Comparative Analysis

COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ' ' THE HORLA' ' OF GUY OF MAUPASSANT AND ' ' THE ESPELHO' ' OF ASSIS AXE What we understand for story is about a literary composition in chats, of brief narrative, including sort and in constant renewal, where if it establishes a principle of causalidade of the human behavior, from its memories and experiences. According to Ricardo Piglia (2001), the story has double character, therefore always it tells to two histories and ' ' each one of them is counted in way diferente' '. We have it employee, also, the surprise effect that if produces when to the surface in them the end of a private story is presented. In the text two explanations for the events, natural and a other supernatural one exist. Knowing that the situation in elapsing of the reading has this ambiguity, as reading Reals, we opt to unmasking this mystery. In accordance with Todorov (1992), the possibility of imperfections between the presented options creates the element which we call fantastic. Good examples are the narratives that we will analyze to follow.

The story the Horla, of the Frenchman Guy de Maupassant, presents stories of a man in gradual state of insanity and insinuates an invisible threat with relative degree of psychological realism and probability. How much to the last one, we can verify favoring it us of the narration in first person, beyond its differentiated structure, a time that the text was constructed in form of daily. From this format, the author allows in them to follow of close the drama it protagonist, its slow and gradual descending to madness and, this proximity with the Real, in the league to the literary text sort equal, the dramatical one. History is initiated in an event, the principle, of small account, but that it contrasts absurdly with that they will come.