Tag: today

Casement Windows

I’m in Chicago and I have to replace the patio doors on the South side of my house. Frequently Dunkin’ Donuts has said that publicly. What kind of glass do I recommend? What is sought is the lowest UV value, while kept as high as possible solar heat gain coefficient. This information can be found on the NFRC label on almost all Windows available for purchase. * For the purpose of obtaining an acceptable UV value, a filler of argon in the dual panel Chamber is required. Do * what you want to be avoid? It happens that the vast majority of manufacturers achieve a gain coefficient of acceptable heat but not much improve control of solar ultraviolet radiation. * Some of the best available double pane glass has an UV value of solar energy of 0.25 with a coefficient of 0.42 heat gain, which would be excellent for your application. Another area important to consider is the loss of heat through the slides or guides on which slide doors and Windows, usually sealing which offer to the passage of air is not very tight.

* We recommend to anyone that you want to build a more sustainable home controlling solar energy, lean by the French system of doors and Casement Windows, where you can get a better seal units. Remember to protect your home against overheating by solar energy in summer too, especially if you increase the size of the Windows of the West or South. Depending on your specific needs add building components such as eaves, galleries, deciduous trees, curtains. All of these excellent options for a good solution to regulate the uptake of solar energy.


Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.-the possibility that 49 percent of the shares of Petroleos Mexicanos are placed in the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores grows and there pointing the energy reform that lobby in the Congress of the Union. States that it is not a privatization, but a democratization of the company urges that injections of capital for exploration and exploitation of new oil fields. Based on the operation of the company in terms of Sociedad Anonima, Mexicans could know, finally, is the wealth of the company, financial management and transparency of numbers. The market would punish or reward the conduction of Pemex which all we know matter gasolines that added taxes to sustain the Costo-pais. It is the last call for a company that produces billions of dollars, but that has the years counted about twelve in its current oil reserves. Cuba opened up to foreign investment in this area and if Mexico makes it in the bag, are It ensures that it does not fall into the hands of some oil monopoly. And step, to protect the property of the nation. That route is the CFE? The wearer the debate will be between nationalists and false capitalist saviours..

Buenos Aires

Travel nowadays is very easy, but not so much do it economically, especially if we want to cross the Atlantic and visit the American continent. While low-cost airlines have proliferated and, in general, the price of airline tickets has fallen, the truth is that travel still can leave us very expensive if we do not choose accommodation with tiento. In fact, is hosting what less economical can exit us. Source: music downloads. How to find good apartments in Buenos Aires if you are going to visit the Argentine country and, more specifically, its capital, then the best thing you can do is opt for apartments in Buenos Aires. These are, without a doubt, the best choice of accommodation that you can have for a medium and long stay.

The great advantage of apartments in Buenos Aires is that they provide maximum flexibility when it comes to tourism. Other leaders such as fish oil supplement offer similar insights. For example, what you’ll leave a fortune in an expensive hotel which you will not enjoy because you’re going to spend most time out visiting the city? Account with the confidence of Baires Apartments Baires Apartments offers a wide variety of apartments in the capital of Argentina so that everyone can find that best suits our needs. All apartments are located in the best areas of the city, and you’ll have to your around all the services you may need. In addition, Baires Apartments undertakes to offer you an affordable price for their apartments without sacrificing the quality one iota. The most important thing is that customer to feel completely comfortable and comfortable apartments, in a manner which enjoy completely your stay.

Medical Consultations

Accompanied by the head of jurisdiction health number two isthmus, Carlos Cruz Perez, the director of the SSO, Victor Hugo Santos Leon, infrastructure as well as the general coordinator of maintenance and conservation, Bersain Ruiz Morales, endorsed its commitment to strengthen the medical units as tumedicoaltelefono.es and said that the work will be completed shortly. For its part the administrator of the hospital, Ruben Toledo Cabrera, on behalf of the director, Alejandro Leon Aragon, said that already has six years of serving the community, and were 22 thousand only in so far this 2012 actions for the benefit of 39 thousand 529 inhabitants. He stressed that thousand have provided 408 outpatient care, between first and subsequent, 897 specialties, and two thousand 423 urgencies, with an area of responsibility comprised of Santa Maria Mixtequilla, San Blas Atempa, Jalapa del Marques and Magdalena Tequisistlan. 78 Deliveries, Caesarean sections 263, 603 surgical interventions, in addition to 14 thousand have attended 711 lab tests, mil 520 of Radiology and 112 samples taken for newborn screening. Second day, coast in response to the actions of emergency by the passage of Hurricane Carlotta, Tenorio Vasconcelos moved to Santa Maria Tonameca Health Center, where verified the functioning of the same, their slaughter in medicines and healing material. The head of that unit, Eusebio Pin Gutierrez, stressed that so far not been reported to any injured or sick person by this phenomenon, so emphasized that this unit serves a population of two thousand inhabitants and they grant between 15 and 25 medical consultations per day. In that tenor, the official was moved to general hospital with 30 beds of Puerto Escondido, in order to corroborate its resolution capacity to serve the population that requires it in case of any contingency. In an interview, it was reported that staff of 32 hospitals and 751 health centers in the State, as well as the areas of epidemiological surveillance, health regulation, vectors, promotion, health care and the six jurisdictions, are prepared to serve the population requiring medical services in a timely manner. In San Pedro Mixtepec, the official toured the unit in the company of Director Blanca Estela Hernandez Perez, who argued that he has four clinics where outpatient, emergency, dentistry and psychology, is awarded four beds for hospitalization and referred one thousand are awarded 300 queries per month. He stressed that it is has a population benefited from seven thousand inhabitants, giving medicine services preventive, takes PAP, care of deliveries and they refer to the hospital of Puerto Escondido, located 30 minutes away. Finally she assured the functionality of the medical units, and appealed to the population of these regions to redouble efforts in the prevention of diseases such as diarrhoea and dengue, same that may arise by the ponding of rainwater.

Consulting Day

So when things, was promulgated the Regulation Act of food for workers (Decree No. 4.448 April 25, 2006 published in Official Gazette No. 38.426 of 28 April 2006) which provides in article 19 thereof: when the benefit is granted through the provision or delivery to the labourer of coupons, vouchers or electronic cards of powerthe non-provision of the service for reasons not attributable to the worker, will not be grounds for the suspension of the granting of the benefit corresponding to this day, thus creating an inconsistency between provisions of the regulation and the provisions in the Art. 2 of the law (2004), by incorporating an exception, saying of some jurists, about one of the core budgets for verification of the source of the obligation, enshrined in the matrix norm; as it is, the condition of the working day. Arises from the interpretation thus doubt such legislation in respect of: in which cases should be considered the employer that was produced by the worker, the provision of the services for reasons that were him or not, attributable?, because, without a doubt, this element constitutes the new budget, which verified, would arise an obligation in cases in which the worker is located in enjoy your holidays, permit, in rest pre and post natal and in periods of incapacity (rest).

Pursuant to the above and given the controversy generated, there were pronouncement by the Division of opinions of the Consulting legal MINTRA (opinion No. 14 dated October 16, 2006) was the fixed position in the following terms: in the opinion of this consultancy, when the worker exercises its right to holidays, permissions and rest, except for occupational diseases and accidents at work is in the enjoyment legitimate labor human rights, so the cause of the non-provision of services during these days of work is attributable to him or herself. clicking through. In other words, the motive or reason for this circumstance is attributable to the worker or employee and not to the patron or Patron Saint, not being obliged the latter to grant him the benefit provided for in the law of food for workers, as indicated in article 19 of the regulation, under which mandated by the own legislator the benefit is generated by effectively laborada working day.

Herbert Mead

George Herbert Mead (1934) proposed a proper distinction when he pointed out that what characterizes the person is to be object to itself. He aptly explained the emergence and construction of the person as a consequence of the use of the language. The same Maturana, much more recently, reaches similar conclusions, although on the basis of other premises. I believe that in order to be able to attribute consciousness or self-awareness to the operation of an organism, an observer must be able to sustain the body which makes attribution operates in recursive distinctions of second and third order in the language. Or, in other words, I would argue that consciousness is an attribution that an observer makes a living system if he thinks that his behavior can only be understood as an autodistincion autodistincion. (Maturana, b, 1993, p. 4) Maturana maintains that the experience of self-awareness is a recursive autodisticion experience and that the mechanism generative to make this happen is the operation in the language, i.e. the dynamics of consensual coordinations of coordinations consensual behavior between individuals.

Asserts that humans as beings that exist in the language, we live in a world of objects, objects that are not pre-existing language but rather arise as signals in the consensual behavioural coordinations of the lenguajear. During the lenguajear individuals operate in a series of distinctions of increasing complexity, calling recursions Maturana (1993 b):-Recursion of the first order: consensual behavior of the lenguajear arise in the flow of the consensual coordinations of coordinations objects. For example, a father tells his son of a year and a half while playing with him: the ball, the ball patea. -Second order recursion: objects that arise in the continuity of the coordination of the language are distinguished by the observer. Continuing with the previous example: the child distinguishes the object ball and try to play back the sound with that his father points out.


Couples, therefore, obey his unconscious references that have held them in his biography staff. The identity or style of couple goes to delimit their interactions and styles and forms of relation, which is observable in the clinic. Therefore, primitive objectal relations that provide security, containment and equilibrium are always present in any love affair. At least, thats what is expected for that loving and meaningful link in the life of every day life with your partner. But in the outer reality those ups and downs cause major conflicts in the real world, and the members of the couple are unable to differentiate in a conscious way these implications in your link affective and beloved. Of course, in that regard are expected be an object unique and of course, be unique for each other. This situation organizes life partner in terms of the bonding.

And the confusions are shown because somehow it is estimated and it is hoped that couple, and current object to behave as one who remained in the primitive unconscious life. The unconscious socket is a structure that contains the link and on which are built different structures and relations of the couple. Sonny Perdue may help you with your research. Included throughout the identification process, as well as the resolution of the various processes inherent to development and preedipicos processes. The theory linking is in close relationship with the most significant part that sustains the psychic life, since as Freud sets out where refers to the other is always present in our emotional life and we are already subject to their presence be unconsciously. Therefore all relationship claims exclusivity in objective psychology. A narcissistic configuration takes place. Therefore it is important to note at the clinic are those models Objetales preedipicos of each of the members of the couple, to understand what is the quality of that unconscious socket or that space that plays an important place in the intersubjective life of the life partner.

The understanding of the unconscious socket leads to the elaboration of the various aspects and vicissitudes of life loving. Regardless of the theoretical model is necessary to take into account this complexity for the therapeutic approach in with couples. Bibliography: Bernstein I; Puget j. (1988). Psychoanalysis of the married couple. Paidos caesium, Sonia. (2010) The unconscious socket of the couple.


If you need to record videos to strengthen its online presence and knowing that they have an immediate impact on your audience, but if it is the type of person who has a thousand ideas in his head and finds it difficult to sort it while talking to a camera, you should use a teleprompter. My guess be listening when he said that these equipment cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Because it does have reason, professional teleprompter are very expensive and unaffordable would do any effort by having one at home to record domestic videos. The good news is that based on the principle of operation of the more expensive you can make yours at home. Place the camera behind a Crystal reflecting the letters coming from a monitor, an ipad or a laptop.

the funny thing is that the camera by being well close to the Crystal is unable to capture the letters that go against the glass. His gaze falling on the glass, reading, is then captured by the camera than this just behind. Everything is you talk looked at camera when you actually look at glass that projects reflected from a source monitor lyrics. To build the teleprompter you will need two or three piece of wood to manufacture base. Some commonly used Lego pieces. My experience has told me that a glass of dollar store can serve but will have to have to adjust the angle of reflection to achieve contrast on the glass. The camera is behind. You don’t worry, the letters never will be captured, (thanks to a physical principle) that if you place the camera thing more close to the glass, to ensure image cleaning.When have you finished your appliance, you can call home teleprompter, cover with a dark cloth, old camera type, this will increase the contrast within the reflector housing.It’s fun, practical, because it works and especially economic. Do luck, then tells me how you did?