
How to create your own method, being a beginner tutor English? Here, I recently stumbled on a forum for discussion about the problems of teachers teaching English: " we deceive and parents, and students really under existing conditions, to teach foreign hardly. This largely explains the declining interest in studying the language for most students in high school Indeed, it is difficult to love the subject, who can not learn. And all our conversations about some communication techniques, etc. remain just talk "Well, in general, conversation, or rather criticism here in this direction were developed and then at the end of another and exchanged opinions on the textbooks "Happy English", Starkov, etc. Most of the teachers complained about the impracticality of these benefits. True, this is not the optimal solution, so we can understand these teachers. Car Digital Video Recorder: the source for more info.

But the main thing – it is found disadvantages of a technique does not stay in place and look for alternatives and, in general, relate to their work with love and creativity. From my own experience I know that the problem is not only textbooks but also in teaching methods. And how experienced teacher and tutor you once tried to find out for yourself these important questions? Why falling interest in studying the language for most students? Why they are very difficult to learn? Why, unlike other subjects, the They are more difficulties with the English language (especially with the pronunciation, colloquial language and memorizing words)? This is not an exhaustive list. Probably guess why? They lack the incentive and motivation! As an experienced tutor know what it means two things for students and pupils.