With regard to the last question, if the pupils believe that the application of educative games can help in the setting of contents, 99% of the pupils had answered that yes, and the justifications had been sufficiently diverse: ‘ ‘ Yes, because people learn more through figuras’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Yes, therefore conhecimentos’ would help to improve ours; ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Concerteza beyond being amused in the aid to relembrar what already he was visto’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Yes, it can help more in memria’ ‘ ; Yes, why it would be placing in practical what it is seeing in room of aula’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Yes, because people learn more on Biologia’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ Yes, she can help the people to improve raciocnio’ ‘.
These justifications corroborate what many scholars of the area of the education affirm, in particular Fields ET AL. (3), that it says that the didactic games for uniting playful aspects to the cognitivos, they are an important strategy for education and learning of complex and abstract concepts, favoring the motivation, the reasoning, the argument and the interaction between professors and pupils internal. 4. Conclusion Therefore, the practical didactics with playful games show that this form of education is not simply a way of ‘ ‘ fugir’ ‘ of the traditional standard of education, but an important tool that it assists the process teach-learning for stimulating diverse potentials of pupils, such as reasoning, logic, memory, association, strategies, decisions, solutions, among others. Ahead, of these facts, the use of the ludicidade in the schools can not be the solution for an education of quality, but with certainty it is a step so that if it obtains to arrive there..