Look for reviews from real people on the internet about the stores, the benefit, there are plenty of sites where collected thousands of times. Naturally, if you see an online store 'h'postoyanno deceive the citizens, collecting money and not send the goods. What not to plunge pass by. Conversely, if a store has no 'scary' times, feel free to make a reservation. Someone too lazy to go into the savings bank and pay the bill. Well, if you buy goods in stores, then you must go to him. What difference does it go to the store or in a savings bank? Do not forget that most often shop online obtained much cheaper shopping in stores. That is, even for the sake of this difference can go to a savings bank, pay the ticket and wait for delivery.
In many 'Net-shops is possible to order payment credit card, electronic money, without leaving home. Do not forget that even if the shop is not possible to pay by credit card, you can pay the same ticket, using a system of bank-client, the site of his bank. Many scary is how is the exchange of defective or of faulty goods. When buying a product, whether delivery by courier or by mail, you must issue a guarantee documents. Again, read the reviews about the stores, that sell products without warranty. Further in accordance with the legislation go to the service center and repair. If you can not repair. Write an application for a refund or exchange goods for the same.