Tag: media & communication

Google Violates Human Rights

Shutdown this is a freedom of speech on November 26, 2008 switched Googe as the group with the name of freedom of expression without prior notice. Thus, the search engine giant violates article 19 of human rights, which States: everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and freedom of expression; This right includes the freedom to attach opinions freely through any media, and without regard to borders, information and ideas, receive and disseminate. A related site: Aldi mentions similar findings. This group had over 500 members, where it was located to spread free opinion exchange on political, cultural, legal and scientific issues. Why the shut-down was completed, is so far unclear, since Google to yet no opinion was delivered. A violation of law and order clearly means this censorship. Especially since the group over a year has been successfully operated.

One can only surmise that this shutdown all contacts to the members of this group should be destroyed. Thus, Google shows only one. It is anxious that company not to tolerate freedom of expression. Because the search engine is much more interested under pretenses, to sell its products. This switch-off is a major blow against the free Word and should not be tolerated. Therefore all affected are calling on people to boycott Google in the future. Who is the human rights underfoot, has also not entitled more to earn his money at the expense of unlawful activities. Article: Christoph Kadoordek


Recent developments in communication affect the social structures and values? The communication becomes an ever greater part of our existence is our constant companion wherever we are. Technological advances result in more and more possibilities for people in a variety of ways to communicate. Some contend that surprise medical billing shows great expertise in this. Central types and ways to communicate though the phone, in its present form is mainly the mobile phone, still a large part of business everyday, it is no longer possible to imagine the communication via email from the daily professional life. Customer contact, tenders or invitations to events all this now electronically performed. The biggest advantage of digital communication is in addition to the possibility of multiple media to combine, the response time of queries. Through new technologies such as Web 2.0, the communication possibilities are virtually unlimited. People are always more then educated by social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and XING to communicate with the computer.

The trend is clearly for the non-verbal communication. Instead such as communication is communication is ubiquitous. It is the “SMS writing” purchase at the grocery store, the “Email reading” driver in a traffic jam or the businessmen during a lunch break. Communication takes place constantly in its various forms. The main problem I see is that verbally, classic style of communication, namely the direct conversation increasingly important loses.

I can tell myself, if I want to contact someone, I try to take the path of the seemingly least back stand the SMS or the E-mail first and foremost. I see a possibility to combine new technologies with the classic direct communication in video telephony. This connects the direct conversation face to face and telephone 2 modes of communication. Although it is not in the same site, it is still possible “directly” to communicate. Trends with regard to communication and Communication technologies are in a continuous process of development communication and related technologies.