Today to have your own web site reaches a vast range of possibilities, although all of them should be elaborated by a programming code called HTML. Over time certain programs in which the actions for the development of the content and design, can sort were creating responsible themselves for the work of translation to code specific. A couple of examples of these programs are Dreamweaver and FrontPage; but these programs take some time to learn to use, and if you don’t have much notion of computing can bring us delays reaching certain domain according to our requirements in the design of our site.Then came the blogs, that although they are also web sites, make a difference to what we call web pages. We could say that blogs were the opening of the Internet presence of those people who would like it to have, no more difficulty which involves creating an e-mail account. Depending on ourselves after the development and aspect of it; Since platforms where I turn for the obtaining of the blog, I get all the editing tools, it’s that easy as the tell me where I have to go to the application you want, either write, insert images, links, etc.You can do ecommerce websites and in blogs, or both without their differences influence in doing any of the modes will be more productive, it all depends on our content and administration.
Specific differences will save them for another article to not escape us by the branches of the inexhaustible but fascinating information on the already present dynamic and intercooperativa communication revolution, that we are lucky to live, but to give you another idea you can be you that information on a web page is like a book; more static and specific; and that of a blog as a magazine, more dynamic, renewable and with participation of readers. And in the design, otherwise it tends to be in the pages more dynamic and blogs more static in drafting them and insert them applications.If you don’t have a website and you spare 5 minutes I invite you to see the following video tutorial so that you build your blog even if you don’t even know what you abordaras.