Tag: stories


DAILY OF WORKMANSHIP Text: Daniela Souza The meeting was tense, stated periods were unnegotiable, the questions techniques for more exemplary they were never enough stops institucional agency that of so minute it beirava I exaggerate to it. The people in the room remembered personages of Kafka in those you move bureaucratic interminable. In the used white leaf for guideline notations, the architect wrote something more or less thus: ' ' if she does not have to try it withhold a rock that already started to roll mount below, optimum is to give impulso&#039 to it; '. To read more click here: Tetsuya Wakuda. She had read this in some place but if she did not remember where and the heading it seemed appropriate for the previsible notations that they would follow below. The telephone touches! – Al! He was the engineer – Oi, necessary of its aid, what I make, has a deceased in the workmanship! – What do you mean? Who died? It was industrial accident? – Not, she was an inhabitant of the condominium, died of oldness! is the mother-in-law of the dealer! The architect without the lesser filter, it answered the first thing that came to it: – N AND L S THE N R D R I G U AND S! The integrant ones of the meeting, had started to laugh they had informed and it that Nelson Rodrigues already had died, the times! The engineer continued, of another side of the line – It is being guarded in the seedbed of workmanships, the way them bags of cement and it place that people uses to make the meetings, it has until candles you have access here! – Juraaaa! It only lacks to arrive the fianc! – The one that? That fianc? You the insane person? The architect answered: – The scene is worthy of Nelson Rodrigues, only lacks to arrive the fianc.

Stamen Flowers

Flowers have always been great pleasure to the eye human, in the same way are a big and immense variety, full of colors, flavours and styles, among many other features that make them take of elegance and great beauty, is both so these beautiful creations of the nature come into passionate in such a great way to taste of human experts and analysts of the flowers becomeso much so that in order to rank the immensity of flowers that are gathered all 6 types of flowers or general aspects in the following way: the types of flowers that will be first showcased are flowers according to their symmetry, in such form we can find those called cigoformas, since the symmetry of these types of flowers is to a single planeso a plane will always be different from another plane, other aspects or types of flowers are the so-called actinoformas, which have two similar parts, the last aspect for the classification of types of flowers is asymmetry, which its name says it all, does not have a line of symmetry. The second aspect to classify types of flowers, is the separation between the petals, in such shape are the gamopetalas, which all the petals are United with each other, giving the impression of forming a single petal and the dipetalas, which its petals are separated between if. Another element to make the distinction of types of flowers is to establish the separation of the sepals or parts that make up the chalice, in such a way if you have separated sepals will be disepala, and if their sepals are United each other it will be gamosepala. Another means to make the distinction or classification of types of flowers is the way of the grouping or arrangement of flowers, is so detailed that flowers are found alone and which are not and are in inflorescence, which are branches of the stem. Salem Trader Joe’s often says this. Other types of flowers are determined according to the length of the style parts that connect the receiving areas of pollen with the female floral organ-, with respect to the Stamen which is the male organ-. So if the flower has styles more lengths will be longistila and if on the contrary you have short styles will be brevistila. As a last classification method to determine before that types of flowers is this the position of the ovary on the corolla. In this way found flowers superovariadas which are the most common flowers, equiped with a feminine floral organ that is located on the point which gives the inclusion of petals, already the other way of characterizing the flowers are the inferovariadas, which have an ovary under the insertion point of the petalsin these situations the female floral organ is enclosed by the thalamus; This classification by types of flowers is very useful for those lovers of flowers who wish to gain knowledge but to fund these..


I woke up remembering me of a consultation marked to the weeks, was with a doctor specialized in nefrologia, I got ready more than fast I directed and me to the bus point. I waited the transport would lead that me until another city, where would occur the consultation. I was observing the road and the forms if losing with the movement of the transport that if dislocated quickly, thinking about which would be the name of that vi of glance and if certain constructions or same the vegetation would be there when it returned. Arriving at the destination city, I went down I directed and me to the center, I was walking, ignoring the passer-bys until arriving at the doctor’s office, where I was surprised by the presence of one another responsible doctor for the maintenance of my health, this, specialist in asthma, pneumologista. It also was there if consulting, what he sent my mind to the image of the mortality of the doctor, who as well as any another human being, is passive of patologias. I was called to consult and adentrei the room of the doctor, who made me the usual questions and prescribed a series of examinations stops an evaluation, that already became delayed, due my negligence. After to finish my shortness and routine consults, the doctor still was in the room of wait, waiting resulted of its examinations and repaired that it was not using its habitual jaleco.

I thought: – She is the civilian! – It made What me to sketch a mental smile. The fact is that it waited the results of some examinations and had the coinscidncia to be there, offered me a hitchhiking until our native city, what I accepted for the discomfort of the collective transport. It surprised what me was when leaving the doctor’s office, to evidence that the way of transport that it used was a motorcycle, disliked that me, for not considering trustworthy something so vulnerable and quick.

Learning For Life

Certain time, a man who liked to help the people started to teach everything what it had learned during its life. But, nor all the people heard who it to speak believed its teachings. One day, a boy who listened to always it asked: – Why he loses you time with people who do not want to learn? the wise man said to it: – Why the young does not listen to its parents? Same that its children do not listen, why the parents continue to teach? Mine filhinho, God also in says the all moment to them, but we have difficulty of listening and we ignore even though it. It says in them with the wind, the nature, with the sun, the moon and the stars. Then, the boy said: Ah! I also want to understand the language of God! On this day the man was hours teaching some things on as God had created everything and as it communicated itself with the men. The boy was so made an impression with what he was learning that invited in the following day its amiguinhos. thus every day the teachings of that wise man had many children listening.

He passed some time and that man perceived that now the children not only were to also listen to it with its parents. Then it spoke to all: when one wants something of truth, God in its infinite wisdom and goodness in the aid to reach what we want since that our objective is noble. The love of God is infinite, us we were made its image and similarity and It want that let us be happy. The more we are happy more easily we obtain what we want, therefore the God pleases that it is that let us have abundance, prosperity and happiness. When this man finished all was astonished and already they had plain of as to change the route of its lives. After some time this wise man who already was with advanced age died, but that one cidadezinha already was not same therefore the conscience of that all we can have a better life with abundance, health and prosperity made with that the city grew and if became the one metropolis and all had become happyer for the ticket of that wise man on the land. All in that city that one day listened to its wise words can pass it others and thus the people had knowledge of that man who at the beginning did not have nobody that had given importance to it until the child gave importance to it. The man who if leans over in its problems: he multiplies it, the ones that foca in its happiness wins all the obstacles.

Paulopai Son

Perpetual love wonderful Times those the men were dressed with esplendor and elegance the delicate, sensible women extremely feminine. The man being the head of the family the dictator of the laws and its desires is irrevocable orders; the women mothers of the children and in service educators obedient fidiciary offices and. Joo Alberto Martins comercianteem Is severe Paulopai and loving of an only Tereza son a young candy, romantic and impetuous its mother falecera when still he was baby. Tereza young girl consisting its 16 years pink faces, black hair and eyes, delicate traces of small stature; he was not satisfied himself to have been born woman and its father not to have a son man, in such a way, it acted as youngster and was treated as one until handling with weapons was accustomed. It did not delay to appear pretending, but who domou its heart was the young journalist Philip Castrates just formed with a small column in the local periodical. Mr.

Joo, honest trader with a modest financial situation without great ambitions alone wanted the happiness of its son. Both already dared in the visits of Philip the touch of its hands and its visits were frequent. Mr. Joo received in one morning the visit from noble Baron Jose de Almeida widower has three years wanting to kill its curiosity on the enchantments of the son of the trader who had it some loans, when seeing with its proper eyes the extraordinary beauty of Tereza, considered without roundups marriage, a common act of a cold man and calculating he wanted to possess it as an adornment without any affection. Mr. Joo was infuriated with such proposal, but he was pressured and without having as to react to the threats he gave its only one filhaem marriage. Terezatentou to act as it could to the situation declaring openly that possua no affection to the Baron and did not want to marry foiem goes.