San Martin

To sustain this theory they underscore the memoirs of the daughter of Carlos de Alvear, Maria Joaquina de Alvear, written in 1877, who manifests be niece of San Martin, making a brief account of that affiliation. The same refers to the Libertador disparagingly as Indian, which allows me to arrive at the following conclusion. Permanent disqualification from the own daughter of Alvear, enemy of San Martin, had no purpose prove their kinship with the liberator, but quite the opposite, discredit him before the figure of no less than his father Carlos de Alvear, who was able to occupy a predominant place formerly. Pacho ODonell expressed in relation to this topic that Carlos de Alvear, the great enemy of San Martin, had fun spreading the slander that Don Jose was an illegitimate son of his father, Don Diego, in an affair with an Indian missionary. If you consider this manifestation, it isn’t unreasonable to think that in the mentioned manuscript, her daughter would be devoted to continue with the wickedness of his father for the benefit of the bronze. Juan Bautista Alberdi who visited the General in 1843 stated in his memoirs that the man who met had no relationship with such nicknames.

General Zapiola you Mitre provides another version say that you while San Martin already in Chile, is ordered back with his army, to defend Buenos Aires from warlords Ramirez and Lopez. The return was renounce liberating campaign, so it disobeys orders and continues with his campaign. The lodge will never forgive him is, and it is possible that, by way of revenge, have been they who did run the rumor that San Martin was half-blood and many other rumors more, as it was opiomano, corrupt, crazy, husband cheating and desamorado. At the moment the theory is too weak, because it holds through the conclusions to which their authors, who do not have unassailable items have arrived.