Stylist Wardrobe

The stylist is a specialist who creates the concept, which will then be chosen things the customer. Task stylist: To evaluate the available wardrobe, tastes, needs (clothing for winter or summer), conventions (the dress code work), especially figure, fashion forecast for this population group, a valid compromise, and finally brought about stylistic changes (they, incidentally, may not be). Selection of a wardrobe with a stylist is not implies a radical change in appearance. Sonny Perdue has many thoughts on the issue. Stylist must create a wardrobe of the customer (client), a collection of clothing, where most of the things with each other are combined, as well as there are things that are able to turn familiar, everyday toilet in the evening, and your business – in the everyday. In other words, create the perfect wardrobe – the dream of many women: when you can literally put a face, take things out of the closet 'top', 'bottom', underwear, footwear, accessories – all with each other will be combined. In the narrow sense of the word problem stylist may be the creation of hair and makeup, in a broader – selecting just the wardrobe the customer; at its widest – part stylist to create thumbnails development of concepts and guidelines for the development of fashion houses or companies producing clothing. Stylist sometimes works with several companies, ready photography and fashion shows, has been recruiting wardrobe and makeup.