Month: February 2017

Low Self-esteem

Or better ask: excess weight creates low self esteem or low self esteem generates excess weight? I think that it is the same question: who did first, the chicken or the egg? There are obviously people with excess weight with a high self-esteem and skinny people with low self-esteem. This indicates that the problem of self-esteem really has nothing to do with the body (or Yes?). Let’s see for women, rather than men, physical appearance is very important, and that is natural, because the women are characterized by their coquetry and vanity, that’s fine. The problem arises when the woman is not satisfied with her body, is not acceptable as it stands, what leads her to a great frustration that ends up manifesting as a low self-esteem. The problem is not really in the body or excess weight, and itself in as handled this situation at the mental level, i.e., the problem is in the mind. As said in a previous article, if we make a joint effort to change the eating habits and improve the self-acceptance is possible to eradicate the problem of excess weight forever. Cultivating a positive mind we can make miracles.

But how we can change the way of thinking? To answer this question we have to dig a little deeper into the knowledge of the workings of the human mind. The activity of the mind occurs at two levels: conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind controlling the subconscious, therein lies the will, has the power of discernment, and carries with it the responsibility to choose what convey to the subconscious. The subconscious mind, in addition to controlling the usual functions that make life possible: breathing, pumping blood, etc., is also responsible for taking the action the orders received from the conscious mind. If the message that the subconscious mind receives the conscious mind is: I’m ugly, I’m fat, I feel fat and ugly, no one likes fat, nobody loves me, I have fear of staying single etc., etc., etc., the subconscious mind is confident that this is the correct information to put into action, it does not distinguish a negative thought in a positive, as it believed that the conscious mind is providing the correct information. To receive information from the conscious, subconscious creates conditions for these thoughts materialize, and as she is who controls the activities of the body, cells, organs, and all systems, receive the information provided the subconscious, taking orders received to action. That is, if your conscious moves all day and crush: I’m fat, I’m fat, I’m fat, I am ugly, I am ugly, I am ugly what can I expect? Of course all this we should not forget the food, therefore, again I repeat, if we make a joint effort to change eating habits and improve the self-acceptance is possible to eradicate the problem of excess weight forever.