes I invite you to see the following video tutorial so that you build your blog even if you don’t even know what you abordaras.

The Rolidos

Differentiate between the overall exercise and play considerations to keep in mind: not to prioritize methods with analytic tendency with emphasis on the teaching of the technique, and time pose a teaching model in which the simplified technique allows the development of tactical thinking. Stimulate the contact with the ball from the start. Brief and easy to understand explanations. Stimuli similar to the game. The students should focus their learning in the game, and not the methodology. That the proposed games are participatory and fun. The sequence of events and their duration.

That to use teaching methods are mostly synthetic and the global. Aspects and characteristics of volleyball (logic) sport in rebounds. Important technical movement organization of players. Balance on the Court. Little feedback positive imbalance between attack and defense. Everyone should occupy different positions and be equally suitable in all phases of the game. Transition game, must train the rapid passage of the attack on the defense and the defense to attack restricted possibilities of the player according to the position in the Court (backs or front) techniques and unique game zones, the coup of low hands, the rolidos and the game to flush with the floor are examples of techniques and situations used only in volleyball.

The tactics of volleyball is divided into two major components: complex I (K1) and complex II (K2) EL complex 1 Y 2 (K1) And K2) q Division of complexes of game K1 (reception armed attack coverage) K2 (remove block defense Armado-Contraataque coverage) volleyball depending on motor activity to) breadth and quality of the information received to get information through the senses. (perception) b) mental development of motor response, taking into account Moreover, conditions environmental. (elaboracion tactica) c) realize the motor act conceived and chosen by the previous system, is the only visible. ((execution) d) assessment of the action and the relationship between the movement devised with the one done, the more immediate possible.


Once upon a time in India, a Maharaja who was reputed to be very wise. It was 100 years old and the event was received with great joy, since everyone wanted to much to the ruler. Berkeley gathered all the information. A big party was organized in the Palace and they were invited to powerful lords of the Kingdom, and other countries. The day he arrived and a mountain of gifts are piled at the entrance of the Hall, where the Maharaja was going to greet your guests. During dinner, the Maharaja asked his servants that they separate the gifts into two piles: those who had sender and those who did not know who had sent them. At the time of serving desserts, the Maharaja ordered bring all gifts separated into two heaps. The heap of sender, those who had were hundreds of large and expensive gifts; and another heap, they were smaller, a dozen of present. The Maharaja began to pick up gift by gift of the first group and was calling those who had sent gifts.

Each one it did climb to the throne and said to him:-tea Thank you for your gift, but return you, and we are as before and returned him the gift, no matter what. When finished with that pile, approached another mountain of gifts and said:-these gifts have no sender. These yes I will accept, because they do not force me; and at my age, it’s not good debt. Everytime you receive something, you can be in your mood, transform that give a debt. If so, it would be better to not receive nothing. But if you are able to give, without expecting retribution, and receive, without feeling obligations, then you can give or not, receive or not, but you never feel that you are in debt with the other person. And, most importantly, nobody will never pay you what you should be, because nobody ever owe nothing. Do you feel debtor or debtor, to receive a present? This tale is recounted by Jorge Bucay and was transcribed and adapted by the y team you can hear the audio from this story at: original author and source of the article

Hotel Cuzco

Take advantage of your holidays in the most touristic city of Peru, Cuzco. The Department of Cusco is also known as the archaeological Capital of America, and reasons abound. A one-hour trip by plane separates the capital of Cuzco in Peru. As a first step there is to separate a room in a Hotel Cuzco, preferably near the center of the city. Most of the attractions of Cuzco are located in this area and its surroundings. The exploratory part intended for the morning schedules, much is what is about here. The historic centre and its traditional streets are very striking as colonial churches. A walk through this area is a very pleasant experience, moreover, close to the emblematic artisan district of San Blas is located.

There is no a better place to buy crafts and typical products of the region that the neighborhood of San Blas, which is also surrounded by archaeological remains. Hotel Cuzco in this area would be ideal. Nightly entertainment center is concentrated in the numerous discotheques and venues night in the city. Cuzco receives a large number of foreign and local tourists throughout the year. Tourism is the main source of income in the area, visit and book a Hotel Cusco. The trip to Machu Picchu is expected by all tourists visiting Cuzco and Peru. There are three ways to get to the Citadel of Machu Picchu. The most traditional is in train, with a duration of three hours; the second, for lovers of adventure tourism is the path of the Inca Trail, with approximately four days of travel.

And the most innovative and expensive is arriving at the town of Aguas Calientes in helicopter. Learn about Machu Picchu is an experience that you will remember forever. Book a Hotel Cusco for a pleasant stay. The capital Lima also has much to offer. The variety of hotels Lima is quite wide. Sara Martinez writes articles for tourism and has many tips to share with their readers.